21st Workshop on Quantization, Dualities and Integrable Systems

The conference booklet can be found here.

The 21st of our workshop will be held at Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Science and Technology Building in Boğaziçi University Kandilli Campus on 26-27 April 2024. The conference will be hybrid, where participants may also attend via Zoom. We thank İstanbul Technical University for providing the Zoom platform.

The purpose of this annual meeting is to bring together the researchers and the graduate students in mathematical physics and related fields to discuss recent developments and to stimulate research on topics of General Methods of Quantization, General Relativity, Supersymmetry, Topological Methods, Duality Symmetries, Supergravity, Superstrings, Conformal Field Theories and Integrable Systems.

Scientific Steering Committee:

Local Organizing Committee:

The Zoom links for each session can be found below:

26 April, Friday, Morning Session: Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 943 4396 8455

Passcode: 530371

27 April, Saturday, Morning Session: Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 948 4074 0894

Passcode: 789591

26 April, Friday, Afternoon Session: Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 972 7480 6609

Passcode: 530605

You can learn the details of Feza Gürsey's life in this great online exhibition.