Quentin Renau

Contact : q.renau at napier dot ac dot uk



I am currently a Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University in the School of Computing. I am working with Emma Hart on a Lifelong Learning optimization system.

I did my PhD at Thales Research & Techonology, Ecole Polytechinque and Sorbonne University under the supervision of Benjamin Doerr (CNRS/LIX), Carola Doerr (CNRS/LIP6) and Johann Dreo (Thales, now Institut Pasteur).The area of this project was between Optimization and Machine Learning for Defense purposes.

Previously, I received a master of science degree (diplôme d'ingénieur) from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Rouen Normandie) in France.

Research Interests

Publications & Presentations

PhD thesis

International Conferences

Data Set

National Conferences or Worshops

Academic Activities
