QCD equation of state


Reference: A. Monnai, B. Schenke, C. Shen, Phys. Rev. C 100, 024907 (2019)

NEOS is a QCD equation of state model at finite chemical potentials including net baryon, electric charge, and strangeness, based on the conserved charge susceptibilities determined from lattice QCD simulations and the equation of state of the hadron resonance gas model. It is aimed for the applications to relativistic hydrodynamic models of nuclear collisions at wide range of collision energies.


A tabulated version of the NEOS results can be downloaded here. "NEOS B" is the conventional equation of state at vanishing strangeness and charge chemical potentials, "NEOS BS" is the equation of state with the strangeness neutrality condition and zero charge chemical potential, "NEOS BQS" is the equation of state with the strangeness neutrality condition and a fixed charge-to-particle ratio that reflects the proton-to-nucleon number ratio of heavy nuclei such as Au and Pb.

Further instructions and term of use can be found in readme.

Tables (azhydro format):

How to use:


Akihiko Monnai <akihiko.monnai_at_kek.jp>

Björn Schenke <bschenke_at_bnl.gov>

Chun Shen <chunshen_at_wayne.edu>