Research Interests


Excitons in 2D-Materials

Exciton is a quasi-particle composed of one electron and one hole. Excitons in low-dimensional material exhibit strong light-matter interaction, exciton-phonon interaction, exciton-exciton interactions ...etc.

Our group studies the exciton physics in atomically-thin 2D materials.

Advanced Spectroscopy

To study the exciton in 2D material, we need a tool to help us see the physical phenomena inside the material.

Optical spectroscopy is an effective method for probing material properties. By shining a light on the sample, we detect the emitting signals (spectrum) from interacting with materials.

Our group builds optical spectroscopic systems to study artificial 2D materials and reveal the novel quantum phenomena inside.

Artificial 2D Materials

Every material has its unique physics properties.

Some are metallic. Some are insulating.

In 2D material systems, we can create new artificial 2D materials through hybridization engineering.

Our group fabricates 2D materials with new functions by combining two or more existing materials.