I find in these simple words a profound reason to continuing striving and believing in my work in these cold days. If I give up my belief that America can right itself and resume its progress, I will surely never see all the good things currently happening here: a $12+ minimum wage in four new states, the decriminalization of marijuana in many more, California vowing to launch its own damn satellites to continue the fight against climate change, a post-election flood of donations to groups that will fight Trump, and a resurgent independent bookstore scene that has grown by over 30 percent since 2009, alongside continued growth in book sales in 2016.

After the birth of my first child, I believed in the things society said about how my body should look. I put pressure on myself to lose all the baby weight in three months, and scheduled a small tour to assure I would do it. Looking back, that was crazy. I was still breastfeeding when I performed the Revel shows in Atlantic City in 2012. After the twins, I approached things very differently.

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I hope to teach my son not to fall victim to what the internet says he should be or how he should love. I want to create better representations for him so he is allowed to reach his full potential as a man, and to teach him that the real magic he possesses in the world is the power to affirm his own existence.

He explains that he was much more attached to his brother than to his parents or other siblings. Thus, his emotional world centered on the twin attachment. He has shared that it is exceedingly difficult for him to be on his own, to make an independent decision, and to trust himself in social situations. In other words, the twin connection organized his regulatory needs. Growing up in this insular, private world made it improbable, if not impossible, for him to internalize these behaviors from an adult caretaking figure.

Thank you Tiffany for sharing your conflicts. I do realize how very challenging it is to lose the person who was able to mediate your twin difficulties. I hope you will find your own successful strategies as time goes on. I wish you all the very best.

One of my favorite features of Twin Leaf was their wall of original small frame windows flanking their fermenters and tanks. With the last remnants of dusk streaming through the windows combined with the natural stain wood ceiling and steel beams, it created a feel to their taproom that harkened back to a bygone era. Each color in the taproom was a muted earth tone: grays, browns, and greens. It painted a hazy feel to our evening which is a little hard putting into words.

It is my belief that music is one of the most powerful and effective buoys for hope. It is also my belief that no one is doing this better than these two artists. They work together to weave a sonic tapestry that foretells a different future for our world, one of unity, love, prosperity, and mutual respect.

The story is set 1944-1947 in Europe and the United States. It is told from the alternating points of view of Hungarian twins Arina and Nora, in both the first and the third person. The tale swings between 1944 and 1946 until the earlier time catches up.

Popularizing the duck stamp contest itself is also a win for the natural world the twins draw inspiration from. The competition is often billed as a massive conservation fundraiser, with 98 percent of all proceeds going to wetland conservation. The attention that Kira draws to this cause has not gone unnoticed. In 2021, much to their delight, Kira received a short email from Bob Hautman congratulating them on spreading the word.

The good news is that thanks to developments in research since Alex's passing, there is now a glimmer of hope for Jaci. A team of doctors on the East Coast, one of whom treated Alex, has designed a treatment regimen uniquely tailored to Jaci's form of ALS. The protocols are spelled out in a 100-page application recently submitted to the federal Food and Drug Administration, according to her mother, Lori Hermstad. It's a drug called ASO (Antisense Oligoneucleotides) and she says the hope is that it will turn the bad gene off.

The doctors believe, some nerves can be restored with the treatment. They've told Jaci her cells are ailing but not dead. But it's a race against time. The drug developers are due to meet with Food and Drug Administration officials May 6 and hope to begin clinical trials May 13. But in order to help Jaci, the trials have to go fast and get prompt FDA approval. Her illness is progressing so rapidly that her mother says they wake up every day not knowing what ability she might have lost.

In the sixth century, Pope Felix IV dedicated the basilica of Santi Cosma e Domiano at the Roman Forum, which was formerly a pagan temple. The basilica is a favorite of the faithful, especially for those seeking medical healing with the help of the intercession of the twin brothers. Sts. Cosmas and Damian are patrons of physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, barbers and twins. (The barber business confused me, too. It seems that the connection comes either because surgeons were often also barbers, or because of the fact that the brothers were beheaded, and the head is the part of the body on which a barber works.)

The Bobbsey Twins are the principal characters of what was, for 75 years, the Stratemeyer Syndicate's longest-running series of American children's novels, written under the pseudonym Laura Lee Hope. The first of 72 books was published in 1904, the last in 1979, with a separate series of 30 books published from 1987 through 1992. The books related the adventures of the children of the upper-middle-class Bobbsey family, which included two sets of fraternal twins: Bert and Nan, who were twelve years old, and Flossie and Freddie, who were six.

In the original editions, the first books in the series (like those in previous Stratemeyer series) took place in a clear chronology, with the characters aging as time passed. The Bobbsey Twins: Merry Days Indoors and Out took place over the course of a school year, with Nan and Bert described as eight years old and Freddie and Flossie four. The second book, The Bobbsey Twins in the Country is set at the beginning of the following summer. The second part of the summer is chronicled in The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore, which is written as a direct sequel to the previous book, tying up some plot threads. The fourth book, The Bobbsey Twins at School, begins the next autumn, with Nan and Bert "nearly nine years old" and Freddie and Flossie "almost five." Editors at the Stratemeyer Syndicate quickly realized, at this rate, their young heroes would quickly age beyond their readership, so the later books in the series (and revised editions) take place in a sort of chronological stasis, with the older twins perpetually 12 years old and the younger set 6.

Most of the rewrites were motivated by changing technology (automobiles replacing horses and buggies) or changing social standards, particularly in how Sam and Dinah, the black cook and handyman, were portrayed. The Bobbsey Twins and Baby May received the most extreme rewrite; it is a story about the Bobbsey family's adventures searching for the parents of a foundling baby. Since, by the 1960s, sheer numbers of government agencies rendered the original story utterly implausible, an entirely new novel was written about the twins' adventures with a baseball-playing baby elephant (The Bobbsey Twins' Adventures with Baby May). This, however, had a ripple effect, because the original The Bobbsey Twins at Cloverbank was a sequel to the original Baby May. Thus, a second book, The Bobbsey Twins and the Four-Leaf Clover Mystery, was written. It incorporates little material from the original.[citation needed]

Re-imagined versions of the Bobbsey twins appear in The CW drama Nancy Drew, an adaptation of another Stratemeyer Syndicate series. In the series, the twins are given the full names of Amanda and Gilbert "Gil" and are respectively played by Aadila Dosani and Praneet Akilla.[7]

There are moments when words just aren't necessary and a caring hand is all the heart desires. This can be a team of support to fetch the week's groceries or cook meals, a willing individual to coordinate doctors' appointments, or maybe just a hand-written note to say hello.

a.) Adjust + and - buttons of the SB-28 to vary flash output, which is fill level.

b.) Adjust F100 exposure compensation to vary level of flash and ambient light together

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A routine ultrasound when Natalie was in her 14th week of pregnancy showed the babies were conjoined. Doctors started preparing what they would do and also planned to allow time right after birth to see if there were any surprises before separating them. The conjoined part obviously caused some concern for the parents, but again the fact they were having twins wasn't an issue.

The old Marden house is scheduled for destruction, but before it disappears forever, the elderly Mrs. Marden, now a resident in a nursing home, asks the two sets of Bobbsey twins to recover her hidden valuables. Unfortunately, she cannot remember where she placed them and someone else seems to be after them, too.

Now she is little sweet 2.5 years old and she says "mama" (I cried when she said that magic word), she waves bye bye or hi, she points, she gives "high 5", her joint attention is great and overall she is doing so much better! And that's all because I have been doing everything you described in your books and videos! I. My mind I always play "repetition, repetition and repetition", teaching her everything through play that she so much enjoys!!! I can write forever explaining how much I taught her through yr videos and books! And the most amazing thing is that her speech therapist is a big fan of yours as well so it worked out perfectly since we understand each other and work based on your teachings! The therapist even owns the same books I own ...I am so grateful that my toddler has such an amazing therapist; especially the one that understands autism and is ready for a real challenge! God bless you for all you do and I cannot wait for my toddler blossom.. you gave me hope and lit the light inside me. And I'm determined to work with my girl :)" ff782bc1db

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