PuTTY SessionManager (PSM) is a tool that allows system adminstrators to organisetheir PuTTY sessions into folders and assign hotkeys to their favouritesessions. This is designed for MS Windows and requires the .NET 2.0Runtime.

PuTTY Connection Manager

 PuTTY Connection Manager was mentioned in the 12 PuTTY add-ons. One of the major missing features in PuTTY is the ability to display multiple sessions in Tabs Which is well done by PuTTY Connection Manager.


Putty Session Manager Download Free

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 SuperPutty is a Windows application used primarily as a window manager for the PuTTY SSH Client. It allows you to embed PuTTY terminal instances inside of a windows form providing a better tabbed interface when multiple connections are used. Additionally SuperPutty has support for using pscp.exe to transfer files to and from a remote host. Local terminal sessions can be started with MinTTY.


 mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote: an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager. mRemoteNG adds bug fixes and new features to mRemote. It allows you to view all of your remote connections in a simple yet powerful tabbed interface. mRemoteNG supports the following protocols:

In the example below, to move the qa-box PuTTY session to the bottom panel, left-click on the qa-box tab and hold the mouse until it displays the panel symbol (which will be like a Plus symbol) in the middle of the screen. Now move the mouse to the bottom of the plus, which will high-light the bottom portion of the screen indicating that the qa-box session will be moved to the bottom panel.

By default, PuTTY session informations are stored in the windows registry, which are not encrypted. If you want to keep the session information (ip-address, session name etc.,) encrypted, you can use the database encryption feature available in the PuTTY CM

Once you've created a secure PuTTY session as mentioned above, you can setup automatic login. i.e you can save the uid/pwd for the individual PuTTY session in the secure database. i.e When you double-click on a particular secure PuTTY session, it will login automatically.

PuTTY Session Manager (PSM) is a tool that allows system adminstrators to organise their PuTTY sessions into folders and assign hotkeys to their favourite sessions. This is designed for MS Windows and requires the .NET 2.0 Runtime.

Hi, the LabView serial port session VIs do not communicate well with my stepper motors (they do not respond to 50% of the stepper motor commands - Excitron stepper motors) I want to create a VI that integrates the PuTTY serial port session manager into LabView so I can use PuTTY within LabView to control my motors. Can someone help please? I have found some mentioning of PIPES to do this but when I try to add it to my block diagram it says its unavailable - that source was from 2006 maybe there is another way now? I am running LabView 2010 for Windows Vista and I am not allowed to download anything over the internet from here - just FYI. Thanks Folks EE

For standard PuTTY configurations, the script attempts to automatically export existing PuTTY configuration settings to a .reg file in your user account's "temporary" folder. If this automated attempt fails, PuTTY session information will need to manually be exported to a .reg file, as in running the following command within a CMD.exe shell window:

This article is part of the on-going Software For Geeks series.


PuTTY Connection Manager was mentioned in the 12 PuTTY add-ons that we discussed a while back. One of the major missing features in PuTTY is the ability to display multiple sessions in Tabs.


PuTTY CM displays multiple PuTTY sessions in Tabs. In this article, let us review in detail the 5 powerful features of the PuTTY Connection Manager that will make PuTTY more enjoyable.


Apart from displaying multiple PuTTY sessions in Tabs, PuTTY CM can also show different PuTTY sessions in panels.


In the example below, to move the qa-box PuTTY session to the bottom panel, left-click on the qa-box tab and hold the mouse until it displays the panel symbol (which will be like a Plus symbol) in the middle of the screen. Now move the mouse to the bottom of the plus, which will high-light the bottom portion of the screen indicating that the qa-box session will be moved to the bottom panel.

Click on File -> New -> Database and enter the appropriate information as shown below to create a secure PuTTY session database. Follow the best practices to create a strong password while choosing the passphrase for the secure database.

Its nice manager for multiple login system. Is it work with Vista?

I was tried but not working if go for login then got the error like follwoing error. Please confirm me someone how can i solve it?.

When I try to connect, I click on the connection manager entry. I see the server page for one second and then it is gone without getting connected. No error messages in log. I had it working when installed in a different windows directory but had to move it because of permission issues. I cleaned out registry. Regular putty works fine. I would really appreciate any help.

thanks ramesh for the above information ,

Can u please tell us how we can change the appearance of data in putty CM,

Right now its black Background with White fonts ,

I want white Background, Black font color ?

but you only have 5 command boxes and the fifth one is neccessary but it is being taken up by the second one. how can i only have a single command line for ssh server1.step3.b1q.example.com. in other words is there another way to trick putty CM into NOT ignoring the first SSH?

How to add delay for logins on Telnet and SSH sessions. When I try telnet or ssh into my linux hosts or switches (based on linux) with Terminals, I believe it sends the login information before the host is ready, and it will not log me in (have to do it manually).

(Optional) You can configure PuTTY to automatically send 'keepalive' data at regularintervals to keep the session active. This is useful to avoid disconnectingfrom your instance due to session inactivity. In theCategory pane, chooseConnection, and then enter the required interval inSeconds between keepalives. For example, if yoursession disconnects after 10 minutes of inactivity, enter 180 to configurePuTTY to send keepalive data every 3 minutes.

(Optional) If you plan to connect to this instance again after this session,you can save the session information for future use. In the Categorypane, choose Session. Enter a name for the session inSaved Sessions, and then choose Save.

WinSCP is a GUI-based file manager for Windows that you can use to upload and transferfiles to a remote computer using the SFTP, SCP, FTP, and FTPS protocols. WithWinSCP, you can drag and drop files from your Windows computer to your Linuxinstance or synchronize entire directory structures between the two systems.

The session manager agent establishes a reverse connection to the service so it is not necessary to, for example, open port 22 on the host. EC2 Instance Connect requires the host security group to permit ssh traffic inbound.

No device shown in device manager and no sound when I plug in. How do I disable the particle drive and install the windows driver please? Also how do I assign a permanent port please? Thanks for helping me.

I cannot seem to get the Kitty Session Manager Portable version to see any sessions that are set up. Is there a specific place that the folder needs to be placed? I am using the Kitty Portable version. I updated the config file but nothing seems to work. I do not know what the Session Manager is looking for as far as seeing the sessions that have been set up. Thanks.

For me the short cut keys cease to work very often. I have to restart the putty connection manager to have it fixed. This is so frustrating that I am thinking of stopping puttyCM usage and search something else. Is this any kind of a bug with puttyCM?

when I double-click the instance in connection manager to coneect to the instance, I see the terminal window for a second and then it is gone. I cannot connect. I had a previous installation which worked better but I had to move it to a new directory

I posted the last Anonymous entry i.e. can't connect and only see terminal window for a second and then it goes away. I am getting the following error in the log:

Unable to find PuTTY sessions (registry key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSimonTathamPuTTYSessions' does not exist)

You can try uninstall and reinstall. If you have a lot of host entries created in connection manager you can reuse the data base file with the new installation so that you do not have to add all of them again.

Sorry..I do not know of a solution to your problem..did you try searching for the word putty in registry editor? If you can't solve the problem with puttycm, there is another utility similar to that..

It's called Poderosa..it can be downloaded from //en.poderosa.org/

when i minimize the puttcm window and open some other windows like word, excel and then again click on puttycm window, it does not get restored on the first click. i sometimes need to click it twice or thrice to get the puttcm window restored. this is sometimes annoying. does any one faced this issue before? anybody has any solution?

Looks like the solution for this problem is to select the check button 'Enable additional timing for putty capture' in Tools -> Options -> Putty . I am not having this issue so could not verify if it works..

Looks like the solution for this problem is to select the check button 'Enable additional timing for putty capture' in Tools -> Options -> Putty . I am not having this issue so could not verify if it works..

I cannot configure session to open within the CM window as a new tab. Each new session opens in a separate window as if I was using Putty alone with the CM. I tried the option you detailed, but it does not resolve this issue. I keep trying. 0852c4b9a8

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