Most people's opinions on khichdi are usually pretty divided. You either love it or you hate it; there's no in between And if you're in the hate it camp, then this recipe is just about to change your mind. I know because I have been on both sides of the camp. My mom's khichuri was often pretty blah, but this recipe is inspired by the way my grandma made it, which was always delicious had me eating it by the bowl.

My grandma's version of khichdi has whole spices, chunks of potatoes and other vegetables that become so soft, they almost melt into the dish. Plus a secret tip where she roasts the moong dal, arhar dal and rice before she adds the water. This khichdi actually tastes good. It's not sick food, it's not weird and gloopy; this one's healthy, nutritious and comforting. And it's a dish that you share with family because it's a meal everyone will enjoy.

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Hi Sarah

I tried this yesterday and loved it. I added chickpea to add some Indian flavor to it and it tasted amazing. I soaked the rice and chickpea together.

Can I also use white rice instead of brown? Which one according to you would be better?

Absolutely love your blog.

Greetings from Israel

Wonderful to see your tulip-face in the feed here ?

So thrilled to hear that you had such great success with this recipe and program! That is wonderful. Amazing how such a simple combo of foods can deliver so much satisfaction and get the body back to balance, eh? I just love it.

I am currently doing intermittent fasting and skip breakfast daily for a 16 hour fast. I would love to incorporate this cleanse with my fasting. It seems that instead of skipping breakfast, this cleanse involves skipping dinner. Do you know of any pros/cons that I should be aware of with skipping breakfast? Are there any specifics as to if/why you would recommend switching my eating schedule around to accommodate this cleanse?

Hi Sarah,

I love your books and looking forward to trying this recipe. I am just curious about the cooking time. I assume since mung beans only usually take around 25-30 min this means they are intended to be a bit overcooked in this recipe? Is that part of the plan for digestion or just an accepted consequence of cooking two grains/beans at once?

Thank you!

A popular one-pot meal that's cooked in just about every Indian home is a khichdi or a khichari, and those are not the only names it goes by. It's called khichuri in Bengali, kichadi in Tamil, khichri in Gujarat, and kedgeree in English (yeah, as in the language spoken by the Brits). Although the Brits, somewhere in transit, made an unnecessary addition -- fish -- to a recipe whose vegetarian deliciousness really needs no gilding.

At its very basic khichdi is a south Asian dish of lentils and rice cooked together until very soft. But this is not just the name of one dish; it's a family of hundreds of one-pot dishes that have evolved using the basic building blocks of lentils and grains. And it can include everything you'd want in a complete meal, including veggies, herbs and spices.

Over the centuries, cooks around the Indian subcontinent created versions of khichdi with whatever ingredients they had on hand or were locally available. There is a khichdi made with tapioca pearls (sabudana khichdi) that is eaten during fasts, and khichdis made with millets like jowar (sorghum) and pearl millet (bajra). There is even a keema khichdi, made with ground meat, that is said to have been invented in the kitchens of the Nizams, erstwhile royalty in the south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. More modern versions of khichdi incorporate street-food flavors, like pav bhaji khichdi.

In the south you'd find foods like bisi bele bhath or kadamba sadam, all versions of khichdi. In Tamil Nadu, you'd celebrate the harvest with pongal, also a kind of khichdi. In the north, cooks devised dalia, a khichdi made with broken wheat. In Bengal you'd find a khichuri made with toasted moong dal. The list goes on.

The reason khichdi is so popular among Indians is because to most of us it is the ultimate comfort food. Most types of khichdi are wholesome and use few spices, if any, making them gentle on the stomach, and we learn early on to associate this food with soothing and healing. It is often the first solid food a baby eats, or the food mom would feed you if you were sick. It's the food you make in a hurry on a rushed weeknight, or the food you eat just to feel better. These healing qualities are also what has led khichdi to become associated in the west with Ayurveda, the ancient Indian form of healing.

Finally (and I have to get this out of the way because it is a pet peeve), while there are many different words and pronuciations an Indian would use to mean khichdi depending on where in India they are, what they would never call it is a "kitchari" (how do you even pronounce that?!).

If you really want to learn to say khichdi right, say it like most Indians do: "khitch-dee." It is a delightfully explosive, even onomatopoeic sound that conveys the rustic nature of this dish and the fact that this is a hodgepodge of sorts: a delicious and much loved melange with no pedigree nor defined ingredients.

I'm not vegan but was looking for a way to use up some dried lentils. I knew from looking at the recipe that this was going to be delicious and it did not disappoint! This was my first time making khichdi. I used basmati rice, went with cayenne (spice level was perfect) sweet potato, red bell pepper and peas for the veg, tomato sauce instead of puree (because I had it in the pantry) and it turned out amazing. Checks all the boxes for me: easy to make, healthy, filling and delicious. Garnished with cilantro and mint and a squeeze of lime. YUM!

I love this recipe because the complex flavors and variety of ingredients make it incredibly satisfying and delicious. I have been searching for vegetarian recipes that make use of unusual (to me) combinations of vegetables, grains and spices and avoid the overuse of cheese. This recipe knocks it out of the park.

I ate a very yummy khichdi at one of my friends place. Though she shared the recipe I never got that taste. But today I tried this recipe and it was more yummy than what I had before. I made some changes. added potato and carrot instead of egg plant and peas. I know adding these might have made the khichdi more tasty but they were not available. Overall the best and healthiest khichdi I ever had. Thanks for sharing such a good recipe

Vaishali, I love this kichidi:) Never made it before but my memory was kick started after a meal at a newly opened restaurant nearby. I didn't really google for the recipe...thought I'd check here and sure enough, you had a recipe:) Surprised everyone at dinner tonight:)

For some reason I can't seem to rate it...I give it a 5!

I'm always on the lookout for a good khichdi recipe. My 7 yo will not pick out the veggies and my 10 month old likes it too. I can wrap up dinner with just one meal for everyone. Yours turned out great and my 7yo has asked me to feature this in the lunch menu for next week ? I can't tell you enough how much I love your recipes. I have tried many of them (the others were given a pass only because I can't get some of the ingredients in Bangalore!) and they all are easy, delicious and feed my soul. Thanks for sharing, Vaishali.

Hi Noodle, thanks for that lovely message and for your encouraging words. So thrilled you tried the khichdi-- and thrilled even more that your 7-yr-old liked it. ? If you ever have questions about substituting for any ingredients you can't find in Bangalore, feel free to ask.

Hello Vaishali,

Thanks a lot for this recipe. This is the first time trying one of your recipes though have bookmarked this one a while back. My one year old got cold n had resisted solids for a couple of days now. I tried this recipe and he loved it a lot. Thanks again! I was desperate to find recipes that I can feed him. I am planning to try other recipes from ur site. Thanks again n again for making me a happy mom ?

Hi Jenny, white rice is fine-- use only four cups of water instead of six, and if the khichdi is too dry once cooked, just add some more water to give it a risotto-like consistency and reheat. Cook the rice and lentils together, just like I did with the brown rice. The other substitutions are fine. It's the spices that give this khichdi its flavor, and so long as you use the rest of the spices you should be good. Green lentils would work perfectly well, and bay leaves are commonly used in Indian cooking so although they are not the same as curry leaves, they will work well here.

hello Vaishali,

Tried this khichdi for lunch this noon. very very nice; extremely simple, nutritious and comfort food. Everyone including my son loved it. He usually enjoys rice with chips; today he said this was so good by itself he didn't feel the need for chips...:-)

Each region of India has its own version of khichdi. In my birth province of Gujarat, it remains much like the original peasant dish and consists of no more than rice, split mung dal, a pinch of turmeric and a dallop of ghee and is always served with kadhi, a spiced, soup-like yogurt curry.

I know from experience (married to a Caucasian dude!), that the idea of a soup based on yogurt may not sound all that appetizing to most here in the West. But for Gujaratis, kadhi is as beloved a complement to rice as toor dal and is often served with plain rice alongside our toor dal.

I love both khichdi and kadhi. Though in Calcutta, where I come from, we pair khichdi with discs of fried aubergine. Also, I like the way you have shot the dishes. I would like to reach out into the screen ?

Jesse Randhawa is a super model who loves Vir's salads and often comes to eat in his restaurant. Vir is crazy about her, since he had seen her in a beer commercial, but the insecure Indian man in Vir gets much hurt when one fine day she finally stands up from the table, and turns out to be taller than him.


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