Entangled world! 



August                                      SPIE Quantum Communication @ San Diego [Link]
July                                      Hyeokjea Lee gives a contributing talk @ IEEE QCNC [Link]                          Q-Escape 2024 @ Shenzhen [Link]                                 Kieran Faltt gives a contributing talk
June                                      Woonsang Choi successfully defended his MS thesis.                                 Thesis title: Optimality of Pretty Good Measurements                          Canada-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, Banff [Link]                          Symposium in Mathematical Physics, Torun, Poland [Link]
May                                      Quantum lakeside dialogue@University of Jyvaskyla, Finland [Link]                          Joonwoo Bae serves a PC member @ AQIS2024 [Link]
April                                      Focus Sessions@Korean Mathematical Society (Spring Meeting) [Link                          Tutorial@the 1st meeting, Quantum Information Society of Korea [Link]
                          Joonwoo Bae was awarded a prize (Prime Minister's Commendation) [Link]

March                                      New students: Dongwon Lee for MS                                                              Chanmin Park for MS
                                                            Jaewan Kim for PhD 
                                                            Lemieux Wang for PhD 
February                           Conference on Photonics, Quantum Information, and Quantum Communication (Centenary of Bose statistics) @ Kolkata  [Link]                                    Joonwoo Bae gives an invited talk.                                    Ashutosh Rai gives a contributing talk.                           Commencement day: Jiyoung Yun                                                                            Hanwool Lee 
January                            KAIST-MIT Quantum Information Winter School [Link]
                            Karthik Mohan, Sungwon Yun, and Jaemin Kim give poster presentations in QIP [Link]
                            Joonwoo Bae gives an invited talk at the 34th HSN meeting [Link]

December                            RIKEN-KAIST-NCKU Joint workshop @ Tainan [Link]
                            Nagoya-KAIST GEnKO workshop @ Nagoya [Link]
                            Christmas Dinner
November                            Tutorial "Entanglement" @Quantum2023 [Link]                            Karthik Mohan gives a talk about "Entanglement Distribution" @ KSIAM Fall meeting                            KAI-X workshop on Quantum Information @ KAIST "AI and Quantum Information for Partial Physics" [Link]                            KAIST EE colloquial talk by Eric Chitambar (UIUC)

October                            QCAI/ITRC colloquial talk by Miguel Navascues (IQOQI, Vienna                            Hanwool Lee presents his PhD thesis on Oct. 10.
                            Panel at Beyond ICFO
                            Carles Roch i Carceller (co-supervision at DTU) presents his PhD thesis on Oct 23.
                            KPS Fall meeting
                            QCAI Workshop@ Seoul [Link]
                            K-ICT week@Busan [Link]
                            Best TA Award (EE, KAIST) to Sung Won Yun! 
                            Jiyoung Yun presents her PhD thesis on Sep 14.
                            Publication "Detecting Entanglement-Generating Circuits in Cloud-Based Quantum Computing"
                                                      spj Intelligent Computing 2 0051 (2023)
                                                      Jiheon Seong and Joonwoo Bae
                                                      EurekAlert [Link]

                            Invited Talk@ SPIE Quantum Communication, San Diego [Link]
                            KSIAM-NIMS Summer School on Quantum Information @ Busan [Link]
                            Organizing Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics Machine Learning [Link]
                            Asian Quantum Information Sciences (AQIS) 2023@ Seoul [Link]
                                   Ashutosh Rai gives a contributing talk, distillation of nonlocality
                                  Kieran Flatt presents a poster, sequential measurements... 
                            Publication "Entanglement witness measurement of time-bin two-qubit states using fiber-based Franson interferometers"
                                                      Frontiers in Physics 11 1254044 (2023)                                                     Hwang K, Seong J, Park K, Kim J, Pramanik T, Bae J and Shin H

                            Invited Talk@ Canada-Korea Conference (CKC), Ottawa, Canada [Link]
                            Project meeting with Pharmcad and PKNU [Link]                            SIAM Summer School on Quantum Computing@ Lehigh University
                                    Hyeokjea Kwon and Sungwon Yun
                            Annual meeting, the Korean society for aeronautical and space sciences 
                                    Singwon Yun gives a talk, Training quantum measurements
                             Publication "On the structure of mirrored operators obtained from optimal entanglement witnesses"                                                  Scientific Reports 13 10733 (2023)
                                                  Anindita Bera, Joonwoo Bae, Beatrix Hiesmayr, and Dariusz Chruscinski 

June                            Entanglement  Assisted Communication Networks@Taipei, Taiwan                            Talks@ EACN
                                    Jiyoung Yun gives a contributing talk, nonlocal network coding in interference channel
                                    Ashutosh Rai gives a contributing talk, nonlocal network coding in multiple access channel                            Invited Talk & Poster@ Symposium in Mathematical Physics, Torun, Poland [Link]                            Talks@ COOC
                                    Jaemin Kim gives a contributing talk, measurement-based detection of entanglement
                                    Hyoekjea Kwon gives a contributing talk, quantum feature map
                            Benasque "Entangle This"
                            QCAI@Quantum Korea [Link] 
                            Publication "Distilling Nonlocality in Quantum Correlations"
                                                  Physical Review Letters 130 220201 (2023)
                                                  Sahil Gopalkrishna Naik, Govind Lal Sidhardh, Samrat Sen, Arup Roy, Ashutosh Rai, and Manik Banik

                            "Psy was at KAIST"
                            QCAI talk by Thi Ha Kyaw (LG Toronto AI)

                            Invited Talk@ KPS meeting (Spring), Synergy between High Energy Phenomenology and Quantum Information 
                                    Joonwoo Bae gives an invited talk, Entanglement Theory: Structure and Certification
                            KAIST EE colloquial talk by Valerio Scarani (CQT, NUS)
                            New paper 'Nonlocal and quantum advantages in network coding for multiple access channels' 
                                                @arXiv:2304.10792 [Link] 
March                            2022 IOP Outstanding Reviewer Awards [Certification, Link]                            New paper 'Detecting Entanglement by State Preparation and a Fixed Measurement'                                                 @arXiv:2303.16368 [Link]                            New paper 'Feature Map for Quantum Data: Probabilistic Manipulation'                                                 @arXiv:2303.15665 [Link] 
                            Presentation@QIP, Ghent, Belgium 
                                  Ashutosh Rai presents 'Nonlocal network coding for Multiple-Access-Channels (MAC)' 
                                  Jiyoung Yun presents 'Nonlocal network coding for Interference Channels'. 
                            KAIST-Nagoya GEnKO Workshop [Link]
January                             Joonwoo Bae gives a talk about Mirrored Entanglement Witnesses                                                                             @ Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis [Link]
                            New paper 'On the structure of mirrored operators obtained from optimal entanglement witnesses' 
                                                @arXiv:2212.14820 [Link]                            ITRC/QCAI colloquial talk by Anthony Leverrier (INRIA, Paris) 'Quantum Tanner Code'                                               
December                             Hyeokjea Kwon, Seungchan Seo, and Jiheon Seong participate in Q2B 2022, Santa Clara [Link]                            Joonwoo Bae gives a talk, Quantum advantages in information theory                                                                              @ KOFST BrainLink 2022 Quantum Information Sciences [Link]                            Joonwoo Bae writes a review on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 in the KPS magazine [Link]                            Christmas Dinner                             The course "Basics of Quantum Information Processing" is available in K-MOOC [Link]
                            Publication: How many mutually unbiased bases are needed to detect bound entangled states?
                                                  Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 505303 (2022)                                                  Joonwoo Bae, Anindita Bera, Dariusz Chruściński, Beatrix C Hiesmayr and Daniel McNulty
November                            KAIST EE-X Quantum [Link]
                                    Quantum IT, foundations to applications 
                            Publication: Correlations in noisy measurements                                                  Open Systems & Information Dynamics (OSID) Vol. 29  No. 02 2250009 (2022)                                                  Seungchan Seo, Jiheon Seong, and Joonwoo Bae                            Presentation@KICS Fall, Gyeongju
                                  Jiyoung Yun gives a talk 'Nonlocal network coding based on the CHSH game' 
                            Presentation@KSIAM Fall, Jeju                                  Jiyoung Yun gives a talk 'Nonlocal network coding based on the CHSH game'                                   Hyeokjea Kwon gives a talk 'Quantum amplitude amplification operators' 

October                            KPS Fall Meeting
                            Presentation@KPS Fall, Busan 
                                  Jiheon Seong gives a talk 'Purified estimation of observables' 
                                  Seungchan Seo gives a talk 'Correlated noise in NISQ devices' 
                            Visitor: Andreas Woitzik and Eric Brunner (Uni. Freiburg, Germany-Korea Partnership Project)
                            Presentation@QuRate, Princeton [Link]
                                  Joonwoo Bae gives a talk 'Entanglement Certification Circuits and Mitigation of Crosstalk Errors'  
                            Publication: Single-copy certification of two-qubit gates without entanglement                                                    Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 044046 (2022)                                                    Yujun Choi, Tanmay Singal, Young-Wook Cho, Sang-Wook Han, Kyunghwan Oh, Sung Moon, Yong-Su Kim, and Joonwoo Bae

September                            New student: Sungwon Yun for PhD 
                                                      Woonsang Choi for MS
                            Joonwoo Bae achieved IOP Trusted Reviewer Status [certificate]                            Publication: Contextual advantages and Certification for Maximum Confidence Discrimination                                                  PRX Quantum 3 030307 (2022)                                                   Kieran Flatt, Hanwool Lee, Carles Roch i Carceller, Jonathan Bohr Brask, and Joonwoo Bae                            Publication: Maximum-confidence measurements for qubit states                                                   Physical Review A 106, 032422 (2022) 
                                                  Hanwool Lee, Kieran Flatt, Carles Roch i Carceller, Jonathan Bohr Brask, and Joonwoo Bae

August                           Invited Presentation@SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging, San Diego, the US                           Dongjin Lee leaves for Perimeter Institute                            Dr. Yonghae Lee leaves for Kwangwon National University.
July                             ICQC2022, 'Toward Scalable Quantum Technology' Seoul [Link]
                                  Joonwoo Bae gives a talk, Purified Estimation and Error Mitigation 
                            Workshop on Quantum Measurements, Gyeongju
                                  Joonwoo Bae gives a talk, Maximum confidence measurement and contextual advantages
                            Presentation@Quantum Physics and Logics (QPL), Oxford [Link]
                                  Kieran Flatt gives a talk, contextual advantange and certification of maximum confidence measurements 
                                  Jaemin Kim presents a poster, quantum network for detecting and activating entanglement                            Presentation@Conference on the Theory of Quantum... (TQC2022), UIUC [Link]                                  Seungchan Seo presents a poster, Measurement error mitigation                                  Jiheon Seong presents a poster, Detecting entanglement generating circuits                                  Hyeokjea Kwon presents a poster Entanglement and information flow in quantum algorithms                                   Hanwool Lee presents a poster, Contextual advantages in quantum state discrimination                                   Dongjin Lee presents a poster, Constructing entanglement witnesses robust to detector errors.                             Publication: Quantum vs. Noncontextual Semi-Device-Independent Randomness Certification                                                   Physical Review Letters 129 050501 (2022)                                                 Carles Roch i Carceller, Kieran Flatt, Hanwool Lee, Joonwoo Bae, and Jonathan Bohr Brask
June                             Visitor: Carles Roch i Carceller (co-supervision, Denmark Technical Univ.)
                            Invited talk@CISC-S'22 [Link]  
                                  Joonwoo Bae gives a talk, quantum network protocols
                            Presentation@Quantum Information and Probability (QIP2022) from Foundations to Engineering, Sweden  [Link]
                                  Kieran Flatt gives a talk, contextual advantages of maximum confidence measurement

May                             Visitor: Carles Roch i Carceller (co-supervision, Denmark Technical Univ.)
                            Presentation@COOC meeting, Busan  [Link]
                                  Dongjin Lee gives a talk about experimental loopholes and entanglement detection
                                  Hyeokjea Kwon gives a talk about quantum search algorithms                                    Seungchan Seo gives a talk about measurement crosstalk errors in cloud-based quantum computing
April                             Visitor: Carles Roch i Carceller (co-supervision, Denmark Technical Univ.)
                            Dongjin Lee, a recipient of the Eun-Jong-Kwan fellowship 
                            Presentation@KPS Spring, online
                                  Hanwool Lee gives a talk about contextual advantages of quantum state discrimination
                                  Jiheon Lee gives a talk about entanglement generating circuits in cloud based quantum computing                                    Yonghae Lee gives a tutorial on QISKIT 
March                                    New student: Seungchan Seo for PhD 
                                                    Dongjin Lee for MS
                            New paper @arXiv:2203.05737
                                    Message: Maximum confidence measurements for qubit states

February                            Presentation@KICS Winter Conference [Link]
                                  Hyeokjea Kwon gives a talk  'Quantum amplitude amplification operators'  
                            International Conference on Quantum Inforamtion and Foundations [Link]
                                  Ashutosh Rai gives a talk  'Self-testing Quantum States via Non-maximal Bell Violation'   
                            Winter School Lecture on Quantum Information Processing (Feat. NISQ) [Link] / [Note]
                            Publication: Measurement crosstalk errors in cloud-based quantum computing [Link]
                                                      IEEE Internet Computing Vol 26 Issue 1 page 26-33 (2022)                                                      Seungchan Seo and Joonwoo Bae
January                            Best Paper Award@KICS 2021 Fall Meeting [Link]
                                  Jiheon Seong 'Detecting entanglement generating circuits in cloud-based quantum computing

December                             Presentation@KSIAM Fall Meeting  [Link]
                                  Hyeokjea Kwon gives a talk  'Quantum amplitude amplification operators'
                            New paper @arXiv:2112.00984
                                    Message:  Measurement crosstalk errors in cloud-based quantum computing services are verified.
                                    Seungchan Seo successfully defended his MS thesis.
                                 Thesis title: Verification of Correlated Errors in Noisy Quantum Measurements with NISQ Devices
                            Quantum Technologies Eve@East Coast
                            New paper* @arXiv:2112.06595
                                    Message: Self-testing non-maximally entangled states by Hardy's nonlocality   
                            New paper @arXiv:2112.09626
                                    Message: Contextual advantages for maximum confidence measurement in a realistic scenario 
                            New paper @arXiv:2112.09678
                                    Message: Randomness certification in quantum vs. noncontextual theories                            New paper @arXiv:2112.10651                                    Message: Measurement errors, both individual and crosstalk, can be mitigated.
                            Publication: Quantum amplitude amplification operators [Link]
                                                      Physical Review A 104 062438 (2021) Editors' Suggestion                                                      Hyeokjea Kwon and Joonwoo BaeNovember                             Presentations@KICS Fall Meeting [Link]
                                  Seungchan Seo gives a talk  'Measurement crosstalk errors in cloud-based quantum computing'  
                                  Jiheon Seong gives a talk 'Detecting entanglement generating circuits in cloud-based quantum computing'                             We resume weekly meetings in the presence of "with COVID-19"
                            Online courses 'Quantum Information' are now open @ KAIST MOOC (Korean) [Link] and @ Coursera (English) [Link]
                            Publication: Belief-invariant and quantum equilibria in games of incomplete information
                                                        Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 895 4 151-177 (2021)
                                                        V. Auletta, D. Ferraioli, A. Rai, G. Scarpa, and A. Winter
                            Workshop on Quantum Information Theory (online) organized by Dr. Yonghae LeeOctober                             New paper @arXiv:2110.10528                                    Message: Detecting entanglement generation in a cloud-based quantum computing service (when qubit allocations are not in users' hands)
                            IEC Quantum White Paper is published [Link]
September                            Publication: Detecting entanglement can be more effective with inequivalent mutually unbiased bases,
                                                      New. J. Phys 23 093018 (2021) [Link]
                                                      with B. Hiesmayr (Univ. of Vienna, Austria), D. McNulty (Univ. Aberystwyth, the UK), S. Baek (Hanyang Univ.), 
                                                                  S. Roy (CSIC, Madrid), and D. Chruscinski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland)
                           Publication: A hybrid quantum-classical approach to mitigating measurement errors in quantum algorithms                                                      IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 70 (9) 1401 (2021)
                                                      Hyeokjea Kwon and Joonwoo Bae
                                   New student: Hyeokjea Kwon for PhD  August                           Invited Presentation@SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging, San Diego, the US
                          ICMP2021 - International Congress on Mathematical Physics  [Link]
                                  Jiyoung Yun presents nonlocal network channel coding. 
                          ITRC summer school
                                Hyeokjea Kwon successfully defended his MS thesis.
                                  Thesis title: Mitigating Measurement Readout Errors in NISQ Device
                          New paper @arXiv:2108.01109
                                    Message: This is marvelous, hard to describe, a very interesting paper.
July                   TQC2021 -  16th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography  [Link]
                                  Hyeokjea Kwon presents quantum amplitude amplification operators
                          IEC meeting
June                  52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics - "Channels, Maps and All That" [Link]
                          Summer School on QIQT 2021 [Link]
                                  Ashutosh Rai gives a lecture in the summer school
                          IEC meeting
                          Publication: Device-independent bounds from Cabello's nonlocality argument
                                                        Phys. Rev. A. 103 062219 (2021)
                                                        Ashutosh Rai                                                    Quantum Harvest @ KAISTMay                           GEnKO seminar series (Freiburg, Nagoya, RIKEN, NCKU Tainan, Oxford, KAIST...)
                                  Jiheon Seong presents 'Architecture for entanglement generating circuits'
                                  Hyeokjea Kwon presents 'quantum amplitude amplification operators'
                                  Seungchan Seo presents 'Mitigation of crosstalk errors in a quantum measurement'
                            New paper @arXiv:2105.09559
                                    Message: Quantum Amplitude Amplification Operators April                          IEC meetingMarch                           GEnKO workshop (Freiburg, Nagoya, RIKEN, NCKU Tainan, Oxford, KAIST...)                            APS March Meeting, the US                                   Kieran speaks at Quantum Foundation [Link]
                            The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum @ KAIST
                                  Joonwoo Bae speaks about quantum information
                          New students : Jaemin Kim for MS, K. Mohan for PhD. 

February                           Invited Presentation@OSK Winter Meeting, Korea
                                  Joonwoo Bae speaks Quantum Communication
                           Invited Presentation, NCTS Annual Theory Meeting, Taiwan [Link]
                                  Joonwoo Bae speaks Entanglement Witness 2.0
January                          Highlighted in NRF magazine [Link]                          New Year Brunch
                          IEC meeting
                         2020December                           GEnKO seminar series (Freiburg, Nagoya, RIKEN, NCKU Tainan, Oxford, KAIST...)
                            Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Korea 2020
                            New paper@arXiv:2011.15078           
                                    Message: We begin to mind inequivalent MUBs.                            AQIS'20 (Asia Quantum Information Science) [online event due to COVID-19]                                    Hyeokjea Kwon 'Mitigation of measurement readout errors'                            Mini-workshop (internal) 'Quantum Christmas for Quantum Summer'
                            Christmas dinner at a restaurant  [cancelled due to COVID-19] -> Christmas dinner at home :-)
                            New device arrived at the office
                            Publication: Optimal measurement preserving qubit channels
                                                        New J. Phys. 22 123024 (2020)
                                                        Spiros Kechrimparis and Joonwoo Bae                                                      News: Joonwoo Bae, Y-KAST memeber
November                           National Chen Kung Univ. Taiwan [cancelled due to COVID-19]
                          IBM Quantum Machine Learning
                          The logo QIT@KAIST is prepared by Seungchan Seo

October                            Fall Meeting in Korea Mathematics Society : Focus Session in Quantum Computation and Quantum Information [online event due to COVID-19]
                                    Joonwoo Bae 'A hierarchy in the completely bounded trace norm : the more entangled, the more useful'
                           Conference on Quantum Annealing/Adiabatic Quantum Computation [Link] @The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics                           Publication: Non-Local Network Coding in Interference Channels
                                                      Physical Review Letters 125 150502 (2020) [Link], 
                                                      Jiyoung Yun, Ashutosh Rai and Joonwoo Bae                           ZOOM seminar : Thi Ha Kyaw (Univ. of Toronto) 'NISQ proposal'
September                           Kick-off workshop KAIST-Freiburg-Nagoya [online event due to COVID-19]                                    Kieran Flatt 'Quantum advantages in state discrimination'                                    Hanwool Lee 'Certification of maximum confidence measurement'                                    Hyeokjea Kwon 'Mitigation of measure readout errors' [view]                                    Seungchan Seo 'Quantum detector tomography on IBM Q' [view]                          
                            New students : M. Kim for MS, J. Seong for PhD.  
August                                                       Invited Presentation@SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imagine, San Diego, the US [online event due to COVID-19]
                                    Joonwoo Bae 'Measurement protected quantum key distribution'
                            Lecture at ITRC Summer School [Link] [online event due to COVID-19]                                      Joonwoo Bae 'Introduction to quantum computing and quantum information'                           Tutorial@Quantum Information Conference [Link] [online event due to COVID-19]
                                    Joonwoo Bae 'Quantum communication and quantum correlations'
                           Invited Talk@International Conference on Quantum Computing [Link] [online event due to COVID-19]                                    Joonwoo Bae 'Entanglement Witness 2.0'July                           Spring Meeting in Korea Mathematics Society : special session in Quantum Information Theory [online event due to COVID-19]                                    Jiyoung Yun 'Nonlocal Network Coding in Interference Channels'                                   Hyeokjea Kwon 'A hybrid quantum-classical approach to mitigating measurement errors'                           New paper @arXiv:2006.16366                                    Message: Optimal measurement preserving channels for qubits                            ZOOM seminar : Ashutosh Rai
                          Publication: A hybrid quantum-classical approach to mitigating measurement errors in quantum algorithms,
                                                      IEEE Transactions on Computers  [Link], 
                                                      Hyeokjea Kwon and Joonwoo BaeJune                           Invited talk@Symposium on Mathematical Physics, "Channels, Maps, and All That", Torun, Poland [cancelled due to COVID-19]May                                            New paper @arXiv:2005.02378                                    Message: Quantum channel discrimination is applied to certifying two-qubit gates                           Erratum, IEEE JSAC Vol 38, No 5, 980 (2020) Link                            to Channel Coding of a Quantum Measurement, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol 38, No 3, 439 (2020)                            ZOOM seminar : Chee Kong Lee (Tencent America) 'Unitary coupled restricted Boltzmann machine for quantum simulations'April                           National Chen Kung Univ. Taiwan [cancelled due to COVID-19]                           Spring Meeting in Korea Mathematics Society : special session in Quantum Information Theory [postponed due to COVID-19]                           Publication: Channel Coding of a Quantum Measurement,
                                                        IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol 38, No 3, 439 (2020)
                                                        S. Kechrimparis (KAIST), C. M. Kropf (INFN, Italy),  F. Wudarski (QuAIL @ NASA, the US), and J. Bae* (KAIST)                                                        *corresponding authorMarch                            Visitor : Hong-Bin Chen (National Chen Kung University, Taiwan) [cancelled due to COVID-19]                           Special Issue in Electronics: Quantum Information Theory [Link]                           New students : H. Lee for PhD, S. Seo for MS, S. Lee for technical MS.                            New paper @arXiv:2003.11867                                    Message: Non-locality is useful in network coding although more non-locality does not necessarily imply a higher channel capacity                           New paper @arXiv:2003.12314                                    Message: Measurement readout errors can be mitigated by a hybrid quantum-classical prescription                            February                           Publication: Mirrored Entanglement Witnesses, npj Quantum Information 6 15 (2020) [Link]                                    with D. Chruscinski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland) and B. Hiesmayr (Univ. of Vienna, Austria)                           Visitor : Chee Kong Lee (Tencent America, Palo Alto CA) January                              GEnKO approved (Freiburg-KAIST-Nagoya) 2019December                           Workshop @Quantum information processing in non-Markovian quantum complex systems, Nagoya, Japan [Link]                           Visitors : H.-D. Yuan (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)                              Talk@Particle Physics in Computing Frontier, IBS,Korea [Link]                           Talk@Photonics Conference 2019 [Link]                           Talk@Winter Camp on Particle Physics [Link]                           New paper @arXiv:1912.00768                                     Message: QKD protocols can be implemented with a fixed optimal measurement.November                           Visitors : D. McNulty (Aberystwyth  Univ., the UK)   October                           Conference @Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning 2019 [Link]                                          Visitors : T. Heinosaari (Univ. Turku, Finland), D. McNulty (Aberystwyth  Univ., the UK)   September                          @DPG, Freiburg : Contributing talk "Entanglement Witness 2.0" (Mirrored Entanglement Witnesses)                            Visitors : J. Suzuki (Univ. of Electro-Communications, Japan)                              New students : J. Yun for PhD, H. Kwon for MS.                            Publication: Information-theoretic meaning of quantum information flow and its applications to amplitude amplification algorithms, Phys. Rev. A 100, 032303 (2019) [Link]                                    with Sudipto Singha Roy (now in CSIC, Spain)
August                                                       Invited talk @SPIE San Diego, the US "Optimal state discrimination over quantum channels"                           @AQIS19, Seoul : optimal state discrimination over quantum channels (Spiros), Geometry of the quantum set on no-signaling faces (Ashutosh)                           @QCrypt19, Montreal : secure quantum communication by preserving an optimal measurement (Joonwoo)                           @ITRC summer school, KAIST                           KAIST-ETRI 0.5 workshop                           Publication: Quantifying the nonclassicality of pure dephasing, Nature Communications 10 3794 (2019) [Link]                                     with Clemens Gneiting and Franco Nori (RIKEN, Japan), Ping-Yuan Lo (National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan)  Hong-Bin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen (National Chen Kung Univ., Taiwan)                           New paper @arXiv: 1908.10735                                      Message: Protection of a setting of a measurement when quantum states suffer from unwanted interactions with an environmentJuly                           Conference@Benasque Quantum Information 2019 [Link]                           Invited Talk @LPHYS, Gyeongju, Korea [Link]                           @ICQC2019, SeoulJune                           Invited Talk @COOC 2019, Korea                            Publication: Preserving measurements for optimal state discrimination over quantum channels, Physical Review A 99 062302 (2019)                           Conference@Benasque Quantum Information 2019 [Link]May                           Exploring Open Quantum Systems in Quantum Simulators @ KITP, Santa Barbara                           Visitors : D. McNulty (Aberystwyth  Univ., the UK), Hui Khoon Ng (NUS-Yale, Singapore), Nilanjana Datta (Univ. of Cambridge, the UK)                           Conference @Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information Theory [Link]                           Invited Lecture @School of Mesoscopic Physics, APCTP, Korea [Link]                           Regular meeting QuIST @KAISTApril                           KAIST-KIST 0.5 workshop                           Publication: More Entanglement Implies Higher Performance in Channel Discrimination Tasks, Physical Review Letters 122 140404 (2019)                                      with Dariusz Chruscinski (Nicolaus Copernicus Univ., Torun, Poland) and  Marco Piani (Univ. of Strathclyde, the UK)                           New Direction in Quantum Information @ Nordita, Stockholm                            March                           Finally, our lab. QIT@KAIST, here                           ITRC QCAI workshop                           Welcome on board, Ashutosh Rai!  February                           Visit@CQT, NUS Singapore                            Invited Talk @KICS, Korea : Introduction to Quantum Computation and Quantum Cryptographic ProtocolsJanuary                              Publication: Linking entanglement detection and state tomography via quantum 2-designs, New Journal of Physics 21 013012 (2019) [Link]                                       with Beatrix Hiesmayr (Univ. of Vienna, Austria) and  Daniel McNulty (Aberystwyth  Univ., the UK)                           Contributed Talk @KICS, Korea : Qubit State Discrimination over a Quantum Channel2018December                            New paper @arXiv: 1812.02087                                      Message: Noise in entangling gates can be detected without more of entangling resources                           Invited Talk @QIPA 2018, Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI), India                           Visitors : Beatrix Hiesmayr (Univ. of Vienna, Austria)                           Revision @arXiv:1805.05111                                     Message: Open quantum system approach to quantum algorithm, and its information-theoretic interpretation: information flow can characterize the computational speedup of quantum algorithms                           Finally, moving to a new office!  November                            New paper @arXiv: 1811.07721                                      Message: Optimal measurement prepared in a laboratory would be forever optimal by LOCC                          Visitors: Tobias Bruenner (Freiburg, Germany) and C. Kropf (INFN, Italy)                                     New paper@arXiv:1811.09053 collaboration with NCKU, NCTU (Taiwan) and RIKEN (Tokyo)                                    Message: Quantification of nonclassical dynamics                          New paper@arXiv:1811.09896   collaboration with D. Chruscinski (Torun) and B. Hiesmayr (Vienna)                                             Message: Entanglement witnesses are much more useful : the capabilities of different entanglement witnesses can be compressed to a single one.      October                        Visit @CUHK, Hong Kong, talking about  "Quantum channels constrained by entanglement"September                       Conference @AQIS'18 / program committee, session chair, poster presentation                        New paper @arXiv:1809.06133 collaboration with P. Aniello (Napoli) and D. Chruscinski (Torun)                                    Message: Entropic characterizations to non-Markovianity                          New paper @arXiv:1809.02082 collaboration with D. Chruscinski (Torun) and M. Piani (Glasgow)                                    Message: The more entangled, the more useful in quantum channel discrimination                       All the best to Dr. Sudipto Singha Roy, now in UAM-CSIC (Madrid)                       Visitors: B. Regula (Univ. Nottingham, the UK)August                       Invited talk @SPIE San Diego, the US "how useful a single entanglement witness is?"July                                        Conference@Beyond IID Cambridge, the UK, poster about "information flow in quantum algorithms"                      We're new at KAIST