
Introducing DiaHCMS, the Diabetes Healthcare Management System, designed to simplify the daily management of diabetes for patients. This application serves as a helpful companion, providing reminders for meal timings, medication schedules, and more. Patients can also input any anomalies in their health or routine, enabling comprehensive monitoring.

The system stores and organizes the patient's everyday activities, including meal plans, insulin dosages, and other routine tasks. All this information is securely stored in a database. At the end of each month, a detailed report is generated based on the entries, allowing doctors to assess variations in the patient's condition. This valuable report aids in providing personalized suggestions and strategies to better adapt to and control the condition.

With DiaHCMS, patients can navigate their diabetes management journey with greater ease and adherence. The application's seamless integration of reminders, data tracking, and reporting empowers patients to take control of their health while enabling healthcare professionals to provide more personalized care.

Built using: Python, Tkinter, MySQL
