Welcome to the Quantum Energy Research Group at Sabanci University. Our research group aims to incorporate quantum effects in energy technologies with the societal goal of minimizing the energetic footprint of humankind. We focus on theoretical and computational studies in condensed matter physics, quantum thermodynamics/transport, and nano energy science & technology. The theory of quantum materials and designing/modeling novel quantum energy devices are among our primary research interests.
Jump in, let's surf the quantum waves together! 🌊🏄🏼
Research Highlights
Quantum acoustics unlocks another mystery of strange metals! We show that the charge carriers in strange metals exhibit quantum diffusion, leading to Planckian resistivity.
We have explained the origin of the Drude peak displacements in the optical conductivity of strange metals are a consequence of a strong electron-phonon interaction.
Quantum acoustics field is emerging! 🚀
07/2024: "Quantum acoustics unravels Planckian resistivity" work is published in PNAS.
05/2024: "Quantum-Acoustical Drude Peak Shift" work is published in Physical Review Letters, and selected as Editor's Suggestion.
03/2024: Alhun Aydın attended APS March Meeting and presented "Quantum thermal avalanche: Spectral characteristics of size-invariant variations of energy landscapes". His 5 other works are also presented in the meeting: "Quantum acoustics: the coherent state formalism for electron-lattice interaction", "Genesis of pseudogaps from electron-lattice resonances", "Twin peaks and boomerang in quantum-chaotic systems", "Drude peak displacement by quantum acoustics", "The (very late) advent of Quantum Acoustics with application to strange metals".
Past News
12/2023: Alhun Aydın gave a seminar in Fundamental and Contemporary Topics in Physics at Sabanci Univ. on "Quantum Materials and Devices".
12/2023: Alhun Aydın gave an invited talk in Quantum Energy Initiative YouTube Seminar Series, on "Implications of Nonuniform Level Scaling for Quantum Energy Devices".
11/2023: Alhun Aydın attended Quantum Energy Initiative's 1st Workshop and presented "Implications of nonuniform level scaling for quantum energy devices".
11/2023: Alhun Aydın gave an invited talk in Quantum Technologies Academy, QTurkey, on "Quantum Confinement Effect: From discrete spectrum to Nobel".
10/2023: Alhun Aydın gave an invited talk in Mini-Workshop on Quantum Thermodynamics at Koç University, on "Heat Engines Driven by Quantum Shape Effect".
10/2023: Alhun Aydın was an invited panelist at the Quantum Days ‘23, QTurkey, about "Academic Career and Challenges in the Field of Quantum Technologies".
09/2023: Beyza Aslanbaş joined the group as a MSc student.
09/2023: Alhun Aydın's joint affiliation (as an Associate) with the Harvard University Physics Department is extended for another year.
09/2023: Alhun Aydın joined Sabancı University, and formed the Quantum Energy Research Group.
***MSc and PhD positions are available!***
If you are interested in doing research with us, please contact the group leader with a CV and a research statement. Make sure to check the graduate program requirements of Sabanci University.
We are always looking for motivated undergraduate students for research projects.
We are also open to research (both theory and experiment) and industry collaborations.
For art lovers! - If you are into the art of science, and would like to contribute to our scientific art endeavours, check our Blochbusters website and contact us.
Sabanci University ranks 27th among world's top small universities, and 54th among top young universities in the world! (See Sabanci University in Rankings)
Language of instruction is English at Sabanci University.
Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Orta Mahalle, Universite Cd. No: 27, 34956 Tuzla/Istanbul, Turkey
© 2023-2024 Alhun Aydın, Quantum Energy Research Group. All rights reserved.
All content, including logos, text, and images, is the property of the copyright owner and may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission.