RaD-AI 2022


The workshop  took place on May 9, 2022, as part of AAMAS 2022
Times are shown in EDT

Introduction 11:00 - 11:10

11:10- 11:40


11:40 - 12:40

Dylan Hadfield-Menell (Video)

Incompleteness, Overoptimization, and Goodhart's Law

Break 12:40 - 13:00

13:00- 13:50

Paper Presentations (Video)

13:50- 14:30

Poster Session

Please make sure that you are using a Zoom version >= 5.3.1 to be able to navigate between different posters

14:30-19:00 Long Break

19:00 - 20:00

ctor Muñoz-Avila (Video)

Rebel Agents: Towards Safety-informed Agents with Goal Reasoning 

20:00 - 20:40

Moderated Discussions (Video)

20:40 - 21:00

Paper Presentations (Video)

Break 21:00 - 21:15

21:15 - 22:15

Katia Sycara (Video)

Intelligent Disobedience in Human Agent Interactions

22:15- 22:30

General Discussion

Organizing Committee

David Aha, Naval Research Laboratory, USA

Reuth Mirsky, Bar Ilan University, Israel and
The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Peter Stone, The University of Texas at Austin, USA and
Sony AI

Program Committee

Erdem Biyik, Standford University, USA

Ramon Fraga Pereira, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy

Matteo Leonetti, King's College London, UK 

Peta Masters, King's College London, UK

Felipe Meneguzzi, Aberdeen University, UK

Matthew Molineaux, Parallax, USA

Maayan Shvo, University of Toronto, Canada 

Yoonchang Soon, The University of Texas at Austin, USA