Erg Sales



Prince William Rowing Club (PWRC) has arranged with Concept2 to offer High School  ERG Sprints participants the opportunity to purchase a race ERG after the competition  at a great price!  

Your Concept2 RowErg Indoor Rowers; (standard leg height) with a PM5 monitor will be used by competitive  rowers one day only, 8 Feb 2025, for the Prince William Rowing Club High School ERG  Sprints.  

If you purchased these Indoor Rowers directly from Concept2, the total cost with shipping and tax would be more than $1,100!  After one day of use, the same ERGs are  available for $950. That is $150 savings! These black RowErgs come straight from the  Concept2 factory in Vermont with a full warranty and accessories.  

ERGs will be available for pickup at Battlefield High School immediately following the  PWRC High School ERG Sprints on Saturday, 8 February 2025.  

PWRC will have 16 ERGs available for this deal on a first come, first-serve basis. Priority  will be given to High School Crew programs. Payment in-full must be received by 8  February 2025 or your ERG will be given to the next person on the waitlist.  


To view the Concept2 WEBSITE RowErg with PM5 Monitor see: Concept2  

From Concept2: The Concept2 RowErg has long been recognized by rowers as the standard for indoor  training. It delivers an effective cardiovascular workout that increases fitness levels and exercises every  major muscle group. The RowErg is the same machine used by Olympic- and elite-level athletes to train  for their sports, but can be used by everybody, no matter what workout experience you're after. The  powerful Performance Monitor connects to a wide range of apps, and comes with a device holder that  fits most mobile devices and tablets.