"To engage queer thrival is to ask that we investigate, uncover, and invent ways of thriving upon and amid our surviving"  

-- Queer Thrival by AJ Greteman

This page shares stories from seven LGBTQ+ teachers from across the United States, along with framing that can help us understand the importance of these stories. These teachers are just a handful of the LGBTQ+ teachers of the past, present, and future of our schools. This work and our existence is in honor and support of all of them.

Narratives of oppression are very real. Sharing them is important to survive, understand, and change them. But when we share only narratives of pain, we harm ourselves, our youth, and future generations.

When we fight for our rights, we deserve to remember that we are fighting not just for survival but for loving, joyful experiences and community. People who are questioning or closeted deserve to know that coming out means entering a world of possibilities, of community, of joy. 

Creating safe schools for LGBTQ+ people means schools where intergenerational LGBTQ+ communities can thrive, where students can messily and safely learn about themselves, where curriculum questions ideas of gender and relationships. 

The creation of these spaces is not a luxury, it should not wait, and for many it is not waiting. LGBTQ+ people deserve better, much better; those with power must keep us safe and we must continue to demand that. But we also need and deserve vibrant and joyous queer communities and only we can create them.