from Oct 27 to Nov 4

Qiskit Fall Fest Morocco

at Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat 

               Morocco 2022 


This is the Qiskit Fall Fest event for Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat. We're so excited to have you all here. This event is being hosted by the Laboratory of High Energy Physics: Modeling and Simulation & Centre of Physics and Mathematics (CPM)

The Qiskit Fall Fest is a collection of quantum computing events on college campuses around the world. Every Fall Fest event is organized and run by the students on each campus, with support from the entire IBM Quantum team. Student leaders work alongside IBM throughout the month of September to design and plan their events, which are then run in October. The events vary from technical hackathons to beginner-friendly challenges, all with the goal of helping to grow the local community’s skill set.

The Fall Fest here on  Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University is going to be a hackathon, starting on October 28nd. Details about the hackathon and rules can be found below. The deadline for all projects is October 30st, at 11:59pm GMT+1 . Any projects submitted after that will NOT be judged. Good luck!


A three-day summit of talks, activities, and workshops


                                    Hackathon Details

 All projects submitted must follow the hackathon prompt, which we will reveal at the Opening Ceremony on Oct. 27nd at 2pm

Day 1

Speaker session 1: Opening &Quantum information reseach in Morocco (Abdallah Slaoui)
Workshop -1: Introduction to Quantum computing
Wokshop -2 : EPR paradox, 2022 nobel prize

Day 2

Speaker session 2: Intro to Quantum machine learning ( Pawel Gora)
Speaker session 3: Superconducting Qubit (William D. Oliver)
Speaker session 4: Dr. Marlou Slot  (Womanium)

Day 3

Workshop-3 : Quantum Machine Learning 1
Workshop-4 : Quantum Machine Learning 2
Hackathon Day

                              Hackathon Schedule

We are proud to welcome you to the Faculty of science Qiskit Fall Fest. Our team of organizers has put together an amazing schedule of events, learning, guest speakers, and more for you. Find the schedule below 

                                                                     The dates above are listed in GMT+1 time zone!

Make sure to join the Discord /Qiskit-fall-fest-Morocco channel where you can connect with mentors and fellow attendees! Join the Qiskit Slack workspace here if you haven't already. 

The Speakers

Marlou Slot

Marlou Slot is a condensed-matter physicist with a background in scanning probe microscopy , she currently works as a Postdoctoral Researcher within the NIST-Georgetown PREP program. 

Paweł Gora 

Scientist, IT specialist and entrepreneur, CEO of the Quantum AI Foundation.  working mostly on the applications of AI and quantum computing. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw and is now a PhD Candidate at that Faculty

William D. Oliver 

William D. Oliver is jointly appointed Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor of Physics, and Lincoln Laboratory Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Abdallah Slaoui 

Post-doctoral researcher at Laboratory of High Energy Physics: Modeling and Simulation & Centre of Physics and Mathematics (CPM), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat

The Venue

Venue Ibn batouta

4 Avenue Ibn Batouta BP 1014 RP, RABAT 

Laboratory of High Energy Physics: Modeling and Simulation & Centre of Physics and Mathematics (CPM), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat

Let us know if you'll be attending!