
This is the rich tonkotsu pork warriors

Rich Musou Ramen Nori Topping

Uhhhh ~~~~~~!

When I was seated, I saw that there was scale on the cup.

If you make a loud voice, in good faith from the shop owner

I got the char siu service

You can even crush this store depending on my video

Thank you! First from the soup


Even with this, in the thick soup that is muddy

It contains insects and is too angry

I've defeated all the tabletop seasonings!

At the place where the shop side also took the position and received the sincere char siu bowl

Next, the extra-thick noodles with an overwhelming presence

Slurp! I'll kill you!

Hair is contained in the noodles with a crispy texture.

As expected, SUSURU has also entered the kitchen!

By the way, please see his sub-channel to see how the shop owner is sitting down on the ground.