Queen of Peace Music Ministry

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote and support the sacred song of the congregation and enhance the sung prayer of the sacred liturgy.

"God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source.

Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises."

- Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, USCCB, c2007, page 8

Who We Are

The Queen of Peace Choir is a joyful and faith filled group of folks! Some are experienced singers and others are singing with a choir for the first time in their lives. Together, these music loving volunteers are committed to singing the Lord's praise and hope to inspire all to deeper prayer with God. 

Cantors are experienced, skilled, volunteer singers committed to the ministry of music as individuals sharing their talents to lead the congregation in sung prayer. Cantors are expected to dedicate home practice time in addition to meeting with the organist before Mass. 

Instrumentalists add accompanied solo pieces for meditative prayer and obligato parts on congregational hymns and songs. If you would like to play for a weekend Mass, please introduce yourself to the organist after Mass or email qopmusic@queenofpeaceocala.com


The Choir sings at the 9:30AM Sunday Mass every week. Rehearsals are Thursday nights from 6:30pm-8pm. The Choir also sings at Mass Christmas Eve 4:00pm.


Cantors meet once every liturgical season to discuss the role of cantor, learn new music. These seasonal meetings also offer opportunity to train with the sound system, sing for each other and offer constructive, supportive feedback. Cantors are scheduled in advance to sing approximately twice a month in coordination with their family calendar.

Podcast  Sunday Mass Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A- 741775-A. All rights reserved .

Digital Choral Library from International Christian Music: Reprint license number: 741775 

Practice recordings shared with choir under ONE LICENSE Practice license number # 196622