Important: This article is only for US Chromebook users with a standard English QWERTY keyboard. If you have an international keyboard, go to Settings Device Keyboard View keyboard shortcuts to find keyboard shortcuts for your device.

I was a happy person using the Cmd+Opt+Shif+V shortcut when pasting to replace, and I know that Figma tried to change the paste-to-replace shortcut to Cmd+Shift+R before, but it got back to Cmd+Opt+Shif+V as it seemed more natural for users.

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I understand that this is due to Shortcut being added to the My Drive from the original folder, however is there a way to add a direct link, so as to eliminate .shortcut-targets-by-id\1ecqh68rKEhWPsVZA7xPirmOIcrxJGwOF and allow it to display "MyDrive".

Yes true we are also Structural consultants and already shared lakhs of files with our 2-3 users. Now due to this shortcut features, we are unable to save many of our coded excels or other file. Once opened directly on drive its making file corrupt. 

I shared this issues with google Development team but after month of research they finally declined to revert our drive to original.

I was hoping to be able to create a file shortcut on a dashboard im creating to a onedrive file that is synced from a sharepoint account. However I dont seem to be able to select the synced folder, I can only select files that are based on onedrive. Is this correct? Obviously I'm able to add the file as a url shortcut but I like the little pdf logos showing. Makes it clear to the users that they're opening a document.

Thanks for the suggestion Genevieve! Space is of the essence in this particular dashboard so might have to stick with the shortcut widget. Would be great if sharepoint could be added to the file options in the future. ?

A single tab+L shortcut to a designated section would restore the old, more efficient workflow. Another option would be customizable shortcuts to each section of your my tasks, like tab+1, tab+2, each assigned to a different section.

Like others, I need to change the keyboard shortcut to open 1Password to something that does not conflict with the Google Docs keyboard shortcut for strikethrough (Command + Shift + X). I have tried changing the the keyboard shortcut in the settings for 1Password, but that had no effect. I am using Chrome on a Mac. Thanks for your help.

Hey @sarahhooverboyd, I can confirm that the shortcut command+shift+x to open in 1Password the browser conflicts with the strikethrough shortcut in Google Docs. I am very sorry for the trouble. I will report your instance of the issue to our developers so that they are aware of how it is impacting your experience. Hopefully they will be able to come up with a good solution in the future.

If the shortcut to open the extension is already set to command+shift+x, please change it to another shortcut. After that, close out of the window and go through steps 1-4 again. Make sure to change the shortcut back to command+shift+x.

The shortcut keys do not work with the Japanese keyboard layout either. Taking a quick look at ts/editor, it seems that the indent and outdent shortcut keys are only working when the icons for the block level formatting commands are popping up. You can confirm the behavior with the following code:

Is it possible to create a link to a note on your desktop? What about to a file in a note? I have an excel file I access regularly and right now I open Evernote, navigate to the note from my Evernote shortcuts and open the file in Excel by clicking on the file in my Evernote note.

I'm wondering if there's a way to create a desktop shortcut that will directly open the note (from which I can open the excel file) or even better, if I can create a desktop shortcut that will open the excel file from Evernote directly in Excel?

No, the excel file can not be opened directly by the shortcut 

The spreadsheet exists as a note attachment in the Evernote database 

- it has to be exported as a OS file to be opened by Excel

I use @gazumped's desktop link for one very often used spreadsheet. The rest I access via the notes. Not that much trouble as I always have EN open on the right monitor of a two monitor set up so they are all a shortcut click away. FWIW.

Thanks for all of the tips. I explored the Google drive option, but found it isn't trivial to create a desktop shortcut that will open an excel file in Excel from Google drive without installing their backup and sync software that is a heavier solution that what I'm looking for. (or using the web-based Google sheets). I like how Evernote seamlessly lets you open an Excel file and save changes to it directly to the note. I haven't come across any issues with file corruption yet.

It's more of a work-a-round as there isn't an option in the keyboard shortcut preferences to assign a shortcut key to toggle layer visibility on/off at the moment. If some of your layers have opacities that aren't 100%, then obviously this work-a-round won't help and you'll need to resort back to using the check boxes in those cases.

The devs are so close now. They have a 'Hide layer' shortcut, and separately a 'Show layer' shortcut setting, but why are they not the same shortcut as a toggle? It should be the same shortcut setting - so you press it and it toggles the state between hide and show. That's how it is in PS and its far better that way. Reduces the amount of shortcuts you need to remember, and is easier to toggle quickly.

If the Menu doesn't show a shortcut, then probably one isn't assigned by default. You should then be able to assign your own through the application's Settings (or Preferences), Shortcuts. Specify the Persona at the top of the dialog, then the Menu, then scroll down to set a shortcut.

I haven't really looked at the plugins code yet, so I don't know, if the shortcuts you mentioned can be done via a plugin or if they have to be added to the core code. After the refactoring I lost track of the code a bit.

Some of the things I would go to in the code don't exist anymore or had been transformed into a few levels of abstraction. I guess it will take me a while to familiarize myself with the code again.

@tessus would you suggest creating another thread for "Add shortcut to copy Markdown link of a note" - or adding this shortcut is related to the more general question of this thread: How to create [your] own shortcuts?

I would really like to use a shortcut to create a checkbox, as - [ ] is tedious to type (or to move the mouse to the menu). And it would be even more fantastic if another shortcut would mark the checkbox complete (and add a datetime at the end of the line!) - I am using an extension in VS Code that does all these things, and would find it so convenient if it was in Joplin also.

I recently upgraded to Mathematica 11 for some side projects. I love the program, but I was annoyed to see that there is no keyboard shortcut for the Evaluate Notebook command. F8 appears to be unused in the normal configuration on Linux. So Im posting a solution for adding F8 as a keyboard shortcut for Evaluate Notebook:

Excluding the simple pirate example, I think this could be really useful for day-to-day work. I already use the search engine shortcut features CONSTANTLY at work (to quickly pull up tickets, changes, releases, search documentation, search repos, etc. etc.), adding this feature would likewise increase productivity, as one could simply create a shortcut for their preset prompts rather than trying to maintain an active chat window. Other example prompts (for more work related shortcuts could be)

I managed to solve it by editing the text file that contains the keyboard shortcuts. I opened one of my colleagues that correctly works, and found that in my computer the file contains some lines related to the same shortcut that where not present in the correct one. after deleting, it works.

So while the problem was caused by a BSOD related to the graphic card, the issue is not related to the graphic card, that make sense, I cannot see any relation between keyboard shortcuts and graphic card driver

If someone who is experiencing this issue would be willing to send me their keyboard shortcut file, or if @Ral23095587cimo was able to report back on what was modified, I would be happy to look into it.

All the best,

Jessica McMillan

AE Engineering

For everybody struggling with this i coppied the shortcuts txt file from previous versions and and put on the new version, It worked: from C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\22.6\aeks\ to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\23.2\aeks\ . Saved my life.

Title says it all. A very important notebook of mine has completely vanished from the desktop app, and appeared as a browser shortcut on my desktop that links to the inferior online version that I can't use on the train. What the fuck? Another notebook was completely unchanged btw. How do I revert this?

That was easy! My test value is coming through properly. Now we can feel good that when the user runs it as an app or on the gallery, their value will be put into the formula tool with that reference shortcut.

Note: You can change this shortcut so it also opens screen snipping, which lets you edit your screenshot. Select Start  > Settings  > Accessibility  > Keyboard , and set Use the Print Screen button to open screen snipping to On.

Set focus to a Windows tip when one is available.

When a Windows tip appears, bring focus to the Tip. Pressing the keyboard shortcuts again to bring focus to the element on the screen to which the Windows tip is anchored.

Note: Clipboard history isn't turned on by default. If you'd like to turn it on, use this keyboard shortcut and then select the prompt to turn on history. Or you can select Start  > Settings  > System  > Clipboard , and set Clipboard history to On. e24fc04721

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