You can do extensive customization of themes using Sass. Bootstrap defines over 1,400 Sass variables that control fonts, colors, padding, borders, and much more. You can see all of the variables here:

Sass theme files can define both variables that globally set things like colors and fonts, as well as rules that define more fine grained behavior. To customize an existing Bootstrap theme with your own set of variables and/or rules, just provide the base theme and then your custom theme file(s):

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How to customize fonts in a quarto pdf document? I realized of the existence of mainfont and fontfamily options, but the documentation doesn't provide examples of how to use them and which fonts are available. Also, what are the fonts available for monofont?

As said in the documentation, you can use system fonts (i.e. fonts installed in your system). So specify the font family of your system fonts as value of mainfont and/or monofont yaml key while using xelatex or lualatex as pdf-engine.

Hello, I am attempting to use the awesome fontawesome library in RMarkdown and Quarto: It seems that not all icon sets are available. For example how do I use the new humanitarian icons, , in RMarkdown and Quarto documents? Thanks for any advice.

Regarding the R package usage, which package version are you using ?

I believe the icon you seek are relatively new (fontawesome 6.1) and the R package should be in latest version 0.3 if they have correctly been added. Otherwise it means that the Fontawesome version requirement is to recent and the tools in QUarto or R have not been updated yet.

Webfonts can be used on a single domain. Agencies responsible for multiple websites, for example web design agencies or hosting providers, may not share a single webfont license across multiple websites.

Every time the webpage using the webfont kit is loaded (i.e, the webfont kit CSS which holds the @font-face rule is called) the counting system counts a single pageview for each webfont within the webfont kit.

We'll supply a kit containing webfonts that can be used within digital ads, such as banner ads. This kit may be shared with third parties who are working on your behalf to produce the ad creatives, however you are wholly responsible for it.

An Electronic Doc license is based on the number of publications in which the font is used. Each issue counts as a separate publication. Regional or format variations don't count as separate publications.

ps.type.lab is the independent digital type foundry and custom lettering department of pprwrk studio.Owned and operated by Mark Caneso and used as both a retail space for licensing original fonts to the world, and as an avenue to experiment with letterforms of all shapes and sizes.

I found a copy of Lucida and Minion Pro that I bought back in 2013 and that I had on my Google Drive. I really like these fonts but the setup is a bit challenging. Here I will show how to use them in a Quarto document in 2023.

If you email me, I can send you the PFB files for Minion Pro if you can prove that you have legally obtained the font. I believe in Open Source, but I also believe in respecting the rights of the creators of the fonts.

For direct use with LaTeX, you can preview MLModern on theLaTeX Font Catalogue.As I often generate LaTeX-rendered PDF documents via R Markdown and Quarto,I created a GitHub repo atnanxstats/rmarkdown-quarto-mlmodernto store examples specifically using these publishing systems.

Although it is okay to use the mlmodern and fontenc package with XeLaTeX,it might not be the optimal choice. It is recommended to use OpenType (OTF)fonts whenever possible with XeLaTeX since they offer more advancedtypographic features and are supported better by modern applications.

Founded in 2002, Typographica is a review of typefaces and type books, with occasional commentary on fonts and typographic design. Edited by Stephen Coles and Caren Litherland and designed by Chris Hamamoto.

2. Click on the View selected families button, , in the top right corner to see all of your selected fonts. Under the Use on the web section, select the radio button for @import and copy everything between the tags (starting with @import and ending with ;) to your clipboard.

tag_hash_111 If you plan to use multiple fonts, you can create Sass variables for each font type, then use those variables as you construct your CSS rules. For example, this slide deck uses three fonts (Sanchez, Montserrat, and Roboto Mono):

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a programming language that allows you to control how HTML elements look on a web page. You can think of CSS as the outfit that is styling the skeleton. It allows authors to control aspects such as the colors, layout, and font style.

The Tufts University official fonts fit a variety of communications needs for digital and print environments. These typefaces are required and complement the university logo. Each family of fonts has a large range of weights and style options, including light, medium, bold, and italics.

I will describe in detail, how I got from the minimal/default quarto blog2 to how this blog looks and works now. This includes: adding a dark theme, tweak both themes with (S)CSS, custom pages for projects / data viz gallery, quarto extensions, font self-hosting and many other smaller things.

In this post I will not give a thorough walk-through of how to build a quarto website from scratch or how to port a distill blog to quarto. There are several great blog posts who do this already and I mainly used these two to get started myself:

Even if I enjoy the bright design, a reader might prefer a dark theme. Fortunately, quarto offers a built-in theme-switcher in the Navbar. This activates the alternate theme on all pages of the blog, as long as the reader switches back. To activate it I simply had to explicitly define a light and a dark theme (see below on the left), which (after rendering) puts a switch-icon in the navbar (see below on the right):

The quarto framework is quite exciting and already offers many possibilities for technical and scientific publishing. In porting my blog, most of the time consuming work was needed to adapt (and re-run) the existing blog posts.

caption value. The caption can be either a string eithera call to as_paragraph(). In the latter case, users are free to formatthe caption with colors, italic fonts, also mixed with images orequations. Note that Quarto does not allow the use of this feature.

'Word' style name to associate with caption paragraph. These names are available withfunction officer::styles_info() when output is Word. Argument styleis deprecated in favor of word_stylename. If the caption is defined withas_paragraph(), some of the formattings of the paragraph style will bereplaced by the formattings associated with the chunks (such as the font).

By default, if no specific formatting is specified (using either "a string" oras_chunk("a string")), the fp_text_default() function sets the font settingsfor the caption, including the font family, boldness, italics, color, etc. Thedefault values can be modified using the set_flextable_defaults() function.However, it is recommended to explicitly use as_chunk() to define the desiredformatting.

It's important to note that the style properties of the caption will notoverride the formatting of the individual elements within it. Therefore, youneed to explicitly specify the font to be used for the caption.

In this example, the set_caption() function sets the caption for theflextable. The caption is created using as_paragraph() with a single chunkcreated using as_chunk("caption", props = fp_text_default( = "Cambria")). The word_stylename parameter is used to specify the tablecaption style in the resulting Word document. Finally, the print() functiongenerates the flextable with the caption, and preview = "docx" displays apreview of the resulting Word document.

But in quarto, things are very different. Formats are made available as specific types of extensions, which must be installed in each distinct project. You must therefore run this code in the Terminal (not the R console) in RStudio for each presentation you want to write:

Now, we have to link to our new listing pages somewhere. I chose to link to my archive in the navbar (see _quarto.yml). And my ggplot2 series found a home above the list of all other blog posts. I made this happen by modifying blog.qmd with regular Markdown magic. This could look as follows:

Here I have chosen to use different fonts for blog titles (if possible) and make the font larger. I tried to avoid hard-coding the font size with something like 14pt. Instead, I have taken the Bootstrap variable $font-size-base and scaled it. Finally, notice that SCSS-rules - like the one we have just defined - need to be written after /*-- scss:rules --*/ in your SCSS-file.

Of course, you will need to know the keywords like font-family, font-size, etc. But you will stumble across the most common keywords in the HTML code anyway. Alternatively, a quick web search can help. And if you want, you can take a look at my theme.scss file.

Recall that the dot (.) in CSS stands for class. So, the previous code means quarto will render your qmd-file into an html-file that contains a section (a div in HTML-speak) that is of class grid. We will fill this div with columns next.

Cookie consent: It is rude and more importantly illegal to track your readers with cookies without their consent. So it is paramount that you ask your readers for permission if you use cookies. This can be done via a simple, yet ABSOLUTELY ANNOYING, pop-up window that asks for consent. Activate this window via cookie-consent: true in _quarto.yml. 17dc91bb1f

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