0.4.95 (2022-01-22)  Fixes Fix issues with save/open dialog freeze on macOS Monterey. Fix keyboard shortcuts getting blocked by Emoji and Dictation shortcuts on macOS Monterey. Fix animation preview panel clipping glitch on resize. Fix broken tilemap export when document has group layers. Fix for possible crash when pasting if no document frame open. Fix possible crash with shape tools when current layer is a group layer. Fix adjuster focus + keyboard input issues. Fix potential stack overflow when exporting many image layers as separate files. Fix potential stack overflow when exporting many animation frames as separate files. Fix stack overflow when exporting many tiles as separate files.   Improvements Disallow using pixel editing tools on a hidden layer. Keep layer selected when merging layers with 'Apply to next down'. Do not change layer when clicking solo or mute buttons. Support .bmp when importing palette from image. Show tooltip when hovering non-pixel layer with Pen or Fill tool. Fix glitches for 'Not a pixel layer' tooltip with shape tools.  0.4.9 (2020-08-20)  Features Layer groups.   Fixes Fix issue where the save dialog would freeze on macOS Catalina. Fix incorrect alpha on edge of tile when drawing on tile that is rotated 180 degrees. Fix right mouse button-color picking with fill tool not respecting 'use all layers' setting. Fix 'Save As' dialog appearing the first time an existing document is saved after opening. Fix modifier keys state getting stuck as down when tabbing away from window. Fix incorrect recent directory getting chosen on Open after restarting application. Fix key bindings incorrectly getting identified as conflicting when invalid bindings entered into user keybindings json file. Fix crash when drawing outside canvas area under certain conditions. Fix layer name change undo not working properly. Fix moved pixels not getting drawn in the correct order when changing layers. Fix keyboard shortcuts not working after clicking buttons on a layer item. Fix color boxes glitching out when opening the Color Chooser for one of the colors in the Color Replacer tool, swapping 'next color' for each color change. Fixed bug that broke 'Reidentify all layer tiles' with a non-square tile size. Fixed documents getting assigned the same name when importing multiple images/animations. Stroke performance optimization.   Improvements Save and restore currently active layer with pyxel file. Double click layers to edit name and settings quickly. Make the same layer current when duplicating the open document. New HD tool cursors. Better contrast on tool cursors. Don't center content in playback panel on resize (preserve zoom). Cleaned up layer item visuals in Layers panel. Hide Solo and Mute buttons on layer items by default to make the ui cleaner, can still be enabled in the settings. Display mute and solo state on layer eye icon, and toggle solo/mute by holding Alt/Shift when clicking the eye icon. Click outside layer settings popup to confim and close. Layer list performance improvements. More informative messages when using "Merge duplicate tiles", "Remove unused tiles", "Resize tiles", "Resize canvas" or creating a palette gradient. Polished button sizes and layout in various settings panels. Restructured Settings window. Settings are now divided into multiple tabs. 

0.4.8 (2018-07-23)  Fixes Fixed original imported image file getting overwritten with pyxel-format file on save, instead of prompting to save as a .pyxel-file. Fixed saving not prompting for overwrite when importing a file that has the same name as a .pyxel file in the same folder and then saving. This would previously overwrite the .pyxel file without asking. Remember imported file path as document path on drag and dropping images and animated GIFs (this was missed under some circumstances). Fixed Alt-color picking not resetting to the previous tool if the mouse button is released before Alt. Fixed bug that could cause a crash when displaying a popup for a caught error.   Improvements Update the current FG/BG color when done adjusting a palette swatch that is currently selected as FG/BG color. Imported images now result in documents with 'has changes' status. 

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0.4.0 (2016-04-15)  Using the color replace feature no longer takes huge amounts of memory for the undo state.  Fixed automatic tool switching between pen and eraser when picking transparent/opaque color with second mouse button.  Added extras menu with "refresh all tiles in the canvas" item. Moved experimental color replace to extras menu.  Made color picker "Use all layers" setting get remembered between sessions, and shared with pen tool RMB color picking.  Fixed bug where pixels masked off when drawing with Tile mask enabled were lingering in stroke buffer and reappeared when drawing in that region later.  Made pen tool brush preview show Tile mask effect before stroking.  Added undo for layer blend mode changes.  Raised the distance threshold before dragging tileset and palette items, to make accidental dragging harder.  Fixed small error where the marquee selection tooltip displayed the wrong size for 1x1 selections.  Fix misaligned tile/pixel grid rendering  Moved over to captive runtime ("portable") builds for both Win and Mac because of issues with unreliable AIR updates. You no longer need to install Adobe AIR, but you'll need to associate .pyxel files with the program manually for now.  Fixed selection shape not being respected when copying.  Improved selection tool behavior. It now includes the clicked pixel in the selection, which has a minimum with and height of 1 pixel.  Fixed dragdrop of BMP images into app.  Made workspace recent paths update when opening a Recent file from the menu.  Big refactoring of the export panels. Fixed tilemap not exporting only the selected layers.  Fixed "Export tilemap" menu item disabled state when no open doc.  Small bug fixes in export panels. Made transparency matte bg color save with document.  Made transparency matte color selector show in animated GIF export panel.  Fixed using Replace color with transparent colors.  Made transp. matte color get remembered both as app-wide last used setting and per document.  Made palette export/import path get remembered.  Added eraser as a secondary operation for the pen tool.  Made the color replacer tool show colored brush preview instead of outline.  Fixed selection menu items not being deactivated when no open document.  Fixed application window title not updating on saving a document with a new name.  Fixed blend modes not working on copy merged.  Fixed round brush for color replacer tool.  Added a "flip selected"-feature and made it accessible in selection menu (ctrl+F, ctrl+shift+F).  Fixed scrollbar not showing for layer checkboxes in tilemap export panel.  Fixed MMB-panning getting stuck if done after space-panning.  Working eraser with selection mask.  Fixed undo for animation range tool animation range change action.  Fixed tool delegation.  Made brush size increase/decrease using scroll work for all tools responding to the action.  Fixed brush stroke getting in an inconsistent state when changing brush size mid stroke.  Made "other layers transparent on pan" disabled by default.  Added action and menu item for showing settings window.  Fixed bug that made files for layers with identical names get overwritten when exporting image layers as separate files.  Fixed case sensitivity for for file extensions in ImageImporter (could not open upper case .PNG files).  Fixed selections getting the wrong color for selected parts after inverting, which broke the fill tool  Fixed drag and drop.  Fixed issue resulting in a gray screen on startup.  Fixed animation viewport issue when switching frame after zooming.  Fixed frame delay when changing animation, so that it no longer sticks until end of frame.  Fixed animation playback panel buttons not getting deactivated when no document was open.  Added BMP export support.  Fixed layer blend modes not getting loaded properly.  Improved undo behaviour for selection tool.  Moved user config into separate file, so that it survives version updates etc.  Separated config files into settings, keybindings, layout and persistant state.  User keybindings now override defaults based on action or key combination.  Added optional loading of default config files from application directory (for portable version).  Added optional loading of plain text license file from application directory (for portable version)  Improved export dialogs layout.  Made export dialogs remember last used paths per document.  Separated export file name and path inputs.  Added dropdown for recently used paths.  Added control for choosing the background color for formats with limited transparency support (fixes purple semi-transparent pixels in GIFs).  Removed "auto" file format option.  Fixed "Tiles as separate files" option not being remembered.  Fixed crash on closing a unsaved document with changes using the "X" button and choosing yes in save dialog.  Fixed issue where license checking failed if the name began or ended with a space.  Fixed Ctrl+H hiding the application window until restart on Windows.  Added NES palette preset.  Added "Edit settings" menu item to layer right click menus.  Added "=" to zoom in (for US keyboards).  Added setting to disable double click to select tile with selection tool.  Added setting for maximum brush size.  Fixed crash when creating a new document after detaching and closing the preview panel.  Make detached widgets update their title properly.  Refactoring brush stroke system to show exact stroke results during stroke (including erased pixels, blend modes etc.).  Moved onion skins on top of current frame pixel contents.  Fixed issue with glitchy alpha on the edges of tiles with certain transformations.  Added cancelling of strokes by hitting the other mouse button, with setting to enable/disable the feature.  Allowing picking a new color from document or palette while using Replace color or Adjust swatch color.  Added button "Use clipboard size" when making a new single tile document.  Made the animated GIF importer choose the width and height of the document more intelligently to be as close to a square as possible.  Added a dialog with choices "Single tile", "Tiled image" and "Animated GIF", when drag-n-dropping an image from the OS, instead of assuming a tiled image.  Fixed issue when using Replace color on a semi-transparent color.  be457b7860

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