IPFN-CeFEMA Mini Workshop in Strong Field Physics:
from lasers to QCD
June 25th 2018
Anfiteatro do Complexo Interdisciplinar/Abreu Faro
Ultra intense electromagnetic fields capable of reaching the Schwinger limit are envisioned in near future experiments. This opens a new realm for the exploration of QED, where strong field effects can play an important role. With the goal of exploring the possible connections between these regimes and other well know strong field theories, such as QCD, IPFN, through GoLP, and CeFEMA promote a mini-workshop on these topics with the following program:
14.25 Opening
14.30 Challenges in Strong field Abelian Theories, Sebastien Meuren, Princeton University
15.15 Strong field QED in the laboratory, Thomas Grismayer, IPFN
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 Lessons learned from QCD: Chiral Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Quark and Gluon Condensates, Emilio Ribeiro, CeFEMA & DF
16.45 Open Discussion
17.30 Closing
Please register here (registration is free).
The presentations will be geared towards a general physics audience so all physics students are most welcomed to attend.
Organizing committee: Luis Oliveira e Silva, Emilio Ribeiro, Thomas Grismayer, Marija Vranic, Fábio Cruz, Ana Luisa Matias