

MediHub is a medical information sharing platform that enables users to access opinions and insights from trusted medical professionals. Medihub ensures that users can access a wealth of vetted medical knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions about their health. Whether it's seeking guidance on specific health concerns, understanding complex medical topics, or participating in live Q&A sessions, Medihub offers a comprehensive range of resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of its users. Using MediHub, medical experts and professionals have the opportunity to sign up and, upon verification, create informative posts on various medical topics within their area of expertise. They can also host live Q&A sessions exclusively for their followers. Users who join the platform can follow their preferred medical experts and topics of interest, explore trending medical subjects, and actively participate in live Q&A sessions. Additionally, they have access to a wide range of resources related to healthcare.

Built using: MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, ReactJS, TypeScript, Google Cloud Platform, 100ms

Technical architecture
