Quantum Magnetism and Topology

June 27 ~ 29, 2023, Lahan Hotel, Pohang, Korea

Scope of the workshop

In the past decades, knowledge of quantum matter has advanced through a series of dramatic and unexpected discoveries. In certain quantum materials, distinct states can arise without accompanying a broken symmetry or occur even though they share the same broken symmetry. Materials possessing these novel states are differentiated by the topological character of their wave functions and are named topological materials. Here the topology refers to their immunity to impurities and defects in solids and allows us to classify new classes of long-range entangled many-body quantum states in the absence of broken symmetry. These states appear as various types of matter such as metals, insulators, or superconductors in correlated systems. 

Magnetic materials with strong electron-electron interactions have provided a playground for exotic phenomena beyond a conventional magnet characterized by broken symmetry. They originated from the interplay among spins, orbitals, and its couplings to underlying lattices and display intriguing and rich properties by varying degrees of frustration, electronic correlations, dimensionality, or effective spin-orbit coupling. These have been observed by various experimental techniques and theoretical methods. Few examples include unexpected insulating behaviour, topological magnon excitations, quantum spin liquids with anyonic excitations, and unconventional superconductivity nearby ferromagnet.

This conference will bring together leading experts in the fields of quantum magnetic and topological materials, experimentalists and theorists. The quantum materials include but are not limited to magnetic semimetals with giant Hall conductivities, topological defects such as skyrmions, multipole moments beyond dipole spin or orbital moment, superconductivity nearby magnetic phases, and quantum spin liquids in Mott insulators. These materials not only have great potential in the development of quantum technology, but also offer a platform to discover new classes of fundamental particles.

We would like to cover six topics under the theme of quantum magnetism and topology. These topics include:

1. Topological magnetic semimetals

2. Topological defects in magnetic materials

3. Multipole moments in d- or f-electron systems

4. Superconductivity nearby ferromagnetic phases

5. Quantum spin liquids

6. Advanced many-body numerical methods

All the oral presentations will be based on invited talks. As such, there will be no open call for oral presentations. We would like to remind you that the conference will also include poster presentations, and we encourage all participants to take advantage of this opportunity to showcase their research and engage with the colleagues. 


Lahan Hotel Pohang


Important Date

and Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems (https://caldes.ibs.re.kr/html/caldes_en/)

This workshop is a satellite meeting of 

International Conference on 

Strongly Correlated Electron Systems.
