Quantum Information & Technologies @ IITB

Welcome to the quantum information, control and thermodynamics group at the Physics department at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). Our research interests are the physics of quantum technologies, and can be summarised by the following diagram.




We are looking for motivated postdoctoral researchers. If you are an expert in fields of interest such as condensed matter theory, quantum information theory, quantum control theory and are interested in our work, then please consider applying. Qualified candidates can send their CV to Sai.


We welcome students who want to pursue their Ph.D. at IITB with our group. Note that any candidate would have to qualify the entrance examination mechanisms in place at the Physics department.


If you are a physics undergrad at IITB, please do come chat with the group. We have several short projects that allow you to explore quantum information theory and see if you like it. If you are from outside IITB, please note that we do not have funding to support your stay at IITB.

Some Recent Talks

Quantum Control on NISQ-Era Devices

December 2020

Quantum Control on NISQ-era Devices April 2020

Information Theoretic Measure of QSync April 2020

QSync and Heat Engines May 2020

QSync & Squeezing, April 2018