Relationship Anarchy Discussions (RAD) Content Library


A love circle is an activity in which people, in a group, tell each other things they love, admire, or appreciate about each other. A fear circle is a similar activity. In a fear circle, people share fears they have regarding their relationships with each other. This zine describes these games in detail, including tips and tricks to host your own.

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A Field Guide to the Queer Desire Party!

What is a Queer Desire Party (QDP) and how would you host one? This guide discusses history of the QDP, structure of the actual event, tips for planning, and tips for participation. 

Additional resources for hosting your own QDP are available here.

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A Field Guide to Conflict Bowl

Conflict Bowl is a group activity designed to facilitate conflict processing in a group setting. It brings conflicts out of the dark realm of “private” life, where it is so difficult to break long-held normative patterns of harmful behavior, and into the light of community, where we can help each other. This guide includes an overview of conflict bowl, background on its development, and  tips for hosting your own.

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Against Monogamism, For Liberation!
Anti-Monogamy as Anarchist Praxis

What is Monogamism and why would people describe themselves as anti-monogamy? Monogamism's intersections with other systems of power shape our communities and how we can build political power; opposing it is the first step of resistance

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Eleven Texts on Relationship Anarchy (Because Fuck 12)

Most people interested in Relationship Anarchy (RA) have heard of Nordgren's Manifesto, but what about the works from a century before and the decades since? This piece touches on anti-monogamous ideas from American Anarchists of the early 20th century, expansion on Nordgren's work, and eleven modern texts that contribute to current RA discourse.

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[Screen Read w/ Full Texts (book)]

Cheat to Win: Strategies to Build Anti-Monogamist Solidarity

Cheating itself is not enough... building communities that support people in their choice to challenge restrictive relationship rules is part of what allows us to rebel against Monogamism

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Down with "Partners"

What does it mean to label someone as your “partner?" This term often comes with a host of social and other expectations that limit possibilities for autonomy and queer community

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Top Surgery Recovery in Community

A detailed look into top surgery recovery in anti-monogamist community as an alternative to relying on partners or family; includes a "workbook" section to help you coordinate something similar for yourself

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"Straight Ally" is an Oxymoron

Straightness is a sham built on layers of oppressive categorization that limit our bodily autonomy, relationships, and desires

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An Anarchist Guide to Dumpster Diving, Part 2: Dumpo Provides

An expansion on the first dumpster diving zine! Includes more details about the why, when, and how to feed yourself and your community from the excesses of capitalism.

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An Anarchist Guide to Dumpster Diving
[Part 1]

What is it, how do you do it, and why is it important? Find out what dumpster diving really looks like (instead of the stigmatized image you've likely been taught) and get some helpful tips to try it yourself.

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I'm a Proud #homewrecker, AMA.

Helping people in rule-based relationships to cheat is important political action; this ask-me-anything ("AMA") inspired by real questions provides some answers as to why and how

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Marriage: An Invasive Political Regime

Marriage is not simply a "personal choice"—it is an institution that harms us, our interpersonal relationships, and possibilities for community

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Reports from the RAD 2019 Unconference

A zine produced by participants of the RAD 2019 unconference, a radical gathering intended to deepen conversations on applying anarchist politics to interpersonal relationships and our larger social lives.

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A Hopeful Future

What does RA/liberatory relating mean? What does it mean to live a good life? How do capitalism, sexism, racism, monogamism, etc. keep us from thatThis is a community-produced zine inspired by some of these questions, with a goal of envisioning a better future and bringing it into reality.

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Kill the Child

A queer theory piece about the Child and reproductive futurity; originally published in Oak Journal, Issue 3

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We have formatted some of our favorite written pieces into simple zines. Each piece is available in screen read & imposed formats. While some of these are on the Anarchist Library, many were only available in web-based formats (not ideal for printing). 

If you have a community zine rack, distro table, or just want easy resources with simple & consistent formatting, check out these recommended zines. More resources available on the RAD Resource Spreadsheet here.

Tri-fold Brochures

Conflict Bowl Brochure #1.pdf

Conflict Fishbowl

A guide to non-dyadic conflict expression in community. Focused on skill-building, vulnerability, intimacy, and a proactive approach to dealing with interpersonal challenges.


No Round Brochure.pdf

No Round & the Queer Desire Party

Practice saying and hearing no, especially in the context of a party where sex may happen. Investigate YOUR desires and respect others' authentic yes AND no.


Images & Art

Miscellaneous Content

Relationship Escalator Handout.pdf

Relationship Escalator Handout

Handout created for the workshop Increasing Autonomy and Decreasing Entitlement. Steps adapted from Amy Gahran's "Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator" ( Expanded on by elucidating the costs and harms of every step, and clarifying that monogamy is not simply one of many ways to relate; rather, it is a facet of Monogamism, a system that affects institutions and all our interpersonal relating.

A&E Handout 5-7-20.pdf

Increasing Autonomy & Decreasing Entitlement Handout

Handout created for the workshop Increasing Autonomy and Decreasing Entitlement. Describes tools from the workshop, and some ways to implement them in your daily life. These skills are useful for a broad range of people, beyond just those currently practicing relationship anarchy/anti-monogamist praxis. 

All workshop handouts & additional resources available at

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RAD2020_Notes Handbook.pdf

RAD 2020 Notes Handbook

Questions, conversations, and topics investigated and discussed during the RAD Unconference 2020

RAD Resource Spreadsheet:

A list of resources compiled and reviewed by people associated with Relationship Anarchy Detroit (RAD). There is a lot of misleading (and non-anarchist) content using the term "Relationship Anarchy," so this list aims to present content that adds to RA discourse and provide caveats to pieces that get some things right but miss the mark in other ways.

Relationship Anarchy Resource List - RAD 2022

Content also featured in...

This Polyamorous Life podcast from members of Windsor Polyamory has three episodes featuring discussions about liberatory relating & relationship anarchy.

Queer Death Society Zines (Instagram @queerdeathsociety)