Hi there. This is Qi's web page.

I'm an applied mathematician. I'm interested in the application of math knowledge on real-life problems, e.g., geophysics, concrete structures, medical imaging, from data collecting and processing to modeling, numerical algorithms and developing mathematical theory.

I have been working on linear algebra and image processing during my master. From my PhD, I have been focusing on PDE-based inverse problems: elliptic equations (e.g., EIT, photoacoustic), hyperbolic equations (e.g., acoustic/elastic/EM waves), hybrid of different equations, multi-reflected waves in random media and its diffuse approximation (correlation of coda waves), etc.

I have been collaborating with geophysicists and civil engineers in the past few years. I have to say multi-discipline is such a challenging but exciting area. The huge gap due to education background and working style blocks researchers to understand each other. I believe, as an applied mathematician, that the right way to collaborate is not to pour my thoughts into others' mind but to participate into the experiment of collecting and processing data, to understand application's requirement and come up with a suitable model combing all possible conditions and constraints, and to solve and refine the model with efficient and advanced mathematical tools.

A record of my publications can be found on Google scholar, and I'll share some of my code on Github after cleaning up. BTW, I'm an open source supporter.

In my leisure time, I like soft music and play a little bit Chinese bamboo flute. I love hiking in the Alps area. Walking among clouds, snow montains, lakes,forests and grass land is such a pleasure.

La vie est un voyage de souffrance. Profitez-en!

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