Headphone Fixes

My headphones stopped playing sound from one side

Bad news, you broke the cable. Fixing this issue is only possible if you know to solder and if you have the necessary equipment to replace the cable or the faulty connector.

Some tips to avoid this issue with your future headphones:

  • Do not shove them into your pockets or throw them in a backpack. Use a carrying case.
  • Only buy headphones or in ear monitors that have detachable cables that can be easily replaced.
  • Do not wrap your headphone cable around your phone or music player.

If your solution is "hah, I will just buy a wireless headphone" be warned; wireless headphones may fix the broken cable problem, but they come with a set of their own issues like connection problems and dropouts, dead batteries, noticeable lag between audio/video and incompatible audio codecs and Bluetooth profiles causing a severe loss of audio quality..

A great website with audio tests for headphones and speakers

The inline microphone of my headset doesn't work with my PC

This issue often occurs when users try to connect a portable headphone with inline microphone and controls to their desktop PC. Most desktop computers and laptops have separate audio outputs (green port) and microphone inputs (pink port) which only accept input via a TRS connector with three contact points:

TRS = Stereo: Any headphone that doesn't have an inline mic or controls and two audio channels

The addition of an inline microphone makes it necessary for the connector to have an additional contact point that transmits the microphone signal

TRRS = Four Conductor: Any headphone with inline mic or controls, rarely used for balanced audio.

The problem is obvious: A PC with two ports doesn't connect properly with a TRRS jack because it is doesn't make contact with the additional signalling ring.

The Solution:

Is pretty easy. You need an adapter that splits the TRRS connector into two TRS connectors.

This way the PC makes proper contact with all signals and grounds and audio output and microphone input will work as expected.

And of course the problem may also exist the other way around. Sometimes you have a headset that terminates in two 3.5mm jacks, but your laptop or ultrabook only has a single audio port. In this case you just need an adapter that does the same thing in reverse.

TRRS>2xTRS adapter for PC

2xTRS>TRRS adapter for portable devices

My headphones simply don't get loud enough

Check your connections, maybe something isn't plugged in correctly and make sure that there isn't some rogue software volume slider limiting the loudness.

If everything is connected and setup properly the issue is most likely that your output device doesn't deliver enough power to the headphones. You need a better headphone amplifier. You can find a more technical explanation of output power and impedance in the DAC & Amplifier FAQ

How can I shorten the ultra long cable that came with my headphones?

You have three options:

  • Buy a shorter cable...duh
  • Chop off the superfluous amount of cable and re-solder the connector
  • Try a "three way braid", reducing the length down to a third.

Sorry for the rather old and poorly filmed video, but it still is the best tutorial out there.

My headphones make a rattling sound, especially when there's a lot of bass

This problem is most often caused by hairs and other particles that managed to get into the driver housing and are now stuck to the driver membrane. During audio playback the driver moves and the debris starts to vibrate causing and audible rattling noise. The Beyerdynamic DT-Series is well known for having this easily fixable, but nevertheless annoying problem.

The solution: Remove the earpads and foam inlays (if there are any) from your headphones and carefully blow the debris off of the driver membrane. Be extremely careful around the thin diaphragm. No compressed air or sharp tools; poking, stabbing or denting the membrane can break the entire driver and render your headphone useless.

From Left to right:

  • Earpad
  • Dispersion Plate
  • Headphone Driver With Membrane
  • Outer Housing / Earcup