Quantum Simulation

Gauge fields, Holography, and Topology

10 - 12 July 2019, Bilbao (Spain)

During the last years, a synergy among different fields in physics has grown up to understand and characterize, to control and manipulate quantum many-body systems that appear in high-energy physics and condensed matter models. Thanks to this collaborative effort, new tools and concepts from quantum information and quantum optics complement more traditional ones from particle and statistical physics.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together in a three days meeting, experts and leaders in the field to present and discuss the most recent results and outlook the most promising directions of this multidisciplinary challenge.

Invited speakers

  • M. Aidelsburger (LMU, Munich)
  • M.C. Bañuls (MPQ, Munich)
  • A. Bermudez (Complutense Univ., Madrid)
  • B.A. Bernevig (Princeton Univ.)
  • H. Bombin (Yukawa ITP)
  • M. Dalmonte (SISSA & ICTP, Trieste)
  • A. Dauphin (ICFO, Barcelona)
  • G. De las Cuevas (Innsbruck Univ.)
  • J. Eisert (FU, Berlin)
  • L. Fallani (LENS, Florence)
  • P. Hauke (Heidelberg U.)
  • S. Iblisdir (Barcelona Univ.)
  • F. Jendrzejewski (Heidelberg U.)
  • C. Kokail (IQOQI & Innsbruck Univ.)
  • S. Kostka (NSC, Poland)
  • M.A. Martín-Delgado (Complutense U., Madrid)
  • K. Meichanetzidis (Oxford Univ.)
  • A. Miyake (Univ. New Mexico)
  • T. Neupert (Zurich Univ.)
  • J. Pachos (Leeds Univ.)
  • F. Pollmann (TUM, Munich)
  • N. Regnault (ENS Paris)
  • M. Ringbauer (Innsbruck Univ.)
  • S. Singh (Max-Planck Inst., Potsdam)
  • T. Stace (Univ. Queensland, Brisbane)
  • F. Verstraete (Ghent & Vienna Univ.)

Date and Venue

10th - 12th July 2019

Salon de Grados, Fac. Ciencia y Tecnologia, Campus Leioa

Univ. Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain

Local organizers

  • E. Rico (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque)
  • M.G. Vergniory (DIPC & Ikerbasque)

Scientific committee

  • G.K. Brennen (Macquarie Univ., Sydney)
  • A. Del Campo (DIPC & Ikerbasque)
  • S. Montangero (Padova Univ.)


  • November 2018, call for papers
  • March 2019, submission deadline for talks
  • April 2019, announcement of accepted contributions
  • May 2019, closing of general registration

General Information & Registration

To register, send an email to quant.sim.ght@gmail.com with name, affiliation and a possible title and abstract of a contributed talk and/or poster where the topic should be related with the one of the workshop.

The workshop fee of 100€ will cover general expenses and a workshop dinner, and will be paid by all participants. Accommodation and meals will be handled by the participants.

Once you have been accepted into the workshop, to complete the registration send an email to quant.sim.ght@gmail.com with confirmation of the transfer of the workshop fee (100€) which we will consider as the official registration at the workshop. We will provide an invoice of the workshop fee, as well as an attendance certificate, under request at the workshop location.

To travel from the Bilbao airport to the city and moving around Bilbao, please follow this link.