Independent of its category, each concrete stream object will also havevarious capabilities: it can be read-only, write-only, or read-write. It canalso allow arbitrary random access (seeking forwards or backwards to anylocation), or only sequential access (for example in the case of a socket orpipe).

All streams are careful about the type of data you give to them. For examplegiving a str object to the write() method of a binary streamwill raise a TypeError. So will giving a bytes object to thewrite() method of a text stream.

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Binary I/O (also called buffered I/O) expectsbytes-like objects and produces bytesobjects. No encoding, decoding, or newline translation is performed. Thiscategory of streams can be used for all kinds of non-text data, and also whenmanual control over the handling of text data is desired.

Raw I/O (also called unbuffered I/O) is generally used as a low-levelbuilding-block for binary and text streams; it is rarely useful to directlymanipulate a raw stream from user code. Nevertheless, you can create a rawstream by opening a file in binary mode with buffering disabled:

The implementation of I/O streams is organized as a hierarchy of classes. Firstabstract base classes (ABCs), which are used tospecify the various categories of streams, then concrete classes providing thestandard stream implementations.

The abstract base classes also provide default implementations of somemethods in order to help implementation of concrete stream classes. Forexample, BufferedIOBase provides unoptimized implementations ofreadinto() and readline().

At the top of the I/O hierarchy is the abstract base class IOBase. Itdefines the basic interface to a stream. Note, however, that there is noseparation between reading and writing to streams; implementations are allowedto raise UnsupportedOperation if they do not support a given operation.

The BufferedIOBase ABC extends IOBase. It deals withbuffering on a raw binary stream (RawIOBase). Its subclasses,BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedRWPairbuffer raw binary streams that are writable, readable, and both readable and writable,respectively. BufferedRandom provides a buffered interface to seekable streams.Another BufferedIOBase subclass, BytesIO, is a stream ofin-memory bytes.

The TextIOBase ABC extends IOBase. It deals withstreams whose bytes represent text, and handles encoding and decoding to andfrom strings. TextIOWrapper, which extends TextIOBase, is a buffered textinterface to a buffered raw stream (BufferedIOBase). Finally,StringIO is an in-memory stream for text.

IOBase (and its subclasses) supports the iterator protocol, meaningthat an IOBase object can be iterated over yielding the lines in astream. Lines are defined slightly differently depending on whether thestream is a binary stream (yielding bytes), or a text stream (yieldingcharacter strings). See readline() below.

Read and return a list of lines from the stream. hint can be specifiedto control the number of lines read: no more lines will be read if thetotal size (in bytes/characters) of all lines so far exceeds hint.

Raw binary streams typically provide low-level access to an underlying OSdevice or API, and do not try to encapsulate it in high-level primitives(this functionality is done at a higher-level in buffered binary streams and text streams, described laterin this page).

Write the given bytes-like object, b, to theunderlying raw stream, and return the number ofbytes written. This can be less than the length of b inbytes, depending on specifics of the underlying rawstream, and especially if it is in non-blocking mode. None isreturned if the raw stream is set not to block and no single byte couldbe readily written to it. The caller may release or mutate b afterthis method returns, so the implementation should only access bduring the method call.

In addition, those methods can raise BlockingIOError if theunderlying raw stream is in non-blocking mode and cannot take or giveenough data; unlike their RawIOBase counterparts, they willnever return None.

If the argument is positive, and the underlying raw stream is notinteractive, multiple raw reads may be issued to satisfy the byte count(unless EOF is reached first). But for interactive raw streams, at mostone raw read will be issued, and a short result does not imply that EOF isimminent.

Write the given bytes-like object, b, and return the numberof bytes written (always equal to the length of b in bytes, since ifthe write fails an OSError will be raised). Depending on theactual implementation, these bytes may be readily written to theunderlying stream, or held in a buffer for performance and latencyreasons.

When reading data from this object, a larger amount of data may berequested from the underlying raw stream, and kept in an internal buffer.The buffered data can then be returned directly on subsequent reads.

When reading input from the stream, if newline is None,universal newlines mode is enabled. Lines in the input can end in'\n', '\r', or '\r\n', and these are translated into '\n'before being returned to the caller. If newline is '', universalnewlines mode is enabled, but line endings are returned to the calleruntranslated. If newline has any of the other legal values, input linesare only terminated by the given string, and the line ending is returned tothe caller untranslated.

When writing output to the stream, if newline is None, any '\n'characters written are translated to the system default line separator,os.linesep. If newline is '' or '\n', no translationtakes place. If newline is any of the other legal values, any '\n'characters written are translated to the given string.

The initial value of the buffer can be set by providing initial_value.If newline translation is enabled, newlines will be encoded as if bywrite(). The stream is positioned at the start of thebuffer which emulates opening an existing file in a w+ mode, making itready for an immediate write from the beginning or for a write thatwould overwrite the initial value. To emulate opening a file in an a+mode ready for appending, use, io.SEEK_END) to reposition thestream at the end of the buffer.

The above implicitly extends to text files, since the open() functionwill wrap a buffered object inside a TextIOWrapper. This includesstandard streams and therefore affects the built-in print() function aswell.

I am using a NI PCIe-6321 to write digital commands to external hardware. I need a stream writer running in the background while my python code does something else. I seem to have the stream writer working (timing works out), but my external hardware doesn't change. I think the device is writing the wrong type (integers) when the task needs booleans, and I'm not sure why that isn't automatically converted in DigitalSingleChannelWriter.write_many_sample_port_byte.

Also, I have a setup similar to yours (I need the stream_writer to write output continuously without gaps while there are other python threads running, one of which needs to load new data into the DAQ's buffer while the task is running). Does your application feed new commands into the stream_writer or does it just have to repeatedly make the same pattern?

I am trying to extend the python asyncio HTTP server example that uses a streaming reader/writer (code). If I understand it correctly, the example handler read 100 bytes from the reader and echoes it back to the client through the writer. I am trying to read more than 100 bytes... reading until there is nothing more to read would be nice.

I am no tech expert but have set up a python script based on some instructions and code I found elsewhere. It checks the temperature of each room on my evohome setting and posts that via API streams to plotly.

Are python nodes streamable or maybe is there a way to disable these consistency data checks or do something else to increase performance?

Loading and saving the numpy arrays seems like a bad practise to implement a whole chain, when for example you make care only for the resulting numpy array.

Structured Streaming is a scalable and fault-tolerant stream processing engine built on the Spark SQL engine. You can express your streaming computation the same way you would express a batch computation on static data. The Spark SQL engine will take care of running it incrementally and continuously and updating the final result as streaming data continues to arrive. You can use the Dataset/DataFrame API in Scala, Java, Python or R to express streaming aggregations, event-time windows, stream-to-batch joins, etc. The computation is executed on the same optimized Spark SQL engine. Finally, the system ensures end-to-end exactly-once fault-tolerance guarantees through checkpointing and Write-Ahead Logs. In short, Structured Streaming provides fast, scalable, fault-tolerant, end-to-end exactly-once stream processing without the user having to reason about streaming.

Internally, by default, Structured Streaming queries are processed using a micro-batch processing engine, which processes data streams as a series of small batch jobs thereby achieving end-to-end latencies as low as 100 milliseconds and exactly-once fault-tolerance guarantees. However, since Spark 2.3, we have introduced a new low-latency processing mode called Continuous Processing, which can achieve end-to-end latencies as low as 1 millisecond with at-least-once guarantees. Without changing the Dataset/DataFrame operations in your queries, you will be able to choose the mode based on your application requirements.

We have now set up the query on the streaming data. All that is left is to actually start receiving data and computing the counts. To do this, we set it up to print the complete set of counts (specified by outputMode("complete")) to the console every time they are updated. And then start the streaming computation using start().

After this code is executed, the streaming computation will have started in the background. The query object is a handle to that active streaming query, and we have decided to wait for the termination of the query using awaitTermination() to prevent the process from exiting while the query is active. 17dc91bb1f

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