Congling Qiu

My area of research is number theory. I study algebraic solutions of polynomial equations with symmetry. I mainly use tools from algebraic geometry and automorphic forms. 

Recently I developed interests in the experimental and computational aspects of this field. Check some of my recent works (partly with Wei Zhang at MIT) arXiv:2209.09736, arXiv:2310.20600, arXiv:2310.20600, which are the papers 6,7,8 below. Also check the workshop I organized (with other organizers) at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics.

I obtained my Ph.D. in mathematics from Princeton University in 2020 under the supervision of Shou-Wu Zhang. Then, I was a Gibbs Assistant Professor (aka Postdoc) at Department of Mathematics, Yale University, while I was supported by NSF (National Science Foundation) grant DMS #2000533. Now I'm a postdoc at MIT. 

Email: qiuc AT mit DOT edu,

           qiucongling AT gmail DOT com.

(Photo by my wife)

Publications & Preprints

       My talks (not updated for a while...) on them are here. 

Appendix to 3.1 of ``Finiteness properties for Shimura curves and Modified diagonal cycles"

Appendix to "Vanishing results in Chow groups for the modified diagonal cycles" 


       Yale University

Princeton University


I co-organized the Yale Algebra and Number Theory Seminar.