A quantum jump is the abrupt transition of a quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus) from one quantum state to another, from one energy level to another. When the system absorbs energy, there is a transition to a higher energy level (excitation); when the system loses energy, there is a transition to a lower energy level.

A quantum jump is a phenomenon that is peculiar to quantum systems and distinguishes them from classical systems, where any transitions are performed gradually. In quantum mechanics, such jumps are associated with the non-unitary evolution of a quantum-mechanical system during measurement.

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A quantum jump can be accompanied by the emission or absorption of photons; energy transfer during a quantum jump can also occur by non-radiative resonant energy transfer or in collisions with other particles.

Atomic electron transitions cause the emission or absorption of photons. Their statistics are Poissonian, and the time between jumps is exponentially distributed.[1] The damping time constant (which ranges from nanoseconds to a few seconds) relates to the natural, pressure, and field broadening of spectral lines. The larger the energy separation of the states between which the electron jumps, the shorter the wavelength of the photon emitted.

Dissipation, the irreversible loss of energy and coherence, from a microsystem is the result of coupling to a much larger macrosystem (or reservoir) that is so large that one has no chance of keeping track of all of its degrees of freedom. The microsystem evolution is then described by tracing over the reservoir states, which results in an irreversible decay as excitation leaks out of the initially excited microsystems into the outer reservoir environment. Earlier treatments of this dissipation used density matrices to describe an ensemble of microsystems, either in the Schrdinger picture with master equations, or in the Heisenberg picture with Langevin equations. The development of experimental techniques to study single quantum systems (for example, single trapped ions, or cavity-radiation-field modes) has stimulated the construction of theoretical methods to describe individual realizations conditioned on a particular observation record of the decay channel. These methods, variously described as quantum-jump, Monte Carlo wave function, and quantum-trajectory methods, are the subject of this review article. We discuss their derivation, apply them to a number of current problems in quantum optics, and relate them to ensemble descriptions.

so, this is driving me crazy, i can spool up the drive just fine but when i turn it on there's no jump points or markers, is this a bug or something? I've tried to look up how to fix it, but I've had no luck.

The file, which contains 5 figures and 3 tables, describes the theoretical modeling of the experiment, explicates the theoretical calculations involved in the analysis of the trajectory jump dynamics, and presents further control experiments and details on the results.

Having a constant recurring bug where after I leave quantum I lose control of my ship. Seems to happen in every ship I've tested. I have upgraded every part of my setup since I started playing about two months ago and it's happened across both builds.

Using a technique called indirect quantum non-demolition measurement, they shone a microwave light beam at the artificial atom, with a frequency corresponding to the ground-bright transition. Thanks to the energy of the light beam, the atom rapidly bounces between the ground and bright state, emitting a photon each time it jumps from the bright to the ground. If the atom absorbs a higher-energy photon, from another light beam, however, it jumps into the dark state. When the atom is in the bright state, it scatters yet another light beam and when it is in the dark state it does not scatter it.

This perfect measurement efficiency comes thanks to a scheme proposed by Minev and it allows the researchers to observe when a quantum jump has begun, by identifying the missing flash of light scattered from the bright state.

Minev says that he proposed the experiment inspired by a theoretical prediction by Howard Carmichael of the University of Auckland, a pioneer of quantum trajectory theory and a co-author of this study.

The researchers did not stop there: they also managed to control the quantum jump once it had started by applying an electric pulse to the artificial atom. In this way, they intercepted it and sent it back to the ground state. They are only able to do this because the quantum jump is not truly instantaneous and random. Instead, quantum jumps take the same trajectory between the two energy levels every time, so it is possible to predict how to send them back.

While the technology in the new series has been updated and most of the players have changed, it still hinges on the same scientific ideas. Namely, that spooky stuff happens at the quantum level, and we might somehow be able to leverage that weirdness to our benefit. And, of course, time travel hijinks.

The idea of quantum jumping as a form of meditation has been around for a while, but it recently took off on TikTok, with videos collectively racking up millions of views. As a result, the practice is seeing a surge in popularity and more than a little confusion. So, what is it?

All of that said, existing in this world is hard enough. If a quantum jump or a Quantum Leap helps you to navigate this life, or any other you may encounter, we wish you safe travels and a clear road home.

With the support of the National Science Foundation, the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation uses quantum simulation to gain insight into and take advantage of the rich behavior of complex quantum systems. Work at the Institute is organized into three major research challenges.

Design algorithms, error correction protocols, and software tools for carrying out quantum simulations and put them into practice on diverse hardware platforms, demonstrating quantum computational advantage and laying the groundwork for larger-scale quantum simulators in the future.

An orbiting electron in an atom makes jumps between energy levels, known as quantum leaps or jumps. The atom creates a photon when an electron moves to a lower energy level and absorbs a photon when an electron moves to a higher energy level or leaves the atom (ionization). This is illustrated below.

There are two directions for spin, otherwise referred to as spin-up or spin-down in modern physics. Since quantum jumps are related to the arrangement of protons in the nucleus, which is affected by their tetrahedral structure, the following icons are used in this theory:

The first cause of the quantum leap is a wave passing through two or more spin-aligned protons. This causes an increase in the orbital force, repelling the electron further, proportional to the square of the protons in alignment.

A second cause of the quantum leap can be attributed to an energy gain in the spin of the proton. Hydrogen, for example, has an electron at the 1s orbital (Bohr radius) at ground state. This is shown below.

The reason for the quantum jumps in this case is due to resonance. Energy gain in spin energy can cause an electron to change orbitals or ionize, but the spin energy must resonate with the longitudinal wave energy to continue spinning as explained in the photons page.

Where as the density matrix formalism describes the ensemble average over many identical realizations of a quantum system, the Monte Carlo (MC), or quantum-jump approach to wave function evolution, allows for simulating an individual realization of the system dynamics. Here, the environment is continuously monitored, resulting in a series of quantum jumps in the system wave function, conditioned on the increase in information gained about the state of the system via the environmental measurements. In general, this evolution is governed by the Schrdinger equation with a non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian

and \(\delta t\) is such that \(\delta p \ll 1\). With a probability of remaining in the state \(\left|\psi(t+\delta t)\right>\) given by \(1-\delta p\), the corresponding quantum jump probability is thus Eq. (2). If the environmental measurements register a quantum jump, say via the emission of a photon into the environment, or a change in the spin of a quantum dot, the wave function undergoes a jump into a state defined by projecting \(\left|\psi(t)\right>\) using the collapse operator \(C_{n}\) corresponding to the measurement

Evaluating the MC evolution to first-order in time is quite tedious. Instead, QuTiP uses the following algorithm to simulate a single realization of a quantum system. Starting from a pure state \(\left|\psi(0)\right>\):

II: Integrate the Schrdinger equation, using the effective Hamiltonian (1) until a time \(\tau\) such that the norm of the wave function satisfies \(\left = r_1\), at which point a jump occurs.

III: The resultant jump projects the system at time \(\tau\) into one of the renormalized states given by Eq. (3). The corresponding collapse operator \(C_{n}\) is chosen such that \(n\) is the smallest integer satisfying:

The advantage of the Monte Carlo method over the master equation approach is that only the state vector is required to be kept in the computers memory, as opposed to the entire density matrix. For large quantum system this becomes a significant advantage, and the Monte Carlo solver is therefore generally recommended for such systems. For example, simulating a Heisenberg spin-chain consisting of 10 spins with random parameters and initial states takes almost 7 times longer using the master equation rather than Monte Carlo approach with the default number of trajectories running on a quad-CPU machine. Furthermore, it takes about 7 times the memory as well. However, for small systems, the added overhead of averaging a large number of stochastic trajectories to obtain the open system dynamics, as well as starting the multiprocessing functionality, outweighs the benefit of the minor (in this case) memory saving. Master equation methods are therefore generally more efficient when Hilbert space sizes are on the order of a couple of hundred states or smaller. 2351a5e196

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