Epub Reader Download Reddit

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Calibre: Good as a library management app, but sucks at cross platform editing. If I highlight some text in Calibre reader, then open that PDF with adobe reader or SumatraPDF, the highlights simply vanish!

I can't seem to find a decent epub reader that's free. I tried ebookdroid but it doesn't seem that good tbh. I want a simple app where I can easily change fonts and page colors. Moon+ Reader and also ReadEra are so far what I'm using.

Yes, I know that Epub functionality was discontinued an year ago. Yes, I haven't updated my PC since then so that I can keep Edge continuing to support epub files. I was absolutely hooked to reading my books seamlessly on it.

Since, Windows10 update decided to be ruthless and automatically start on my pc which resulted into a massive OS crash, and I had to install Windows10 all over again which came with the updated Edge browser. Since then I've been searching like a mad monkey for something as close to the edge's epub reader functionality and nothing pleases me.

Right now I'm using Okular. It is usable for reading. Though, searching through an epub is surprisingly slow. If I unzip the epub and use grep, searching is instant. Also, I tried to copy text from an epub, and it didn't work. First of all I can't simply select text using the mouse in the usual way, and can only select all or all text on the current page. Then when I copy, it is not on the clipboard. I tried both in X and Wayland. If I unzip the file and view the HTML file for that part of the book in a browser, it is easy to select and copy text.

I've tried calibre, okular, bookworm and foliate, with foliate providing by far the nicest experience for ebooks. But that experience is way worse than it is with a typical pdf reader. Latex doesn't render properly, scrolling is choppy, special text formatting (ie. code) doesn't really work, jumping between pages is buggy, etc. The only real advantage I can see is that with ebooks, you can make a section breakless and scrollable which is nice when reading code, whereas pdfs just split it onto multiple pages.

The book came as an .epub (not converted from PDF) but it seems that there are quite a number of issues, especially with images not displaying at all and indentation being completely gone from text.

I use Calibre E-reader for ePubs typically. I'm not looking for a complete replacement for that. However, the work flow in Obsidian is otherwise great, apart from not currently being able to/knowing how to search ePubs in Obsidian.

I'm already using Syncthing to synchronise files between my phone and my computer - that's not what I'm looking for. I just need an app that can display the annotations I have made with the Calibre epub reader.

For the longest time I stuck around on Windows 10 version 1903 (with some really convoluted means of getting an older version of Edge Legacy from 1809 with EPUB and PDF reading support) simply because I found the reader experience that good and inseparable from my workflow, especially how it handled trackpad gestures and flowed between pages seamlessly.

I did not realize it would be this exhausting to find a visually appealing, smart ebook reader for my Windows surface. Do you guys have any suggestions? I am looking for something as clean as the iBook app which also has pleasing page-turning animations. Something with pen support for making notes would be great but it's not my priority. Most of the apps I have used on this surface are so basic and not visually appealing. Yes, my priority is that page-turning animation along with good UI. It is weird but I am so annoyed that I could not find one yet.

The extra nice thing of kindle android is that it keeps headings separated. It's really perfect for browsing. Pity it would not do that for pdfs or for epub files not from amazon. Hence my question here.

Is there any ePub reader app that can sync progress between my iPad and iPhone? I want to be able to upload whatever books I want and use those books for offline use. When I get wifi, then the books sync the progress.

I've been working on an Electron epub reader called Jorkens, based on the excellent epub.js library at My project, which is intended mainly to facilitate the use of various types of reference resources while reading foreign language books, is at It's a work in progress, but is becoming useful, I think. It's been tested only on Windows 10 so far, but at least a Linux version will be coming later. In addition to links to online dictionaries for various languages, it can search local glossaries and parallel texts (translation memories), and has some support for text-to-speech and machine translation. It has its own basic flashcard review system, as well as an option to export flashcards for use in Anki (a full-fledged spaced repetition system). I haven't posted a binary release yet but anyone interested in looking at Jorkens should be able to run the development version. A few things don't work yet, like the library view, and the CSS needs work, but I hope to get to that. Any suggestions are welcome - I'm a hobbyist programmer and mostly progress by trial and error...

I recently upgrade dot a iPhone 14 Pro Max and been suing Google Play books as I like to upload my own epubs. I tried the default books app but lack of customization and lack of easy bookmarking led me to look elsewhere. Used to Marvin so looked at it but Marvin 3 link tells me "not available in my country". Tried BookFusion and while not bad, paying to access offline files in a no go for me.

When I use Zathura to view epubs (Already installed mupdf plugin), scrolling through chapter view (pressing tab) and clicking on a chapter takes me back to the 1st page. What I mean by that is all links to chapters redirect to page 1, unlike in a pdf.

Does anyone know of an Epub/ebook reader that doesn't look like it's from the early 2000s? I've tried Calibre but it's super clunky and unintuitive, and Sumatra PDF is okay but also feels really outdated.

I have tried just about every EPUB view that I can find for both Windows and Android, and the only one that I'm okay with is ReadEra (I bought Premium) for Android. Still not satisfied with any EPUB reader on my PC. I would be almost okay with reading them in Calibre if only I could smoothly transition between chapter ends (and know where they're at). I've always read from PDFs my whole life, usually in a 2-up mode, but on Android, in a scroll format (like Google Books or default Adobe Acrobat view), and I pretty much keep my eyes fixated on one area of the screen as I scroll the text past my locked gaze. In Calibre (as well as all other EPUB readers that I can find for both Android and Windows, if I can even get them to scroll instead of page jump), I abruptly reach chapter ends, and without knowing that I'm reaching the end, as soon as I scroll one more line, it hops to the beginning of the next chapter. It's a highly disruptive process. 5376163bf9

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