We have a diverse workforce with talented people from all over the world. As our operations span across different countries and time zones, remote working is a key aspect of our business' growth. With staff in remote locations in all corners of the world, we can serve our customers, wherever they may be.

Among hybrid workers who are not self-employed, most (63%) say their employer requires them to work in person a certain number of days per week or month. About six-in-ten hybrid workers (59%) say they work from home three or more days in a typical week, while 41% say they do so two days or fewer.

Rac Jobs Working From Home

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The majority of U.S. workers overall (61%) do not have jobs that can be done from home. Workers with lower incomes and those without a four-year college degree are more likely to fall into this category. Among those who do have teleworkable jobs, Hispanic adults and those without a college degree are among the most likely to say they rarely or never work from home.

About one-in-ten (12%) of those who are at least occasionally working from home say it hurts their ability to strike the right work-life balance, and 17% say it neither helps nor hurts. There is no significant gender difference in these views. However, parents with children younger than 18 are somewhat more likely than workers without children in that age range to say working from home is helpful in this regard (76% vs. 69%).

A majority of those who are working from home at least some of the time (56%) say this arrangement helps them get their work done and meet deadlines. Only 7% say working from home hurts their ability to do these things, and 37% say it neither helps nor hurts.

One aspect of work that many remote workers say working from home makes more challenging is connecting with co-workers: 53% of those who work from home at least some of the time say working from home hurts their ability to feel connected with co-workers, while 37% say it neither helps nor hurts. Only 10% say it helps them feel connected.

Feeling connected with co-workers is one area where many workers who rarely or never work from home see an advantage in their setup. About four-in-ten of these workers (41%) say the fact that they rarely or never work from home helps in how connected they feel to their co-workers. A similar share (42%) say it neither helps nor hurts, and 17% say it hurts.

At the same time, those who rarely or never work from home are less likely than teleworkers to say their current arrangement helps them achieve work-life balance. A third of these workers say the fact that they rarely or never work from home hurts their ability to balance their work and personal lives, while 40% say it neither helps nor hurts and 27% say it helps.

When it comes to other aspects of work, many of those who rarely or never work from home say their arrangement is neither helpful nor hurtful. This is true when it comes to opportunities to be mentored (53% say this), their ability to get work done and meet deadlines (57%), their chances of getting ahead in their job (68%) and whether they are given important assignments (74%).

Older adults could benefit directly from this boom in remote work. Their skills and experience give them the ability to operate effectively and independently outside the office. And the flexibility of working from home offers an appealing pathway toward eventual retirement.

These 15 jobs are some of positions where the demand for remote workers is highest. Clicking on the job title will take you to a page on the AARP Job Board that shows postings for comparable positions. (Not all of these openings offer remote work opportunities.) Median pay data is from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

When people who are recovering from injuries or managing disabilities need assistance learning to perform daily physical activities, occupational therapists lend a helping hand. Many types of health care moved online during the pandemic, and so did the work-from-home opportunities for occupational therapists. Many of these jobs do require state licenses.

Demand is almost always high for these professionals, with the BLS projecting there will be 194,500 jobs created in this field each year. And, in the era of telehealth, many of these nurses will be able to work from home.

Speech pathologists help people with communication disorders understand why they have difficulty pronouncing certain words. Once the problem has been identified, the pathologist then helps those individuals learn how to speak more clearly. Doing the job from home opens opportunities to work with clients in different parts of the nation, but you may need to be licensed in the states where you and your clients live.

Working from home has its challenges, but most people who work from home would not have it any other way. At Working Solutions, we provide independent contractors with the training they need to succeed in a remote call center environment and one of those contractors is Autumn Bridgers.

There are key demographic differences between workers whose jobs can and cannot be done from home. Among those who say the responsibilities of their job can mainly be done from home, some groups are teleworking more frequently than others.

College graduates with jobs that can be done from home (65%) are more likely than those without a four-year college degree (53%) to say they are working from home all or most of the time. And higher shares of upper-income workers (67%) are working from home compared with middle- (56%) and lower-income (53%) workers.

The reasons workers give for working from home when they could otherwise go into their workplace have changed considerably from October 2020. Today, a preference for working from home is driving these decisions rather than concerns about the coronavirus. Fully 76% of workers who indicate that their workplace is available to them say a major reason why they are currently teleworking all or most of the time is that they prefer working from home. An additional 17% say this is a minor reason why they are working from home, and 7% say this is not a reason. The share citing this as a major reason is up significantly from 60% in 2020.

A smaller but growing share of workers (17%) say relocation to an area away from their workplace, either permanently or temporarily, is a major reason why they are working from home. An additional 8% say this is a minor reason they are working from home, and 75% say this is not a reason.

Among teleworking parents whose workplaces are open and who have at least one child younger than 18, 32% say child care is a major reason why they are working from home all or most of the time, down from 45% in October 2020. Some (15%) say a major reason why they are currently working from home is that there are restrictions on when they can have access to their workplace, similar to the share who said this in 2020 (14%).

When it comes to having more opportunities to advance at work if they are there in person or feeling pressure from supervisors or co-workers to be in the office, large majorities say these are not reasons why they rarely or never work from home. Only 14% point to opportunities for advancement as a major reason and 9% cite pressure from their colleagues.

For those new to working from home, the pandemic-related shift to telework has changed some things while leaving others relatively the same. For example, among employed adults whose job can be done from home and who are currently working from home at least some of the time but rarely or never did before the pandemic, 64% say working from home has made it easier to balance work and their personal life. Two-in-ten of these adults say balancing work and their personal life is about the same, and 16% say it is harder.

Most workers new to telework (72%) say their ability to advance at work while working from home is about the same as it was before. Fewer than one-in-five say working from home has made it easier or harder to advance.

Assessments of how working from home has changed some elements of work life vary by gender. Women are about twice as likely as men to say working from home has made it easier to advance in their job (19% vs. 9%). And while about half of women who are new to telework (51%) say working from home has made it easier to get their work done and meet deadlines, 37% of men say the same. Men and women are about equally likely to say working from home has made it easier for them to balance work and their personal life.

About a quarter of workers who are not working exclusively from home and who have at least some in-person interactions at work (26%) say they are more concerned about being exposed to the coronavirus at work than they were before the omicron variant started to spread in the U.S. in December 2021. The same share (26%) say they are now less concerned than they were before the new variant started to spread. About half (48%) say they are about as concerned as they were before.

Most workers who are not exclusively working from home (77%) say they are at least somewhat satisfied with the measures their workplace has put in place to protect them from coronavirus exposure, but just 36% say they are very satisfied. These assessments vary considerably by race and ethnicity, income and age.

About one-in-five workers who are not working exclusively from home (22%) say their employer has required employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine. About three-quarters (77%) say their employer has not required vaccination (47% say their employer has encouraged it and 30% say they have not).

Views on COVID-19 vaccination requirements vary widely along party lines. Some 47% of Democrats and Democratic leaners who are not exclusively working from home think their employer should require employees to get a vaccine, compared with just 10% of Republican and Republican-leaning workers. In turn, 53% of Republicans say their employer should neither require nor encourage employees to get vaccinated; only 10% of Democrats say the same. 589ccfa754

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