Queer in AI @ ICML 2020 Workshop

The 4th QinAI Workshop is co-located with ICML which is now an online conference. We aim to spread our program across several slots between 13th to 17th July to make it as accessible as possible for time zones around the world. We will accept paper submissions and discussion topics. Anyone registered for ICML 2020 is welcome to attend! We will have financial aid available to cover registration fees.

How to join

To join the workshop, you need to register for the conference on the ICML website. Joining details are provided on our ICML workshop page.

If that is not an option for you and you would otherwise struggle to attend the workshop, please get in touch with us at queerinai@gmail.com !

You do not need to register for the conference to join our social - we'll distribute how to join the social on our Slack and mailing list (e-mail queerinai@gmail.com if you want to sign up to either or both of these).


Help us improve for our next virtualk workshop at NeurIPS 2020 by filling in a short feedback survey!

Check-in survey

We'd like to know attendance counts for our events. If you join any of our events at ICML 2020, please fill in our check-in survey - you'll find the link on our ICML workshop page under ">>> Please fill in our Check-in Survey! <<<" - you can fill it in anonymously:)


Go to our ICML workshop page for the joining links

Monday 13 July, 21:00 - 23:00 UTC: Poster session

Joint poster session with WiML and LXAI using the Gather.town platform.

Tuesday 14 July, 15:00 - 19:45 UTC: Main workshop program

Program (live stream):

Wednesday 15 July, 18:00 - 20:00 UTC: Social (I)

Interact with other attendees and sponsors in a virtual world, videochat with those near you, using the Gather.town platform. The time hopefully works for everyone from the Americas to Africa.

Thursday 16 July, 07:00 - 11:45 UTC: Main workshop program - restreamed & live discussion

Restreaming of Tuesday's program with live rocket.chat alongside, followed by a second round of open discussions using live video group chat.

Saturday 18 July, 07:00 - 09:00 UTC: Social (II)

Interact with other attendees and sponsors in a virtual world, videochat with those near you, using the Gather.town platform. The time hopefully works for everyone from Africa to Asia.


Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors