Queer in AI @ ICML 2022 Workshop


Queer in AI & Black in AI Social @ ICML 2022

This page is out-dated; please check out the latest information about this event at our new website: https://www.queerinai.com/icml

How to join: Workshops

To join the workshop, you need to register for the conference on the ICML website.

If that is not an option for you and you would otherwise struggle to attend the workshop, please get in touch with us at queerinai@gmail.com !

Our workshop date is July 23rd, 2022. We aim to provide hybrid events with both in-person and virtual offerings.

Call for Contributions

We are excited to announce our call for contributions to the Queer in AI Workshop at the ICML 2022 Conference! We have a call for submissions to present at our workshop. The submissions must be generally related to the intersection of LGBTQIA+ representation and AI, or be research produced by LGBTQIA+ individuals. The submissions need not be directly related to the themes of the workshop, and they can be works in progress. Please refrain from including personally identifying information in your submission. The submissions need not be directly related to the themes of the workshop, and they can be works in progress. No submissions will be desk-rejected. Accepted works will be linked to our website and invited to present at our workshop at ICML 2022.

Call for Volunteers

Interested in volunteering and joining us on organizing our ICML 2022 events? Want to become a speaker or panelist? Have suggestions on workshop contents? Please fill this interest survey: https://forms.gle/vdad8FN2DEoFDF1Z8


Submission link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/QAIICML2022/ (while an "Abstract" is required, it need not be formal and can be a brief synopsis of your project)

Submission Formatting: We are accepting submissions in any media, including---but not limited to---research papers, books, poetry, music, art, musings, tiktoks, and testimonials. Submissions need NOT be in English. This is to maximize the inclusivity of our call for submissions and amplify non-traditional expressions of what it means to be Queer in AI. You can find excellent examples of “non-traditional” submissions here.

Page Limits: There are no page limits. If you are considering submitting work presented in a non-traditional format, you are still required to submit an abstract and include a link pointing to your work.

Anonymized Submission: All submissions should be anonymized. Please refrain from including personally identifying information in your submission.

Important Dates

  • Visa-friendly submission deadline: Sunday, May 15 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)

  • Final submission deadline: Friday, July 8 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)

  • Acceptance notification: Rolling basis, final notification deadline: Wednesday, July 13

We have opened the call on Sunday, April 24 and we will have TWO deadlines for submission – one is a visa-friendly submission deadline, in case you want to present your work in person at the conference and will require to obtain a visa to do so. Note that we are currently NOT guaranteeing full support for the process of obtaining a visa, but we will work our hardest to provide as much support for this as we can. Acceptance notifications will go out on a rolling basis, and final notifications of acceptance will go out by Wednesday, July 13.

If you need help with your submission in the form of mentoring or advice, you can get in touch with us at queerinaiicml2022@googlegroups.com.

Queer in AI and Black In AI are excited to announce hosting a joint, in-person socials at ICML! There will also be an online social organised by QueerInAI.

How to join: Social Events

Firstly, you do not need to register for the conference to join our social! Our social events will be free and open to all.

There will be two socials:

  • a virtual social

  • an in-person social, organised together with Black in AI

The sign-up form for the virtual social can be found here and the sign up form for the joint, in-person social with Black In AI can be found here.

Code of Conduct

Please read Queer in AI code of conduct which will be strictly followed at all times. Recording (screen recording or screenshots) is prohibited. All participants are expected to maintain the confidentiality of other participants.

Queer in AI adheres to Queer in AI Anti-harassment policy. Any participant who experiences harassment or hostile behavior may contact Queer in AI Safety Team. Please be assured that if you approach us, your concerns will be kept in strict confidence, and we will consult with you on any actions taken.


The workshop date is July 23rd, 2022. We aim to also provide hybrid events with both in-person and virtual offerings. Detailed schedule TBA.

We'd like to know attendance counts for our events. If you join any of our events at ICML 2022, please fill in our check-in survey.


Huan Zhang (he/him) is a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at UCLA in 2020. Huan's research focuses on the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence. At Queer in AI, Huan helps on organizing events and mentorship programs at machine learning conferences, such as AAAI 2022 and ICML 2022.

Arjun Subramonian (they/them) is a Computer Science student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Their research is broadly about graph representation learning, self-supervised learning, and fairness. They are a co-founder of QWER Hacks, lead diversity and inclusion initiatives within ACM at UCLA, and teach machine learning and fairness at underserved high schools in LA. They also organized the Queer in AI socials at AAAI 2021 and AAAI 2022.

Sharvani Jha (she/her) is a fourth year undergraduate computer science student at the University of California, Los Angeles. She likes applying computer science to various fields, from space weather to saving whale sharks. She is a co-founder of QWER Hacks, has led various initiatives (including AI Outreach and social impact) at ACM at UCLA, is the External Vice President of SWE at UCLA (and helps spearhead the organization’s lobbying initiatives), and is a software developer for UCLA ELFIN Cubesat.

Willie Agnew (he/him) is a PhD candidate at the University of Washington studying object representations and ML ethics. William helps organize different Queer in AI events and administer the graduate admissions aid programs.

Kruno Lehman (he/him) is a second year MSc student in Statistics at ETH Zurich. He is interested in Bayesian statistics and neural network theory. He is an organizer with QueerInAI.

Hua Wei (he/him) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. His research interest lies in Reinforcement Learning, Data Mining and Human-in-the-loop Computations.

Contact Us

For any concerns or questions, please reach out to us. Your concerns will be kept confidential.

Email: queerinai [at] gmail [dot] com