Raffaele Mattera
Welcome to my personal page. I hold a Ph.D. from the University of Naples "Federico II" and I am currently an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Statistics at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". Additionally, I serve as a faculty board member of the Doctoral School in Social and Economic Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome.
My expertise is in computational statistics and predictive analytics, with a primary focus on clustering and forecasting temporal, spatio-temporal and networked data. I have published more than 40 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals on these topics, and I am ranked in the top 3% of worldwide scholars with the first paper published in 2018 on Research Gate.
I have mainly taught courses in statistics and statistical computing, statistical learning, time series analysis and forecasting, business statistics and applied econometrics. I am a consultant and member of the International Institute of Forecasters and an ordinary member of the Italian Statistical Society.
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Contact information:
Address: viale Lincoln, 5, Caserta (CE), 801100, Italy.
Email: raffaele.mattera@unicampania.it