Breakout Rooms

  • All plenary and invited talks will be presented in the main Zoom meeting room.

  • Along with the main meeting room, there are three types of Breakout rooms available as below.

    1. Speaker Ready Room # for checking Zoom connectivity without interrupting on-going talks.

    2. Free Discussion Room # for communicating more freely without interrupting on-going talks.

    3. Room # for presenting posters in the poster sessions (on the third day only).

  • To join a breakout room, please follow the below steps.

    1. Click [Breakout Rooms] button in the lower Zoom panel.

    2. Choose a breakout room to join in the list and click [Join] button on the right.

    3. To return to the main meeting room, click [Leave Breakout Room] button.

  • To see more information, please visit the Zoom help center.