Qur'an QA 2023 Shared Task!
Answering Questions on the Holy Qur'an
@ ArabicNLP 2023, co-located with EMNLP 2023
Singapore, December 2023
See you at Qur'an QA 2024 إن شاء الله!
Welcome to Qur'an QA 2023 Shared Task!
Recent Updates
7 Dec 2023: Qur'an QA 2023 concluded!
7 Dec 2023: Award winners are announced -- congratulations!
7 Dec 2023: ArabicNLP conference
7 Dec 2023: Published papers are available here.
21 August: Results of Task A are sent out.
19 July 2023: Awards are announced.
6 July 2023: Registration is now open for Task A and Task B.
12 June 2023: Training and dev data is available on our GitLab repo!
23 May 2023: Website is up!
18 May 2023: Qur'an QA 2023 proposal accepted! We are running for the 2nd year!
Information Hub!
Dataset format and download is now available on the respective task pages.
How to submit your results is described on the respective task pages..
Training and dev data is available on our GitLab repo.
All details about the task and how it is evaluated can be found on the Task A and Task B pages.
Instructions for paper submission can be found on Paper Submission page.
You have any questions about the task? Check our FAQ page or post it on our Discussion Group.
Discussion Group
Please join our Google group at https://groups.google.com/g/quran-qa to receive announcements and participate in discussions.
Task Overview
For the second version of our shared task, we have two sub-tasks:
Task A: Passage Retrieval (PR) task -- given a question, find all Qur'anic passages that have potential answers.
Task B: Reading Comprehension (RC) task -- given a question and a qur'anic passage, find all answers to the question.
All details about the tasks and how they are evaluated can be found on on the Task A and Task B pages.
Important Dates
All times are Anywhere On Earth (AOE).
12 June 2023: Training and dev sets are released for both tasks
6 July 2023: Registration opens
Task A
10 August 2023: Registration of Task A closes
14 August 2023: Test set for Task A is released
17 August 2023: Submission on Task A test set closes
20 August 2023: Results of Task A are sent to teams
Task B
14 August 2023: Registration of Task B closes
18 August 2023: Test set for Task B is released
22 August 2023: Submission on Task B test set closes
23 August 2023: Results of Task B are sent to teams
Paper Submissions
5 September 12 September 2023: Shared-task paper submission deadline
12 October 2023: Notification of acceptance
20 October 2023: Camera-ready papers due
7 December 2023: ArabicNLP Conference day
Tamer Elsayed, Qatar University
Rana Malhas, Qatar University
Watheq Mansour, Qatar University
For any questions or inquiries related to the shared task, please contact Dr. Tamer Elsayed (telsayed ~@~ qu DOT edu DOT qa), or (better) subscribe to https://groups.google.com/g/quran-qa and post your question there.