Quantum Fields and Quantum Information

Welcome to Pfister Labs!


04/18/2024: The gang got together for John Preskill's visit of UVA to give the Hoxton Lecture. :-)

Left to right: Amanuel Anteneh (now an esteemed collaborator), postodc Léandre Brunel, grad students Amr Hossameldin and Alison Haskin, and OP.

10/11/2022: New paper accepted in Nature Photonics: exciting collaboration  with CUNY, AFRL, and JLab!

05/13/2022: Spring 2022 QFQI party

Left to right: Xuan Zhu, Zijiao Yang (special guest from Xu Yi's group :-), Andrew AbdelMalak, Alison Haskins, Santiago Pinto, Olivia Mostow, Dr. Carlos González-Arciniegas, Dr. Miller Eaton, Amr Hossameldin, Amanuel Anteneh, Dr. Paul Renault, and Dr. Boss.

04/12/2022: Congratulations to our newly minted PhD Miller Eaton! The quantum workforce gains another power hitter. 

Watch a very short intro video to our research!

01/21/2021: Our group is looking for a postdoc in experimental quantum optics and quantum information (theory considered as well but experiment a priority). Apply here.

07/22/2020: Congratulations to our newly minted PhD Raj Nehra (left, below, with brilliant former group postdoc Dr. Raf Alexander). Fantastic job, Raj! Have fun at Caltech! 

07/16/2020: Olivier was honored to give the Quantum Science Seminar #13! Watch it here .

11/13/2019: Group dinner for visiting student Nicolas Fabre, from Pérola Milman's group at Paris Université, at the Whiskey Jar, feat. The Weedeaters.

Left to right: Prof. Rongguo Yang (Shanxi U., visiting), Prof. Jing Zhang (Shanxi U., visiting), Dr. Anne Pfister, Dr.  Fearless Leader, Dr. Carlos González-Arciniegas, Rajveer Nehra, Matthew Wampler (Israel Klich's group), Chun-Hung Chang, Zijiao Yang (Xu Yi's group), Catherine Xuan Zhu, Nicolas Fabre, Miller Eaton.

About us

We are an experimental quantum optics shop with a strong quantum information bias. We're based at the U. of Virginia, where we have been pursuing the implementation of quantum computing with light since 2004. Progress along these lines has made us develop unique expertise in generating quantum entanglement over very large scales in the lab. Our other line of effort is the generation and complete characterization of highly exotic, deemed "non Gaussian," quantum states of light, which are critical for quantum error correction and for the exponential speedup of a quantum computer.

Group members

Fearless Leader


Graduate students

Recent alumni

Current collaborators

Amanuel Anteneh (Booz-Allen-Hamilton)

Andreas Beling (U. Virginia)

Joe Campbell (U. Virginia)

Virginia D'Auria (U. Côte d'Azur)

Mario Dagenais (U. Maryland)

Robert Edwards (Jefferson Laboratory)

Israel Klich (U. Virginia)

Giuseppe Patera (U. Lille)

Avi Pe'er (Bar-Ilan U.)

George Siopsis (U. Tennessee)

Xu Yi (U. Virginia)

Recent and notable publications