About me

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Computer Science, the Czech Academy of Sciences in the project PANDAFOREST (PI: David M. Cerna). Before that I was a post-doc at Utrecht University, in the Vici project "Optimal Proofs" led by Rosalie Iemhoff  for three years (2020 - 2023). I did my PhD studies at Charles University in Prague under the supervision of Pavel Pudlák (defended on 30 Oct. 2020).

Address: Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2, 182 00, Praha 8, Czechia.

Contact: rahele[dot]jalali[at]gmail[dot]com

I am interested in mathematical logic, specially structural proof theory, non-classical and modal logics, and in the field of proof complexity, specially proof complexity of non-classical logics. I am also interested in constructive mathematics.