Qiuyun Zhu

Postdoctoral fellow

University of Minnesota

School of Statistics

qzhu [at] umn [dot] edu


I am a Faragher distinguished postdoctoral fellow at IRSA in University of Minnesota. My research lies in theory and computational practice of high-dimensional statistics, Bayesian inference and optimization, with applications in machine learning, data science and game theory. I am currently working on topics including: sparse CCA, inverse problems, MCMC and generative adversarial networks (GANs).

I completed my B.S. in Mathematics at Nanjing University in 2016, my M.S. in Statistics at University of Wisconsin-Madison and my Ph.D. in Statistics, advised by  Yves Atchade, at Boston University.

Publications and Preprints

Joint work with Yves Atchade.  Journal of American Statistical Association, to appear, 2023.

Joint work with Renbo Zhao. Optimization Letters, Vol. 17, No. 7, Pages 1595 – 1611, 2023.

Joint work with Yves Atchade, and Xinru Liu. Submitted, 2023.

Joint work with Yves Atchade. Working paper.

Teaching Assistant