I started to use Quadface tools, and installed by extension wharehouse.

Although it work well, error report window showed when i use all icon about quadface tool.

TTlib2 also installed. How can i resolve it?

My version is sketchup 2020 classic.

When manipulating vertices using Vertex Tools it will ensure that new edgescreated by Auto-Foldthe edges becomes compatible with QuadFace Tools. This means that you canlet coplanar faces breat into two triangles and they will still be treatedas a single quad.

Quad Face Tools Free Download

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How do you change the tools shown in the quad cursor? I'm working with 3D models. The "erase" command disappeared from the quad cursor months ago. I've been accessing the command from the command line. I thought the quad cursor was "smart", and would show up whenever it was appropriate to the feature I was hovering the mouse over. The "Quad" tab of the customization menu shows a whole bunch of commands (including erase), that I never see in the quad.

The default Quad Settings will never please all users and

workflows perfectly and some tweaking may be useful.

I also miss some tools in Quad now and then but so far

haven't looked deeper into its customization so far.

I think so too, Michael. But I could not find anything about it in the help menus. All the tools I need appear in the listing for the quad in the customization panel. But the quad doesn't offer me the erase command any more. It used to.

But I do not find "Erase Tool" in any default v19 Quad Entries at all ....

(The left column shows what is currently in the Quad,

the right column shows everything what is available and could be put in

Quad's Folders)

Maybe its worth to try to just put "erase" in here and there ?


I looked at the selection modes and did not find anything that would trigger the appearance of the erase command in the quad. Yes, the erase tool is listed under modify, in the customization menu for the quad. It just doesn't show up in the quad anymore. I may submit an SR for this.

I have tried this in a 2D (drafting) workspace and 3D (modeling) workspace. In a 2D workspace the erase command appears in the quad and I can delete a 2D object. i can't delete a feature from a 3D object.

I think the Tools offered in Quad by default may have changed from v17 to v19.

The only ERASE I see is in a Drafting Workspace related Folder.

I would never see ERASE as I only use 3D BIM Workspaces.

Thanks. I filed an SR. They told me I can't re-use my CUI file from V17. Haven't been able to confirm that using the default CUI fixes the problem. I hate to go back to the default,CUI just to fix the quad, because I have my toolbars setup the way I want.

You can temporarily set WSAUTOSAVE to zero while upgrading your .cui. That way toolbar state will be saved in the user profile instead of the workspace, and it will not be lost when the .cui changes. This won't preserve any modified tools, though.

It was my understanding that the user profile file saves the information about what toolbars are turned on, and where they are located on the screen, whereas the customization file saves mods to the individual toolbars, like which tools are found in the toolbar. I usually save copies of the user profile and customization file to our network sever before the IT manager upgrades the application. After the installation, I point the application to the saved files. If the new version adds any tools I am interested in, I go into the customization menu and place them in my toolbars. Does that accomplish the same thing you are suggesting?


So then I would be running entirely from the partial CUI? O would both the default and partial CUI be loaded at the same time? I don't need any extra toolbars on screen. No space for it. When I modify the default.cui, I just add (or delete) a few tools to toolbars I already have turned on..

But other than that, the overall topology flow and quad face distribution looks better in Autopo. There also seems to be no edge loop spiraling around the eye cavity, while the ZRemesher result does suffer from edge loop spiraling there. But the mouth cavity is better defined in the middle result, assuming that is Quad Remesher.

For Blender you need to buy addons, there is no good auto retopo way out of the box.

Remesh with value = 1 , too high density and already loosing details

3D Coat or Instant Mesh stays the best options for lower polycount values.

640797 135 KB

Instamesh is great for getting a good mesh solid mesh out fast. Being able to give it a geometry flow is great. The major downside of Instamesh is not being able to easily tell it loops to make. There are some loops I want for sure. In Instamesh I can only give it lines to kind of make it flow that way not a definite this is where a loop should be. Without loops set and the calculation they are running it seems to run off of the loops it should have.

The implication here is that ANY surface can be tiled (meshed) with triangles built from 3 corner points which lie ON the surface. This is not true in general for the 4 points of quads, though there are many surfaces for which it can be true. Thus, in general, a system for tiling a surface with quads must choose between maintaining the the corners as points that are actually ON the surface (and losing planarity), or maintaining the planarity and losing the strict location of all corner points on the original surface. Which is better depends on what you want to do with the mesh downstream.

Your output file formats of .dxf and .3ds only use triangles, I think. I could be wrong on this. If you can, output to an .OBJ file, which will hold quads, and try importing that .OBJ file into Sketchup. Conversely, Rhino can export directly to a Sketchup file. Try that too.

If you are trying to go cleanly from rhino to sketchup, by far the best way i have found is to open your rhino file in MOI, and export to sketchup from there.

You can also cut and paste between rhino and MOI, which makes the process very easy and fast.

MOI has a great sketchup export.

Rhino - not so good.

The best predictable result can be achieved if you select two opposite edge loopswith an equal number of vertices. When a single, closed edge loop is selected,the Span/Offset options allows you to adjust the way two opposite edge loopsare detected from one closed edge loop.

This takes a selection of faces and solidifies them by extruding themuniformly to give volume to a non-manifold surface.This is also available as a Modifier.After using the tool, you can set the offset distance in the Adjust Last Operation panel.

The Intersect tool lets you cut intersections into geometry.It is a bit like Boolean Tool, but, does not calculate interior/exterior.Faces are split along the intersections, leaving new edges selected.

Performs boolean operations with the selection on the unselected geometry.While the Boolean Modifier is useful for non-destructive edits,access to booleans with a tool in Edit Mode can be useful to quickly perform edits.

This tool converts the selected triangles into quads by taking adjacent triangles andremoving the shared edge to create a quad, based on a threshold.This tool can be applied on a selection of multiple triangles.

To create a quad, this tool needs at least two adjacent triangles.If you have an even number of selected triangles,it is also possible not to obtain only quads. In fact,this tool tries to create most even rectangular quads from the given triangles,which means some triangles could remain.

The QuadRemesh command quickly creates a quad mesh with optimized topology from existing surfaces, meshes, or SubDs. It uses a unique algorithm to generate manageable polygon meshes, ideal for rendering, animation, CFD, FEA, and reverse-engineering.

Set 0 to get a minimal number of quads and uniform sizes. A value above 30 will diminish your control of getting a smaller number of quads. Higher values result in smaller quads in high curvature areas. Set 100 to keep more details.

Select to perform symmetrical re-meshing across the X, Y, or Z central plane of the object's bounding box. Multiple axes can be selected. It only makes sense for symmetrical objects and when the correct symmetrical plane is selected.

The quad re-meshing algorithm will try to place edge loops or edge rings along guide curves. Guide Curves can be used to define more details, or simply influence the direction of quad re-meshing in a region. Guide curves must be projected onto the input object to have an effect. Click Select Curves to select guide curves.

Uses a 30-degree break angle threshold to divide the quad mesh with hard edges (creased edges). If the break angle between two adjacent faces is larger than 30 degrees, a hard edge loop will be added.

Not only do quads help you make selections that would be otherwise tedious, quads subdivide really well. Subdivision is just when you take the faces in your model, and split them into smaller faces, which can help you create smoother shapes.

If you wanted to select a column, how would the software know which cells you intended to select? When it approaches a tri, should it go left, or right? What about n-gons? Which path should it take, and how should it prioritize the path? With tris and n-gons, there are several paths that could be taken across faces, so results can be unpredictable.

This quad retopology is using a originally designed algorithm. I want to make a quad tool that is "respecting the border direction" of an ngon. It is able to create quads that are smoothly following the shape of the original face.

Since the speed of python is slow, it makes the retopology process for complex mesh slow, comparing to other retopology tool on the market. However, the goal of this tool is retopology for "selected face" , so it will not be a problem.

This tool is created without using other commercial or open-source retopology libraries. It is 100% original. I spent few months to design and test the algorithm. If you want to support me, please consider purchasing it, thank you : ) 152ee80cbc

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