🏆 3rd place in the "World Music Hackathon 2.0" 2020 (1000+ teams)


Online digital and cloud storage of media act as single points of failure, prone to hacking, resulting in access to a large collection of media that can spread across the internet in a matter of seconds. SADIO (Secure audio) is a solution for secure audio encoding and storage, with the goal of minimising piracy through illegal access/downloads. The solution is comprised of 2 parts: an audio encoding/decoding platform, and a plug and play solution for performing live decoding of stored encoded audio.

This solution proves useful when all online digital storage of audio on the internet is done using the encoded versions of the audio files, thereby rendering them useless in the events of illegal access/downloads. - Artists can use the platform to encode their original audio clips using unique keys before sending them to streaming platforms and other online media services. The corresponding key can also be shared as a part of the service agreement between the 2 parties. - The plug and play solution can be explained using an example. Consider the case of a streaming service like Spotify. The content server hosting all the source audio files for the Spotify streaming platform stores all audio files in its raw format. Instead if the encoded versions are used, then even in the events of an attack at the source level, without the right keys to decode the files, the accessed audio files are useless. Live decoding can be performed using the modified clip and the corresponding key at the server socket itself, and the correct decoded bytes can be transferred to the client.

With all online media services storing audio clips in encoded versions, the risk of illegal downloads and piracy would be reduced. By law if services are to mandate the storage of encoded tracks instead of the original tracks, coupled with artists generating the modifications according to unique keys of their choice, then losses due to piracy are minimised. The plug and play solution also acts as a single snippet of code that needs to be included into the code base of online services.

Built using: Python, Flask, Librosa, HTML, CSS
