Dr. Qian Li 李倩

Qian Li is a now Lecturer (a.k.a., Assistant Professor) at School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences (EECMS), Curtin University, Australia. Before that, she has been a Postdoc Research Fellow at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) from 2019-2021. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). Before that, she got a Master degree (Master by Research) in Computer Science at Shandong University.  She also won the Luxembourg Scholarship and completed 2nd M.S. degree (Master by Research) in Computer Science at University of Luxembourg.

Her recent interests lie in causal machine learning and exploring causal reasoning insights to tackle challenging problems in machine learning, such as robustness and interpretability. Besides, her research focuses on utilizing advanced mathematical tools (such as optimal transport and Riemannian geometry) to alleviate the challenges of computer vision tasks. 

Her research interests include:

Office: Building 314.347,  Kent St, Bentley WA 6102            

E-mail:  qli@curtin.edu.au


Selected Publications (Full List): 

Projects & Fundings:

Research on the frontier topic of trustworthy AI technology and topological data analysis, with numerous potential applications in smart healthcare, manufacturing and insurance.

• Secured a $120k research grant from the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation (China).  Due to Covid-19, the grant rate decreases to 15.8%.

• Worked as a data scientist in this project (jointly with UNSW) to applies AI technology to empower solar farms with advanced energy storage. 

• Supervised research students on tasks including electricity price forecasting and predicting solar power generation.

• Worked as a Chief Investigator, to design context-aware sensor network architecture for healthcare monitoring. 

• Develop the fault detection and recovery mechanism for the sensor network architecture.  

Ph.D. Supervision:

Current Ph.D.:



Professional Services:



Honor & Awards: