For discussions about new features post here Google Group. For technical questions use StackOverflow All issue tracking will be done here GitHub Old SourceForge Forums and Issue tracker will not be active anymore. They will be disabled once migration is finished.

After some inactivity period Dozer has finally moved to GitHub. Source code will be maintained there from now on. This transition is a huge step forward for the project as the barrier for contribution is significantly lower on GitHub compared to SourceForge. It is really easy to create a Pull request and merge it afterwards. Transition of the issue trackers and support forums will be performed as well. We are looking forward to accept contributions from developers in forms of patches and help on migration to GitHub. Write to buzdin at gmail if you are interested.

SourceForge Tracker And SVNintegration


This release includes runtime statistics support, JMX integration, event listening model, dozer configuration through a properties file, XMLBeans mapping, and a few other things. There is also a few bug fixes.

Gretl calls gnuplot to generate graphs. We require gnuplotversion 5.2 (released in September 2017) or higher. gretl packages for MS Windows and OS X include a gnuplot versionthat works well with gretl. Reasonably current Linux distributions shouldalso offer a suitable version of the program.

A long time ago, SourceForge made a decision to focus on project publishing and advertising instead of focusing on collaboration. The result? Shallow or missing features and clunky integrations.

GForge, on the other hand, continued to focous on collaboration. GForge features share deep integration to meet the needs of your team and projects. We provide a robust, well documented API allowing you to integrate GForge with other parts of your business.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of various features and capabilities between SourceForge (functionality on as of 2023) and GForge. Do you have any questions that aren't answered here? Book a demo and we'll be happy to answer all of your questions.

CruiseControl is both a continuous integration tool and an extensible framework for creating a custom continuous build process. It includes dozens of plugins for a variety of source controls, build technologies, and notifications schemes including email and instant messaging. A web interface provides details of the current and previous builds. And the standard CruiseControl distribution is augmented through a rich selection of 3rd Party Tools.

BugTracker.NET is a free, open-source, web-based bug or customer support issue tracker written using ASP.NET, C#, and Microsoft SQL Server (or its free cousin, SQL Server Express). You can configure it to be more suitable for the enterprise too, with custom workflows and permissions for a larger organization. Sending and receiving emails is integrated with the tracker, so that the email thread about a bug is tracked WITH the bug. You can setup an email address and BugTracker.NET will turn those incoming emails into items in the database.

RSS feeds are available for users who wish to keep track of issues that have been resolved. Additionally, MantisBT has integration with Twitter via a plugin, to allow a notification to be tweeted when an issue is resolved.

Versions of MantisBT prior to 1.2.0 allowed for limited integration with the CVS revision control system.[11]With the introduction of plug-in capabilities in MantisBT 1.2.0, revision control integration was redeveloped by Amethyst Reese in the SourceIntegration plugin.

The initial release of the SourceIntegration plugin supported GitHub, GitWeb, SourceForge and WebSVN.[12]Over time, two additional modules were added and as of November 2013, source integration is supported for the following revision control tools and web-based providers:

? Pricing

Harness offers a Free plan, which allows users to deploy up to five services, build Continous Development pipelines, and more. The Team plan costs $100 per service per month and allows users all the benefits of the free plan as well as the ability to deploy up to 100 services and make use of external integrations. Finally, the price of an Enterprise plan varies depending on organizational requirements.

It has always been, and always will be, our position that opencsv should be configurable enough to process almost all csv files but be extensible so that users can write their own parsers and mappers for the situations where it cannot.However, over the last couple of years a number of feature requests, support requests or feature/support requests disguised as bug reports have made us realize that extensibility is not enough and we should allow hooks to allow for the integration of user defined code to allow users another route for customization.So we have added hooks for validators and processors.

NOTE - Because a badly coded or malformed validator/processor can cause failure to process the csv file, any bug reports written about validators will be closed with the suggestion that they be reopened as support requests.We are glad to help you with opencsv and the integration of your validators with opencsv but the bugs in the validators you write are NOT bugs with opencsv.That and we have unit tests with all types of validators so we know the validator integration works as designed.Feel free to look at our unit tests if you are having issues with the validators or processors.

Plandora is a free open source multi-project management, web-based Project Management suite. Its features include time track, request management, customized reports (based to iReport), customized KPIs, dashboard gadgets, knowledge base, risk management, costs and budget management, agile board, resource capacity, surveys, SVN integration, and Gantt chart. The tool also includes: extendable agents (email notification, audit agents, etc), meta fields and custom forms.

We always need more help to keep all things going, so hereis the usual call for volunteers... ;-) If you like to join ourgroup, and help us in any way , please send a mail tovice-emu-mail@lists.sourceforge.netor catch us in #vice-dev on Libera.Chat IRC.Anyone interested in helping development of VICE is welcome. Please contactusto avoid doing something that someone else has done already. (-:(You might also want to have a look at ourTODOlist)

GSL is the GNU scientific library for numerical computing. It is acollection of routines for numerical computing in e.g. linear algebra,probability, random number generation, statistics, differentiation,integration, optimization, and differential equations. The routines are written from scratch by the GSL team in ANSI C, andare meant to present a modern API for C programmers, while allowingwrappers to be written for very high-level languages.The port of GSL has been contributed by Jerry St Clair. If you will beusing one of the dynamic libraries, add GSL_DLL to the list of predefinedmacros; so for use with Mingw / GCC, add -DGSL_DLLThis is an unofficial port of GNU GSL to Microsoft Windows --please report problems to our SourceForge bug tracker / mailinglist , not the GNUProject mailing lists or GSL developers.Homepage

If you will be using one of the dynamic libraries, add GSL_DLL to the list of predefined macros; so for use with Mingw / GCC, add -DGSL_DLL This is an unofficial port of GNU GSL to Microsoft Windows -- please report problems to our SourceForge bug tracker / mailing list , not the GNU Project mailing lists or GSL developers.General Installation Instructions

Endeavour Agile ALM provides you with reports and subversion repository browsing that will allow you to easily track the progress of your software development team and support for continuous integration that will keep up to date application assembly builds ready for test and demo.

Although it is similar to GitHub, GitLab offers a few features that are not available on GitHub. For example, GitLab has a built-in CI/CD pipeline, which allows you to build, test, and deploy your code directly from GitLab. Additionally, GitLab offers more integration options than GitHub. For example, you can integrate GitLab with Jira, Bitbucket, and other tools.

DevOps is a software development approach that emphasizes communication, collaboration, and integration between software developers and system administrators. In a world where DevOps is becoming more and more important, many organizations are looking for an alternative to the dominant GitLab platform.

To assess the performance of FastTrack, we ran a benchmark with two state-of-the art tracking softwares that have been applied to various types of two-dimensional data: [45] and ToxTrac [46]. First, it is worth mentionning that these softwares are much more difficult to install than FastTrack, and that they have strong intrinsic limitations as compared to FastTrack: both require a good framerate and image quality, with sufficient contrast and number of pixels per object, and a constant number of objects in the scene.

The benchmark was thus performed on a dataset constituted of a selection of videos that were provided with each software and some movies of the TD2 dataset that meet these requirements. idtrackerai_video_example and 100Zebra (S4 Video) are available on the website ( ). Guppy2, Waterlouse5, and Wingedant on the ToxTrac SourceForge ( ). Movies that were provided in image sequence format were converted losslessly to video format with FFmpeg since and ToxTrac were not able to process directly image sequences. DRO_002 and ACT_002 were preprocessed with a custom Matlab script to detect the objects before using the softwares. In addition, only the first 100 images of DRO_002 were used to reduce the computing time.

The benchmark between and FastTrack was performed on a workstation with an Intel i7-6900K (16 cores), 4.0 GHz CPU, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with 6GB or RAM GPU, 32GB of RAM, and a NVMe SSD of 250GB running Arch Linux. The parameters were set by trials and errors inside the graphical user interface of the two softwares. The tracking duration was recorded using the command line interface available for the two software. The average tracking duration and the standard deviation were averaged over 5 runs except for DRO_002 (2 runs) and ACT_002 (1 run) due to the very long processing time. was evaluated with and without GPU capability except for 100Zebra, DRO_002, and ACT_002 due to the very long processing time. be457b7860

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