La guerra tra clan  una serie di attacchi di un clan contro un altro clan,[6] che il sistema sceglie in base alla potenza di attacco e difesa per rendere la guerra equilibrata. La vittoria viene assegnata al clan che ha accumulato pi stelle, sbloccando ingenti risorse e punti esperienza di clan. Ciascun giocatore pu compiere fino a due attacchi a due basi diverse,[7] conquistando al massimo 6 stelle per il proprio clan. Il clan che ha accumulato pi stelle vince la guerra, e i membri ottengono un quantitativo di risorse chiamato bottino di guerra. In caso di parit di stelle, conter la percentuale totale di distruzione che hanno totalizzato i due clan, altrimenti viene assegnato il pareggio.

I giochi del clan sono degli eventi particolari, che durano una settimana, in cui vengono messe a disposizione delle sfide, che ciascun giocatore del clan pu tentare di portare a termine.[9] Le sfide sono concettualmente non dissimili dagli obiettivi o dagli eventi: possono comportare la distruzione di determinati edifici, un certo numero di vittorie in attacchi multigiocatore o in scontri tra costruttori, la raccolta di un certo quantitativo di risorse, un certo numero di vittorie con un dato tipo di truppa... Oltre alle risorse, vengono messi in palio premi speciali ottenibili solo con questa modalit, che aiutano a sviluppare il villaggio pi velocemente o a migliorare temporaneamente le truppe.[10]

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So I was bored and decided to do something that combined maths and clash royale - behold, Math Royale! The question of the number of possible clash royale decks came to my head instantly, and I thought of solving it.

During the Goodwill Event, Panda apologized to Megumi for not including a rematch against Todo in their team plans, but Megumi was completely indifferent about it, disappointing Panda with his dry response.[17] When Megumi surmised the Kyoto Team was targeting Yuji, he immediately moved to confront Noritoshi Kamo and asked him about it directly about it.[18] He knew the Big Three Sorcerer Families would want Sukuna's vessel out of the picture, but Megumi has no loyalty to the Zenin clan.[19] Noritoshi believed that he and Megumi would eventually become pillars of the Big Three Families and treated him with a familiarity that made Megumi uncomfortable. While Noritoshi thought they were similar and it was their duty to kill Sukuna's vessel, Megumi completely disagreed. Untethered to the conservative ideals of sorcerer clans, Megumi stated that he doesn't care about being right or wrong and that he only believes in his own conscience. Determined to follow that conscience and to save people unfairly, Megumi told Noritoshi that if they disagree, then they would simply have to agree to curse each other.[20]

Come facciamo a sapere quanti soldi ha speso il primo giocatore al mondo di Clash Royale, ovvero quello che per la maggior parte del tempo  in testa alla classifica mondiale, per raggiungere tale livello? Semplice,  lui stesso a dirlo, forse in parte anche per farsi un po' di pubblicit.

Ora vi faccio una domanda: quanti players sono passati per il nostro clan? Tanti? Bene. Quanti di questi ci sono sembrati Superman, e quanti Clark Kent? Quanti di loro li abbiamo giudicati Clark Kent, e quindi espulsi, salvo poi incontrarli in un clan di amici e meravigliarci dei loro attacchi? Quanti invece ci sono sembrati Superman, ma il giorno dopo si sono rivelati dei Clark Kent rammolliti?

Clan Wars is a way to go to war with a few other clans. This is started at the Clan Hall and you must own a clan or be in a clan with over twenty members to start. Both clan leader, deputy leader, and warlords can start the clan wars. They're launched every six hours with two stages preparation and combat. The preparation stage lasts two hours and this is were you will need to figure out to deploy your squad on the clan war map. The second stage is combat and that will automatically start with or without you being there. You can not change your clan war start times. You will always have the same set times even if you skip them. If you have a 1am start time, you will always have the ability to do clan wars every six hour such as 1am, 7am, 1pm, and 7pm.

(For example: If your clan war starts at 1am,you will have till 3am to deploy your squad on the CW map. Once the two hour mark is over, for fifteen minutes your squad will fight other clans. After that, you can start another war that will be at the six hour mark from the 1am mark. So, it will start at 7am.)

Each Clan War you will be randomly matched against five other clans. This is determined by your clans total trophy ranking on the global charts. Your clan members can each place one squad at a time on the map. You can even add extra members (up to 6) who aren't in your squad as long as they aren't pregnant. This will not disrupt their training or resource gathering. It will keep training the dweller training even if they're in war. So, if the map location allows it, you will be able to add extra dwellers.

Elated by this Esdeath feels they are truly connecting but Tatsumi retorts that she can no longer be lax while in combat. After Esdeath evades Tatsumi Mine fires a full-power charge shot forcing her to use Mahapadma to freeze her surroundings, as she moves in to execute Mine Tatsumi suddenly shoots in behind her within the frozen time-space knocking her back. Having deduced Incursio's evolved state had somehow adapted to her stilled atmosphere while marveling at Tatsumi's ability to wield it, her trump card ends with Mine none the wiser as to whats happened as her assailant sets to finish what she started with the former, only to be interrupted by the timely arrival of Night Raid heralded by Akame. As General Budo recuperates from his initial assault spiting the crew of assassins for disturbing the Empire's peace, swearing to eliminate them all in a clash of thunder and lightning. Esdeath grins eagerly, waiting to engage in the horrendous conflict to come.

Kondou was forced into an arranged marriage with a gorilla. In order to save Kondou out of his distress, the Shinsengumi together with the Yorozuya joined forces in order to save Otae from Kyubei, who claimed Otae to be his(her) bride. During the battle at the Yagyu household, Sougo faced off with Sui Minamito, with Sougo easily defeating the latter. Before Sougo could finish off Minamito however, In the final clash against the Yagyu clan, Sougo rode on Hijikata's shoulder to fight off the enemies. Kondo is forced into an arranged marriage with a gorilla. To save his Shinsengumi leader joins forces with mercenaries and go to the dojo Yagyuu clan, which is held Otae. During the fight becomes Sougo competes with Sui Minamitom, but easily beat the man. Unfortunately, when going to hit him the last time he bumps into Kagura fighting with Nishino. When Sougo turns her broken arm in the wrong direction, this in response to breaking his leg. Consequently, cooperate and overcome representative Yagyuu. During the final battle Sougo sitting on the shoulders of Hijikata, where hits opponents.

One night met a man named Senbee want to fight. Sougo discovers Senbee been possessed by an evil Amanto sword named Maganagi. Sougo arrives for a duel with Gintoki and covers the demon sword with dog poo. Later, Sougo is consumed by Maganagi. Maganagi controls Sougo to mixed results up until Sougo takes control back, and upon seeing Gintoki impale his ass with the remnants of his sword, Sougo responds by impaling his chest and demanding Maganagi try to consume him again. Maganagi loses the subsequent clash, and Sougo consumes the sword.

Nagi tends to clash with people he doesn't like. When he meets Baro after Nagi and Isagi's loss to Rin Itoshi, they immediately begin to argue and provoke each other, competing in the field about who's the best of both challenging frequently in a 1 vs 1, giving each other insults and even fighting for who will have the single bed in a room for teams of three members. ff782bc1db

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