

Scents/smells refer to the different way each individual Mythological Creature smells like. These smells can only be picked up by other Mythological Creatures. They serve their purpose in distinguishing what kind of Mythological Creature is who/what. Humans, however, cannot smell these scents nor do they have one of their own; they're a clean slate so-to-speak. A list is provided below to give a general idea on which creature smells like what:

  • Jackalope: Cinnamon

  • Vampire: Blood (Iron/Copper)

  • Angel: Caramel

  • Demon: Smoke

  • Incubi/Succubi: After the "Deed" (Sex, essentially; Incubi/Succubi are sexually driven devils/demons)

  • Elves: Pine (Depends on what type of Elf they are, so they smell like whatever biome they protect)

  • Undead: Rotten Meat

  • Robots/Cyborgs: Gasoline

  • Witches: Sage

  • Sirens: Salt Water (Deep ocean water)

  • Merpeople: Fresh Water (Like that from a lake or river)

  • Ghosts: Ashes

  • Etc.

When it comes to the scent from a Hybrid child between a Mythological Creature and a Human, the child will take on the Mythological Creature parent's scent. In the case of a Hybrid child between two Mythological Creatures, the child will take on the Mythological Creature parent's scent who is more widely know to humanity. The more widely known the creature is to humanity the more prominent their scent becomes. For example, if a Vampire has a child with a type of Cryptid that child will inherit the Vampire's scent as it's more widely known to humanity compared to the Cryptid. If both parents are widely known Mythological Creatures, then the child will take on BOTH scents of its parents (their scents will merge into one scent). For example, if a Siren has a child with a Lagoon Elf then their child will take on the scent of Kelp or Seaweed, seeing as the Siren comes from a salt water biome/home and the Lagoon Elf comes from a biome where it protects aquatic life. However, a Hybrid's scent will come off slightly weaker compared to a Pure-Blood's scent and they will also have a harder time distinguishing the scents of other Mythological Creatures.