Welcome to QCycle!
Welcome to QCycle!
QCycle is a participant-led research (PLR) project focusing on physiological change across the ovulatory cycle. We're a mix of researchers, computer scientists, engineers, and self-trackers looking to learn about ourselves, predict our LH surges, investigate links between our cycles and mood, HRV, productivity and more.
QCycle is a participant-led research (PLR) project focusing on physiological change across the ovulatory cycle. We're a mix of researchers, computer scientists, engineers, and self-trackers looking to learn about ourselves, predict our LH surges, investigate links between our cycles and mood, HRV, productivity and more.
This is our private website for project resources. You can come here to find:
This is our private website for project resources. You can come here to find:
Background information on our project.
Background information on our project.
Instructions on how to use your devices and test kits.
Instructions on how to use your devices and test kits.
Latest Updates
Latest Updates
- We're sending in hormone tests! Send me your last samples! - 4/15/2019
- We're sending in hormone tests! Send me your last samples! - 4/15/2019
- Thank you to the momma's in our study-- new figure in "Our Data" showing a very cool temperature story in late pregnancy and following birth. 3/18/2019
- Thank you to the momma's in our study-- new figure in "Our Data" showing a very cool temperature story in late pregnancy and following birth. 3/18/2019
- More Figures are here 2/27! Thank you for all the feedback so far :)
- More Figures are here 2/27! Thank you for all the feedback so far :)
- Figures are here 2/19!
- Figures are here 2/19!
-9 Dutch Test Cycles Completed So Far, and Second Round is In Progress 2/15.
-9 Dutch Test Cycles Completed So Far, and Second Round is In Progress 2/15.
Older Announcements:
-So much data aggregation. Azure needs to improve her pipeline for organizing iButton data (in its multiple potential formats) and Oura data (in its multiple potential formats). You software engineers/data scientists in the group... Have you wisdom to share? 1/20.Older Announcements:
-The first "Mini-Literature Reviews", focusing on pregnancy and biological rhythms, are here. 10/30/2018
- We officially have a collaboration with DutchTest! I'm still working out the details, but so far our goal is to capture at least one cycle per individual measuring estrone, estradiol, and two progesterone metabolites. I'll post more detail about this soon - but this is very exciting news! Please post your questions here so everyone can see them. 10/24/2018.
- I'll be sending you a BBT thermometer via Amazon this week if you need one.
- Bastian (from Open Humans) and Teemu (from Oura) are working on a couple updates to our portals -- I may post back here asking you to disconnect and reconnect your account from QCycle/Oura Connect in a couple days. Thank you for your patience as we learn to link these pipelines together!
- Have a newer Mac OS and a hard time getting the iButton software to download? A virtual box may, unfortunately, be our go to here. Here is a link to download/instructions on vbox installation for Windows 10. Walk through these instructions once you've installed the vbox Give it a try, or if you'd like to go through it together shoot me a text/email. 10/24/2018
- Want to keep using Clue but annoyed that it doesn't enable csv data export? Their tech support has a longish workaround if you are used to Clue and don't want to switch apps: Thank you Jamie!
Thank you for reaching out!There is no option in the app to export your data in a .csv format, but I can give you a workaround so you can do it yourself.
1. Create a backup through the in-app menu (you'll find the backup option in the settings if you're an Android user, or directly in the menu if you use iOS)2. Send the backup file to yourself per email3. Open the file using a software like Notepad, and select the whole text4. Copy it and paste it here https://konklone.io/json/. 5. Then select the option to create a .csv file, so you can save it on your computer.
Hope it was helpful! Let me know if you have more questions.
Best wishes from Clue,Sabrina
- All supplies should be received by the end of 10/22/2018.
- We had our first meeting on CrowdCast 10/11/2018. Go here to watch, or check your email for our recap of next steps.
-Schedule a meeting with Azure to develop your N-of-1 project and get device training here.