I just updated my old quest; it's an original, not quest 2 and it had been sitting in a cabinet unused for a while so I clicked into system & update its software... I now am stuck without a menu bar & unable to do anything but look around at the dome home screen.

I was doing the massive mass outbreak quest and i had to do the 3 outbreaks to progess but i only did one and the outbreaks went away. After resetting outbreaks for hours i still havent gotten a massive mass outbreak. How do i complete this mission?

Quest 2 Download Stuck At 0

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Today, I try to change the setting from 1 to 3, and the button on the right side of the interface is now stuck. Doesn't want to press in at all. Now I can't use my $500 headset because of a $2 facial interface that seems cheaply made. This really sucks as I was really impressed with the tech. Just this morning I was thankful that I had no issues like I've read from other people (dead pixels etc), but I guess I spoke too soon. Can I just return it to best buy for being faulty, or do I have to go through a long RMA process? I just want to return it and get a new one.

It happens when you have 2 burried supplies quests open and once you dig out the first one you get double supplies instead of one. And once you get the other chest you may also get one, so you are left with one extra.

To refresh some of your memories, a class quest on Taris has the Warrior rescuing Pierce by disabling a series of laser fences and then confronting the namesake of the quest. I disabled all of the laser fences and met up with Pierce, but before meeting with Durant I backtracked to the start of the area to find a stray mob I missed for the bonus quest.

Doing that I noticed I could interact with the disabled laser fences. Expecting maybe another quick bonus quest, I interacted with the panel, only to learn that the fence went back up behind me and now I find myself unable to reach Durant again. The quest objectives that I originally used to bring down the fences remain destroyed and the panel is out of reach.

I finally fixed this for myself today. I tried relogging and changing world tier, no dice. Eventually I ran right next to the snake to try to tele through it for the millionth time and noticed that the zone name changed to something new (even though I was still on the outside) so I left the game right next to it, and when I logged back in it had ported me through the snake to the center and I was able to continue the quest normally. Hope this helps someone else!

While The Aftermath quest, we need to talk to Terolee. Our operator crouch and nothing happen. Stay crouch, can't esc, jump, I try to roll my head on the keyboard but nothing.

I must alt+f4 to leave the game.

The main problem is I'm stuck in this quest story and can't play the game at all ! Every time I relaunch the game, I need to bring the first archon shard and after I'm in the Zariman. Each time I tried, it bug at the same moment : talking to Terolee

Please help, this weekend I had planned to do some farming sessions with a friend :(

one day i was on my way to somewhere when the water bottle in my bag opened and spilled on my quest 2 & controllers my quest & right controller was fine but my left controller hadn't had the battery protector on so it got "more" water damage than the rest & now its infinitely pressed in before it also had stick drift becals of the water to but that gone away after time strangely so if you could pleas give me some possible that would be good thanks.

Kian Wareing sounds like it gets shortened out. I suggest that now is a good time to open it up. Use this guide Oculus Quest 2 Controller Disassembly for that. Then clean everything with some high grade isopropyl alcohol (+95%) and a soft brush Check for burned out or otherwise damaged looking components etc. Post some pictures of what find with your QUESTION. Adding images to an existing question

However, when I rejoined the party (it showed two currently in battle plus myself and another waiting) it seemed to be stuck there. After waiting for ages I saw that it said party had 6/4 people. Odd. So I left and tried to join a different party. I got a message saying I was already in a party. So I restarted game and tried to join a party that showed 1/4 and it said the party was full. I tried my original party that also said 1/4 and I got the already in party message. Needless to say this is borked.

I think my quest is stuck, I don't know what I need to do to progress it? I'm stuck on "Wait for the animancers to finish recalibrating their machinery". I'm over 65 hours in the game and have been doing every side quest and bounty I can find. Is there something special I have to do (or someone I need in my party) to progress this quest?

Just wanted to also note that you'll get the message to continue the Skipping Ahead quest at a random point after Ashen Maw. Might have to be on the World Map, might not need to be. But you don't have to trigger anything else, and it shouldn't take too much time after the Maw is finished to trigger it.

The attack on their building occurs after the second stage of the Skipping Ahead quest has been triggered. Probably a bug of some sort for you then. I seem to recall hearing some people having trouble with that.

So write a script that creates OVR Manager on start, but for some reason problem came back. Even though i created OVR Manager on play time (with addcomponent on start specifically) still editor stucks on starting the game.

On your main scene, deactivate both OVRCameraRig and InputOVR prefab, then play the scene, you will notice you wont have this issue; Stop the scene; and now activate both the prefabs and play your scene like usual. (you don't need to activate/deactivate the prefabs again). It seem to be able to run without getting stuck at Application.Reload after I've done this.

Stuck in Their Ways is an Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Optional quests are repeatable and unlocked after completing specific points in the main story via Assignments.

This quest starts a quest chain that will be required by patch 2.5 MSQ Good Intentions. It's a good idea to pin this quest to the top of your quest list so that you do not lose it in your Journal when you become blocked later. Once you have completed In a Titan Spot you are done with the MSQ requirements. The Primal Quests line is level-appropriate to do immediately after The Ultimate Weapon, though completing the MSQ up to It's Possibly a Primal will give you an Item Level 70 weapon and accessories to go with your ilvl 90 job quest gear.

Personally, this was an especially stressful time in my life, as my mother was dying after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. I had moved Mom to my home and she was in hospice. I remember sitting by her bed and holding her hand while also holding on the phone for a live MNsure representative to help me in my quest to obtain more affordable insurance.

My latest quest for affordable healthcare coverage included a long series of calls, emails and more calls to various MNsure personnel. I encountered individuals, who always sounded nice and chipper at the beginning of our calls. Yet, as my problem became more challenging for them, they would lose interest. It was never possible to talk to the same person twice and non one called back to follow up.

The analogue in international politics is the three-party conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, a quagmire in which first Europe and then the entire world have become stuck. The complexity of the problem reflects not only the intensity of the hatreds that have been fanned between the parties and must now be accounted for in any solution, but that two of the primary parties have immediate support in neighboring countries that also have their own bilateral problems to resolve; furthermore, each of these actors has, for historical or other motives, its own important patrons among the leading powers of the world. This Essay is divided into two principal parts: first, a brisk chronological survey of the successive structural proposals that have been advanced over the past four years; second, an analysis of the principal legal features of these proposals. e24fc04721

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