This won't change the value of X, Y or Z if it is pass-by-value. When you use a function such as "foo()", it basically copies the variables (x, y and z) into other variables (a, b, and c) and does certain actions with them, without changing the originals (x, y and z). For you to change a value you would have to return a value, something like this:

In call-by-name, the argument is evaluated every time it is used, whereas in call-by-need, it is evaluated the first time it is used, and the value recorded so that subsequently it need not be re-evaluated.

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Work through the SICP section on Streams. It gives a good explanation of both call-by-name and call-by-need. It also shows how to implement those in Scheme. BTW, if you are looking for a quick solution here is a basic call-by-need implemented in Scheme:

To get the arguments of the system call you have to read the registers one by one. For that you need to know which registers will be storing which parameters of the system call. Few months back I had written one such program myself. Basically what each register stores is this:

if you want to know what are pointing the addresses of the registries, I suggest you read -ptrace-system-call/ the method read_addr_into_buff, I did use it to read regs.rsi when a __NR_write SC was detected.

call by name an argument is pretty much just substituted into the function body in whatever (unevaluated) form it was in when the function was called. That means it may need to be evaluated multiple times in the body.

In Haskell you have no built in way of doing this, but you could always represent call-by-name values as functions of type () -> a. This is a bit more blurry though, because of referential transparency - you won't be able to test this out the way you would with Scala (and the compiler might optimize away the "by name" part of your call).

call by need (lazy... sort of) an argument is not evaluated when the function is called, but on the first time is is needed. At that moment, it is also cached. Afterwards, whenever the argument is needed again, the cached value is looked up.

Finally, there are cases where having lazy evaluation leaves "space" leaks. For example, in Haskell, folding a large list of numbers from the right by adding them together is a bad idea because Haskell will build up this gigantic series of lazy calls to (+) before evaluating them (when in reality you just need it to have an accumulator. A famous example of space issues you get even in simple contexts is foldr vs foldl vs foldl'.

Call-by-name is (as you've observed) not equivalent to lazy evaluation, but to replacing an argument of type a with an argument of type () -> a. Such a function contains the same amount of information as a plain a value (the types are isomorphic), but to actually get at that value you always need to apply the function to the () dummy argument. When you evaluate the function twice, you'll get twice the same result, but it must each time be calculated anew (since automatically memoising functions is not feasible).

So, Scala avoids the dangers of this by not making anything lazy by default, though as Alec says it does offer a lazy keyword that basically adds a memoised-function wrapper like the above to a value.

The method whileLoop uses multiple parameter lists to take a condition and a body of the loop. If the condition is true, the body is executed and then a recursive call to whileLoop is made. If the condition is false, the body is never evaluated because we prepended => to the type of body.

Once you put in your name of use, it takes 24-48 hours for major systems to update. Once the update is complete, your name of use is how the university will recognize you across centralized record systems and many systems used by individual units. It is also how VCU will address you in official communications, including in mail that is sent to your permanent address.

I sporadically get an invalid_request_error for completion requests with one function definition. I always construct the request the same and works for thousands of requests, but every once in a while I get this error, or permutations of it. GPT4 seems to be garbling the function name appending additional stuff after it, which causes the regex not to match.

If a professor in a North American country presents his- or herself by his/her first name in email messages, does this mean that students can refer to him/her by his/her first name? Or is this generally not a good idea, unless the professor has explicitly mentioned that he/she can be referred to by first name? I've noticed that most professors, who prefer to be referred to more formally, do not sign their emails with just their first names, but usually initials or first and last name.

It doesn't matter if you're a foreigner or a native, asking someone how they would like to be addressed is not rude or unusual. The answer will vary from person to person, some like having their title used, some like being addressed on a first name basis and (very rarely) some may prefer a nickname.

It is always safe to ask. Throughout my undergrad and grad career, all my professors have always asked their students to call them by their first name. Some professors say this is because they respect you and because they don't address you as "Mr/Miss Smith", then you shouldn't address them as "Prof. Smith". Other professors explain it's because everyone is an adult and you wouldn't call your boss "Mr/Miss Smith".

"Dear Prof. Smith - I noticed you signed your last e-mail to me, "Jim." Does that mean I should call you by your first name? Are there circumstances when that would be appropriate or inappropriate, such as with undergraduates or outside the lab?

Signing with his first name can happen by "incident" without thinking to much. Or because of other addressed people. It's a bad indication in general (but, of course, should be consistent with the addressing).

I am a professor at a Swiss university. I have a lab with >30 members (neurosciences) and my policy is to stay formal with my MSc/PhD students and postdocs for the first few weeks. This is because sometimes things do not work out, and I find it easier to address difficult topics (particularly the prospect of termination) if there is a certain amount of formal distance between me and my coworkers. Over time, however, I offer to everybody that we go first-names. Interestingly, I have two (Italian) postdocs who expect me to address them by first name, yet have always refused (since several years) to address me by first name. They feel uncomfortable with that, they explained to me.

A big mistake that Swiss and German students often do, however, is to address Prof Einstein in English as "Mister Einstein". Call me old-fashioned (or worse), but that really does get on my nerves. If you go formal, then please call me Dr. xy. Or else be informal and call me by first name. But if you do go formal, please address me with my academic title. Particularly if it is a title that you do not (yet) possess!

A graduate student addressing a non-advisor faculty member.


Similar to #1, but the 'familiarity' aspect starts to become more important, especially as the graduate student advances along the Ph.D. program. Graduate students are on their way to becoming members of the professional research community, so their status is coming loosely in range of that of professors. Familiarity thus becomes more important, and if a student has engaged that professor in extended conversation about, e.g., course material, a first-name basis may be appropriate. In this kind of situation, if such a professor signs an email addressed specifically to the graduate student (i.e., not a general class email, for example) with his/her first name, especially on a repeated basis, then I would feel comfortable addressing the professor by first name, at least in an email. I would still hesitate a bit to address them by first name in person, at least until it seemed that no negative reaction was forthcoming from first-name address in emails.

A graduate student addressing a faculty member in a direct advisory role.


Very similar to #2, with the exception that familiarity with most advisors ends up developing quite rapidly (in my experience, at least). Thus, for all except the newest of students to the research group, as long as the professor is okay with being addressed by first name in general, the students they are advising end up calling them by first name after a very short period of time. As well, by the end of their tenure, most graduate students end up more knowledgeable about their specific research area than their advisor(s), almost completely eliminating the 'status' element of the situation.

In all of these cases, such first-name address will probably make the professor aware that the question of the propriety and/or preference in mode of address has arisen in the student's mind. Therefore, pay attention to how they sign future correspondence. If they change to "Dr. X", then stop using their first name, promptly!

a) What to call the professor?As a rule, regardless of which country you are from or what a professor signs off on in his/her email, you should always continue addressing him/her as "Professor Lastname" in person, in email and in any other communications .... UNTIL that professor specifically asks you to do otherwise. The professor MAY ask you to call him/her something different. The professor MAY not correct you. As a default, call him/her Professor Lastname.

b) Can I ask the professor what he/she likes to be called?NO. Do not ask him/her about his/her preference. Why? Imagine that you are a medical doctor. You're been in school for many years, trained hard and despite all odds, succeeded in getting your medical degree. You of course will expect all patients, colleagues, interns, residents and others in the workplace to call you "Dr. Lastname." It would be odd for one of them to ask you if it's ok to call you something else. If you wanted to be called something else, you would probably say something. 2351a5e196

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