Quentin Renau
Contact : q.renau at napier dot ac dot uk
I am currently a Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University in the School of Computing. I am working with Emma Hart on a Lifelong Learning optimization system.
I did my PhD at Thales Research & Techonology, Ecole Polytechinque and Sorbonne University under the supervision of Benjamin Doerr (CNRS/LIX), Carola Doerr (CNRS/LIP6) and Johann Dreo (Thales, now Institut Pasteur).The area of this project was between Optimization and Machine Learning for Defense purposes.
Previously, I received a master of science degree (diplôme d'ingénieur) from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Rouen Normandie) in France.
Research Interests
Search Heuristics
Algorithm Selection and Algorithm Configuration
Machine Learning
Game Theory
Publications & Presentations
PhD thesis
Landscape-Aware Selection of Metaheuristics for the Optimization of Radar Networks, defended the 24/01/2022
Jury members:
President: Marc Schoenauer
Reviewers: Bilel Derbel and Günter Rudolph
Members: Benjamin Doerr (Supervisor), Carola Doerr (co-Supervisor), Claudia D'Ambrosio and Rémy Chevrier
International Conferences
Identifying Easy Instances to Improve Efficiency of ML Pipelines for Algorithm-Selection (2024), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII, Quentin Renau and Emma Hart
Evaluating the Robustness of Deep-Learning Algorithm-Selection Models by Evolving Adversarial Instances (2024), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII, Emma Hart, Quentin Renau, Kevin Sim and Mohamad Alissa
Improving Algorithm-Selection and Performance-Prediction via Learning Discriminating Training Samples (2024), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Quentin Renau and Emma Hart
On the Utility of Probing Trajectories for Algorithm-Selection (2024), 27th International Conference, EvoApplications 2024, Quentin Renau and Emma Hart
Towards optimisers that `'Keep Learning' (2023), GECCO (Companion), Emma Hart, Ian Miguel, Christopher Stone and Quentin Renau
Automated Algorithm Selection for Radar Network Configuration (2022) , Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Alain Peres, Yann Semet, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
Towards Explainable Exploratory Landscape Analysis: Extreme Feature Selection for Classifying BBOB Functions (2021), 24th International Conference, EvoApplications 2021, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
Linear Matrix Factorization Embeddings for Single-objective Optimization Landscapes (2020), IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Tome Eftimov, Gorjan Popovski, Quentin Renau, Peter Korosec and Carola Doerr
Exploratory Landscape Analysis is Strongly Sensitive to the Sampling Strategy (2020), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI, Quentin Renau, Carola Doerr, Johann Dreo and Benjamin Doerr
Expressiveness and Robustness of Landscape Features (2019), GECCO (Companion), Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
Data Set
GECCO2022 Automated Algorithm Selection for Radar Network Configuration (2022). Zenodo, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Alain Peres, Yann Semet, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
Exploratory Landscape Analysis Feature Values for the 24 Noiseless BBOB Functions (2021). Zenodo, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
Experimental Data Set for the study « Exploratory Landscape Analysis is Strongly Sensitive to the Sampling Strategy » (2020). Zenodo, Quentin Renau, Carola Doerr, Johann Dreo and Benjamin Doerr
National Conferences or Worshops
COSEAL Workshop 2024: Algorithm Probing Trajectories for Algorithm Selection, Quentin Renau and Emma Hart
COSEAL Workshop 2023: Evolving instance-space layouts that reflect performance gradients, Emma Hart and Quentin Renau
COSEAL Workshop 2023: Keep on Learning: Towards the development of optimisers that continually adapt, Emma Hart and Quentin Renau
SONDRA 2022: Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics for Radar Network Placement, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Alain Peres, Yann Semet, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
ROADEF 2021: Landscape-Aware Approach for Radar Network Configuration, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr, Yann Semet and Benjamin Doerr
COSEAL Workshop 2019: Expressiveness and Robustness of Landscape Features, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
PGMO Days 2019: Expressiveness, Stability and Robustness of Landscape Features, Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr and Benjamin Doerr
Academic Activities
Program Committee Member:
IEEE WCCI Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (2021-2023)
ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) (since 2023, yearly)
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) (since 2024, biannual)
Journal Reviews:
Evolutionary Computation Journal (since 2023)
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (since 2023)
Journal Administrative Help:
Invited Speaker:
UAI Seminar, Universidad de la Laguna (Spain): Keep on Learning: Towards Optimisers that Continually Adapt, February 28th 2023
UAI Seminar, Universidad de la Laguna (Spain): Landscape-Aware Selection of Metaheuristics for the Configuration of Radar Networks, March 1st 2023
Best Poster Award at PPSN 2024 for Identifying Easy Instances to Improve Efficiency of ML Pipelines for Algorithm-Selection
Edinburgh Napier University (Scotland, UK):
Emergent Computing for Optimisation (practicals at master level), 2023
Ecole Polytechnique (France):
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (tutorat at master level), 2020