The Minister of Health and Welfare has, on the recommendation of the South African Nursing Council, determined that the acts or omissions meant in section 35 of the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act 50 of 1978), are the acts or omissions specified in the Rules set out in the Schedule hereto.

2. Subject to the proviso in section 35, it is hereby determined that the acts or omissions set out in this chapter, are deemed to be acts or omissions in respect of which the council can take disciplinary steps against a registered nurse in terms of Chapter 4 of the Act.

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3. Wilful or negligent omission to carry out such acts in respect of the diagnosing, treatment, care, prescribing, collaborating, referral, co-ordinating and patient advocacy as the scope of his profession permits.

6. Purporting to perform the acts of a person registered in terms of the Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Act, 1974 (Act 56 of 1974), and the Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act 53 of 1974), unless the nurse is also registered in such a capacity.

14. (1) A certificate required from a nurse in his professional capacity, may only be issued by such a nurse if, as a nurse, he is convinced, from his personal observation or from what the patient has communicated to him, that the facts stated in such a certificate are correct.

27. Subject to the provisio to section 35, it is hereby determined that the acts or omissions set out in this chapter, shall be deemed to be acts or omissions in respect of which the council may take disciplinary steps against a registered midwife in terms of Chapter 4 of the Act.

29. Wilful or negligent omission to carry out such acts in respect of the monitoring, diagnosing, treatment, care, prescribing, collaboration, referral, co-ordination and patient advocacy as the scope of his profession permits.

31. Wilful or negligent omission to keep clear and accurate records of the progress of pregnancy, labour and the puerperium and all acts which he performs in connection with a mother and child.

33. Purporting to perform the acts of a person registered in terms of the Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974), or the Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974), unless the registered midwife is also registered in such capacity.

34. Subject to the proviso to section 35, it is hereby determined that the acts or omissions set out in this chapter shall be deemed to be acts or omissions in respect of which the council may take disciplinary steps against an enrolled midwife in terms of Chapter 4 of the Act.

39. Purportion to perform the acts of a person registered in terms of the Act, the Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Act, No. 56 of 1974, or the Pharmacy Act, No. 53 of 1974.

The offence of perverting the course of justice is not confined to legal proceedings already in existence but can extend to acts done with intent to frustrate or deflect the course of judicial proceedings that the accused contemplates may be instituted: The Queen v Beckett (2015) 256 CLR 305 at [7].

It is clear, I consider, that the .... offence ... strikes at the public officer who deliberately acts contrary to the duties of the public office in a manner which is an abuse of the trust placed in the office holder and which, to put it differently, involves an element of corruption. It may be that the mere deliberate misuse of information is sufficient to give rise to an offence, but the further allegation of an intent to receive a benefit clearly, in my opinion, brings the matter within the ambit of the common law offence.

Where relevant, the amount of money involved is a highly relevant consideration in assessing the objective seriousness of the offending: Blackstock v R at [63]. In that case, the offender had channelled government contracts to a company he had specifically established for that purpose, and the level of profitability indicated the degree of abuse of office involved: Blackstock v R at [63].

Since any judgment against Malcolm McGuffey in case no. 88 C 9803 could only [sic] be predicated on intentional discriminatory acts by Mr. McGuffey and the jury entered a judgment not only for compensatory but punitive damages as well against Mr. McGuffey, Mr. McGuffey is guilty of intentional racial discrimination as a matter of law and State Farm has no duty to provide coverage for the judgment entered against him in case no. 88 C 9803.

[T]he defense of this action by our attorney in your behalf is not to be considered a waiver of [the intentional acts] policy defense or of any policy defense which may be involved in this case. If we do not hear from you to the contrary, we will assume that it is acceptable for us to continue handling the case on these terms.

Count I alleges that McGuffey's acts constituted an intentional interference with Littlefield's civil rights in connection with the leasing of real property, a violation of 42 U.S.C.  1982. Count II alleges that he unlawfully discriminated in the renting of housing on the basis of race in violation of 42 U.S.C.  3604. Count III alleges that the acts alleged constituted unlawful coercion, intimidation, threats, and interference with Littlefield's exercise and enjoyment of rights granted or protected under 42 U.S.C.  3604, in violation of 42 U.S.C.  3617. The fourth count, styled "Count III" and later dropped, alleges that McGuffey violated the Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance, Municipal Code of Chicago  193.1-16 by changing the apartment locks and removing Littlefield's belongings. Count IV alleges intentional infliction of emotional distress under state common law. With the exception of the claim based on municipal law, all of the counts sought compensatory damages of $50,000 and punitive damages of $100,000

R v Dytham [1979] Q.B. 722 is an English criminal law case dealing with liability for omissions. The court upheld the common law mantra that if there is a duty to act, then failure to do so is an offence.[1]

South African Nursing Council, Regulation 387, 1985, Rules setting out the acts or omissions in respect of which the council may take disciplinary steps, Government Notice No R387 of 15 February 1985, as amended, Government Printers, Pretoria.

regarding Question 238, the response is as follows. For part (a)(i), law enforcement agencies are seized with investigations into Eskom, Transnet, Denel and the SA Airways, SAA, in respect of some of the matters that relates to the malfeasance that have been observed. The Special Investigating Unit, SIU, is currently investigating the affairs of Transnet and Eskom in line with proclamation 11 of 2018. Furthermore, forensic reports concerning state-owned enterprises, SOEs, have been handed over to the Hawks and the SIU in order to determine those who must held liable for the amount stolen from the state. The Department of Public Enterprises as well as the SOEs have presented evidence at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture. All these efforts are meant to assist the commission in revealing facts regarding allegations of fraud and maladministration in state- owned enterprises.

The DEPUTY MINISTER OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES: Hon Chair, my answer is very short. I have already indicated what we are doing as the department to support the work undertaken by the Zondo commission, the work we do with the other state agencies and the SIU to expedite recovery as well as punishing those who committed acts that are unforgivable.

There was also a negative impact on maintenance due to the introduction of various maintenance strategies over the last five years. The adherence to procurement processes from end-users specifications to buyers and contracts management has been found to have at gaps as well as the Nine Point Plan generation while covering the critical areas, people process and plants, lacks ownership to power and station levels as well as it was under- resourced and not dynamic to enable sustainable solutions.

The first part is that we are reviewing and consolidating legislation that impacts on small, macro and medium enterprises, SMMEs, we want to see how does that legislation impacts SMMEs and we are allowed to gazette and publish that to say, this legislation

Im sorry if this seems like a rant but this post appears to be an incredibly biased opinion piece being touted as fact. I have read your PTP vs GPON whitepaper on your site and there are numerous 'facts' that ARE referenced in it, however upon discovering that the paper these facts were referenced from is an opinion piece you yourself wrote previously all credibility to this paper was lost. And as other posters have stated you have a vested interest in GPON technology and therefore cannot be seen as an unbiased source.

It's much like buying something. You look around, you research, and then you come to a conclusion of what is the best particular model for you. Stephen has done this in a way, and it is what makes him an expert in his field. He knows what is good and what is not, and his opinion (that everyone seems to think is biased) is bases on facts. That doesn't mean it's right, but it should mean that it is highly regarded.

Rude because like you he's talking down on people. If you want to engage in a sensible open discussion then lay all the facts on the table and let people make of them what they will. You are an expert Stephen but on this forum that obligates you to calmly put the facts on the table and not talk down to people as you often do.

Service Contracts. Using the same % on dollar spend, the cost of maintenance on the 48 port fibre blade are 5 times more than that of OLT blade (actually pricing of Cisco 48 port 100FX to an OLT based on number of subscribers)

Stephen, if you endlessly argue from facts about existing equipment and implementation then you're not really arguing about the merits/demerits of the basic technology. Any technology can be poorly implemented, crippled, or not allowed to shine. And this particular type of argument is simply unfair. It privileges the incumbent and says nothing about the big picture. be457b7860

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